Five minutes of hate news

A select few jews rule the world, and it isn't secretely.
The problem is that it isn't all jews.
It is a few jewish oligarchs who fucking hate us poor working jews. And also use us as convenient shield and scapegoat.

The most annoying part is how most commoner jews close ranks to shield those guys every time they scream "antisemitism" instead of saying "fuck those aristocrats. lets join the goyim to tear down those corrupt rich fucks"

The goyim then go
> why would the commer jews side with the evil pedophile rich jews who rule and exploit them?
> they must be in on the conspiracy!

The conclusion is of course moronic. We are not "in on the conspiracy".
Rather, most commoner jews are just indoctrinated NPCs who have been taught from birth to fear the "antisemite" who is out to get them.

so we don't realize that the rich jews screaming antisemitism are in fact lying.
it is not antisemitism. The rich jews are really guilty.
but we instead protect the aristocrats like good little slaves.
A select few jews rule the world, and it isn't secretely.
The problem is that it isn't all jews.
It is a few jewish oligarchs who fucking hate us poor working jews. And also use us as convenient shield and scapegoat.

The most annoying part is how most commoner jews close ranks to shield those guys every time they scream "antisemitism" instead of saying "fuck those aristocrats. lets join the goyim to tear down those corrupt rich fucks"

The goyim then go
> why would the commer jews side with the evil pedophile rich jews who rule and exploit them?
> they must be in on the conspiracy!

The conclusion is of course moronic. We are not "in on the conspiracy".
Rather, most commoner jews are just indoctrinated NPCs who have been taught from birth to fear the "antisemite" who is out to get them.

so we don't realize that the rich jews screaming antisemitism are in fact lying.
it is not antisemitism. The rich jews are really guilty.
but we instead protect the aristocrats like good little slaves.
That's a surprisingly mature take.

I guess you lived this through first-hand have good investigative-recognition skill.
A select few jews rule the world, and it isn't secretely.
The problem is that it isn't all jews.
It is a few jewish oligarchs who fucking hate us poor working jews. And also use us as convenient shield and scapegoat.

The most annoying part is how most commoner jews close ranks to shield those guys every time they scream "antisemitism" instead of saying "fuck those aristocrats. lets join the goyim to tear down those corrupt rich fucks"

The goyim then go
> why would the commer jews side with the evil pedophile rich jews who rule and exploit them?
> they must be in on the conspiracy!

The conclusion is of course moronic. We are not "in on the conspiracy".
Rather, most commoner jews are just indoctrinated NPCs who have been taught from birth to fear the "antisemite" who is out to get them.

so we don't realize that the rich jews screaming antisemitism are in fact lying.
it is not antisemitism. The rich jews are really guilty.
but we instead protect the aristocrats like good little slaves.

Like I will be frank and openly admit I have never considered myself "Jewish" its just by heritage alone. But apparently I am according to certain groups from the middle east.
Like I will be frank and openly admit I have never considered myself "Jewish" its just by heritage alone. But apparently I am according to certain groups from the middle east.
I mean, isn't heritage basically the most important element of jewishness for jews? Sort of challenging to become an Israeli citizen if you're pureblooded Chinese.
I mean, isn't heritage basically the most important element of jewishness for jews? Sort of challenging to become an Israeli citizen if you're pureblooded Chinese.
Yes, most jews agree that to be a jew you need to be born one.
Judaism does not seek converts.

Although the woke mind virus has resulted in some pretty stupid takes. like "anyone who says is a jew is one and should be let into the country to enjoy the benefits of the tax payers". with some comical and absurd results.
That's a surprisingly mature take.

I guess you lived this through first-hand have good investigative-recognition skill.
lets say a bit of both.
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He's jewish.
My recognition of @mrttao mature take didn't take into account that he was Jewish.
Gee, I wonder why…
Because not all Christians buy into the bullshit of Christian Zionism or anything that resembles pro-Israeli Christianity. To quote Styxhexenhammer666 : "Israel has lost the optics war" and this in turns makes more spiritual people, of all political orientations, have a more critical view of Israel and unfortunately, to some extent, even to people like @mrttao
Crowder is a sue happy scumbag, according to former employee stuck under NDA and intimidation via lawyer.
I mean, all I have gotten so far from it is he is an asshole if an employer from various people who used to work thier.

As well as the NDA was for only two years, so Jared could have easily won tje case, and the whole thing he signed with the can't talk down about Crowder..again easy lawsuits there. He doesn't provide any proof to his claims.

Also, btw, the Christ is King stuff is very dumb. Some people are quite obviously using it to be a dick, and apparently noticing it is somehow anti-Christian? It's quite obvious that there's ways to say Christ is King where the context can make it an awful statement (say, quote tweeting an attack on a synagogue), so it's no surprise that there's ways to say it that can be mean but less awful. This isn't just true for "Christ is King", but any combo of words, you can find a context to make them bad.

I mean, whole innocent phrases can be corrupted. Take "Black lives matter". Without the context of the movement, a totally correct phrase. But when you add context, well... it's marxist and racist.
So what started the whole thing was apperently Owen's liking or retweeting someone who commented about owens leaving DW. Aka being fired.
And that someone posted something and it had christ is King, and started a whole shit storm on Twitter.
A select few jews rule the world, and it isn't secretely.
it isn't all jews.
It is a few jewish oligarchs who fucking hate us poor working jews.
And also use us as convenient shield and scapegoat.

The most annoying part is how most commoner jews close ranks to shield those guys every time they scream "antisemitism" instead of saying "fuck those aristocrats. lets join the goyim to tear down those corrupt rich fucks"
Non-Jewish White oligarchs hate poor working Whites. Jewish oligarchs are the only ones who don't as a rule hate their own ingroup. Many still do, and the extent to which the majority that don't are willing to sacrifice their own interests may be limited, and the leftist dogma that infects most of them may make their decision making in favor of group interests questionable. Still, for a typical White Jewish American member of the ruling elite, the "Jewish" identifier is the only one they do care about.

The major backlash by Jewish elites against Harvard and other major leftist institutions recently proves this. So many investment moguls and highpower attorneys who backed DEI all their professional lives now suddenly care about the injustice. And they are putting their money where their mouths are, both with actual money and by turning against longtime allies and tools. Commoner Jews closing ranks is stupid because the elites have stupid ideas, not because the elites don't care. The idea that atomizing and tribalizing American society would be good for Jews is incorrect but the elites do believe it would leave no tribe stronger than they.
Non-Jewish White oligarchs hate poor working Whites. Jewish oligarchs are the only ones who don't as a rule hate their own ingroup. Many still do, and the extent to which the majority that don't are willing to sacrifice their own interests may be limited, and the leftist dogma that infects most of them may make their decision making in favor of group interests questionable. Still, for a typical White Jewish American member of the ruling elite, the "Jewish" identifier is the only one they do care about.

The major backlash by Jewish elites against Harvard and other major leftist institutions recently proves this. So many investment moguls and highpower attorneys who backed DEI all their professional lives now suddenly care about the injustice. And they are putting their money where their mouths are, both with actual money and by turning against longtime allies and tools. Commoner Jews closing ranks is stupid because the elites have stupid ideas, not because the elites don't care. The idea that atomizing and tribalizing American society would be good for Jews is incorrect but the elites do believe it would leave no tribe stronger than they.
The backlash against harvard is because they feel personally threatened. Suddenly their policies went from hurting the poor to hurting themselves.
This like how all the people who fly in private jets are for cutting down the use of fossil fuels... but only for commoners. The moment we pass a law banning private jets, forbidding a person from owning more than 1 car per person, banning muscle cars, and other restrictions that affect them you will see a lot of them doing a 180 on it.

Also, not every millionaire is an oligarch.
A guy who owns a single mcdonnalds might be bringing in 2 million a year in profit and then spends it all on his mansion and yacht is not in control of anything.

That being said...
I tend to attribute things like "hey lets destroy our culture and tradition" to "they hate us"... and to an extent they do. but some of them are genuinely "greater good" true believers who genuinely believe that destroying our culture and tradition is "for your own good".

but... even then it is still hate. just that "they hate us (for being evil in their mind) and want us reformed into something they consider good" instead of "they hate us and want us to die screaming"
I tend to attribute things like "hey lets destroy our culture and tradition" to "they hate us"... and to an extent they do. but some of them are genuinely "greater good" true believers who genuinely believe that destroying our culture and tradition is "for your own good".
It's much scarier once you realize that almost all of them genuinely believe they are doing it for your own good. That's not a good thing, btw. That's a black pill right there.

Also, the backlash against Harvard is the same as the backlash against illegal immigration in NY or the backlash against trans kids once its taught by teachers in their district: it's a sudden realization, once faced with IMBY consequences, that the policies you thought were fine weren't. This is how allies are acquired when you have the correct side: people suddenly realizing (usually for a selfish reason) that what they thought was correct was BS. Now you have the chance to shift their fundamental beliefs based on them suddenly realizing their current ones are crap, while usually that's near impossible.

There is a link now betwee Ukraine and Daesh/Islamic State of Iraq and Syria apparently.

This apparently with the unspoken blessing of European leadership despite all of the terrorist attacks in Western Europe.

So, our worst enemies in the Levant and Middle East somehow seem to be in conjuction with Ukraine.

I thought our leadership was spineless but turns out they are cunning cutthroats and turncoats.

"Fun" times to be alive.

There is a link now betwee Ukraine and Daesh/Islamic State of Iraq and Syria apparently.

This apparently with the unspoken blessing of European leadership despite all of the terrorist attacks in Western Europe.

So, our worst enemies in the Levant and Middle East somehow seem to be in conjuction with Ukraine.

I thought our leadership was spineless but turns out they are cunning cutthroats and turncoats.

"Fun" times to be alive.

No. It simply doesn't line up with known facts well enough to disprove the null hypothesis (it was IS-K). There's always been these kinds of terrorist attacks against Russia, before and after the Ukraine stuff. This isn't even the worst one in memory (both the apartment bombings and the airplane bomb did more). They happen every other year practically, for 2 and a half decades. Nor is this the first time the US has warned Russia about a terrorist attack (Putin thanked Trump for a tip off, for example).

Also, that's not what Russell Brand's video even claimed.
Yeah that is all bullshit.

There is a link now betwee Ukraine and Daesh/Islamic State of Iraq and Syria apparently.

This apparently with the unspoken blessing of European leadership despite all of the terrorist attacks in Western Europe.

So, our worst enemies in the Levant and Middle East somehow seem to be in conjuction with Ukraine.

I thought our leadership was spineless but turns out they are cunning cutthroats and turncoats.

"Fun" times to be alive.

This does not have any evidence to prove otherwise.
ISIS had the video of the shooting.
Ukraine wouldn't do this, because they do not target civilians
No. It simply doesn't line up with known facts well enough to disprove the null hypothesis (it was IS-K). There's always been these kinds of terrorist attacks against Russia, before and after the Ukraine stuff. This isn't even the worst one in memory (both the apartment bombings and the airplane bomb did more). They happen every other year practically, for 2 and a half decades. Nor is this the first time the US has warned Russia about a terrorist attack (Putin thanked Trump for a tip off, for example).

Also, that's not what Russell Brand's video even claimed.
Second video is talking about that. I should have specified. But I should have specified.

I am still on the fence how supposedly the US knew in advance and they were quick to say it was not their faults.
Ukraine wouldn't do this, because they do not target civilians
And Iraq had WMDs and US brought democracy....and other jokes you can tell yourself.
Second video is talking about that. I should have specified. But I should have specified.

I am still on the fence how supposedly the US knew in advance and they were quick to say it was not their faults.
Ah, I couldn't understand that one.

As for US intelligence, my first guess would be the same way they usually are: SigInt. There's a chance at HumInt, but that's rarer. There's simply no one better at SigInt than the US though, and IS-K being stupid enough about it would be enough for a warning. Likely they were good enough about it that no solid warning could be given, otherwise Russia would have stopped it (this attack doesn't help them). But now the US gets to claim that Russia's incompetent because it's correct warning wasn't responded to well.

Also, my guess (Note what follows is a guess, not something I know to be true, but something I think is likely true) is that there are actually a ton of countries warning a ton of other countries about a lot of possible terrorism, and some of those warnings end up not being correct (not lies, just the info is wrong). This is the same thing with Israel getting some warnings of an attack and not stopping it on October 7th.

Basically there are warnings ("we think something might happen") and Warnings ("X is going to do Y soon, using people in these pictures"). The first type get tossed around a bunch, and if an attack happens anyway, the countries that don't like each other say "I told you, why didn't you listen?"
Ah, I couldn't understand that one.
My bad.
As for US intelligence, my first guess would be the same way they usually are: SigInt. There's a chance at HumInt, but that's rarer. There's simply no one better at SigInt than the US though, and IS-K being stupid enough about it would be enough for a warning. Likely they were good enough about it that no solid warning could be given, otherwise Russia would have stopped it (this attack doesn't help them). But now the US gets to claim that Russia's incompetent because it's correct warning wasn't responded to well.
Still a bit too convenient.
Also, my guess (Note what follows is a guess, not something I know to be true, but something I think is likely true) is that there are actually a ton of countries warning a ton of other countries about a lot of possible terrorism, and some of those warnings end up not being correct (not lies, just the info is wrong). This is the same thing with Israel getting some warnings of an attack and not stopping it on October 7th.
Basically there are warnings ("we think something might happen") and Warnings ("X is going to do Y soon, using people in these pictures"). The first type get tossed around a bunch, and if an attack happens anyway, the countries that don't like each other say "I told you, why didn't you listen?"
Just as I mentioned beforehand, it sounds too convenient.

The timing, the mode which the warning and wording was made...considering how the current administration had lied on COVID, I will not be inclined to believe anything that comes from them as "true"...there have been too many precedents to not trust any establishment but especially the current one in D.C.

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