Fallout Fallout; Legion Arise [Fallout AU-OC]

Chapter 1. Ab Incunabulis

Paladin Wulfen

Well-known member
Good Ladies and Gentlemen ... I am Paladin Wulfen and I come to teach you ... What if the Leader of the Caesar's Legion had a son. Octavian.

PD: I would like to apologize for some mistakes. English is not my mother tongue, since I am Spanish.
  • April 17: Charlie Company of the 1st Reconnaissance Battalion of the New California Republic Army, is assigned to Camp McCarran, to direct anti-insurgency work motivated by the hostilities carried out by the raider gang called "Fiends". The Company will be relegated to surveillance tasks where their specialty as marksmen will mean that the Fiends will not directly attack Camp McCarran but will harass the patrols coming from it or outside.
  • May 12: The so-called Burning of New Canaan occurs where the raider tribe "White Legs" under the guidance of Agent Frumentarii "Ulysses" attack the city when most of its defenders led by Joshua Graham, formerly Commander in Chief of the forces of the Legion of Cesar, they leave the city to answer a call for help. The White Legs bombarded the city, before its inhabitants could mount an effective defense. Few managed to flee the city into the surrounding countryside. The White Legs ruthlessly killed everyone, including the elderly, the sick, and children.
  • June 25: Operation Racket begins; Caesar's Legion will begin a periodic bribery shipment to the Omerta of New Vegas with the ultimate goal of inducing as much chaos as possible during the Legion's military campaign across the Mojave.
  • September 5: A riot instigated by the revolutionary Samuel Cooke begins at the Southern Nevada Correctional Center, owned by the NCRCF, where the convicts manage to win due to the low presence of guards due to the requisition of troops by order of General Oliver Lee. The later called Powder Gangers would use the prison as their main base of operations.
  • September 20: Following the events of September 5 at the New California Republic Correctional Facility, a herd of Deathclaws establish themselves in the Quarry Junction quarry. The NCR is forced to close the I-15 route due to the dangerous proximity to the deathclaws of Quarry Junction.
  • October 5: In an operation carried out by Caesar's Legion Frumentarii agents, Camp Searchlight becomes highly radioactive as a result of opening the radioactive waste containers stored at the fire station.
  • October 8: At Cottonwood Cove, a landing occurs by the Caesar's Legion. Cottonwood Cove would become the Legion forces' largest camp on the western side of the Colorado River, the Legion would use this important foothold in Nevada to bring in troops and supplies from Caesar's main base at Fortification Hill.
  • October 19: The Battle of Nelson occurs where the NCR loses control of the population of Nelson in front of an enemy force half its number, Although outnumbered, the legionaries quickly invaded the defenses, killing most of the soldiers of the NCR and executed the rest by throwing them into the Colorado River in full view of the observers at Camp Forlorn Hope.
  • October 20: The Nipton Massacre occurs where forces led by the leader of the Frumentarii of the Legion of Cesar "Vulpes Inculta", systematically massacre the population of Nipton leaving Boxcars and Oliver Swanick as the only survivors to the Powder Gangers, suffering the first having broken legs.
  • October 22: The Second Battle of Nelson occurs where the NCR manages to expel the Legion from Nelson thanks to the support of an independent contractor known as the Courier.
  • November 5: In Boulder City, the Boulder City Incident occurs; in which a group of Great Khan had attacked an NCR unit before the former retreat to the ruins of the city. The situation ends when a few hours later the contractor known as Courier arrives in the area and manages to extract the hostages before finishing off the Great Khans.
  • November 15: The Courier manages to eliminate the leaders Fiends Violet; Rabid Pack leader, Cook-Cook; leader of the South Vegas ruins group apart from rapist of several NCR soldiers alongside Driver Nephi; important member of the gang.
  • November 17: The Leader of the Fiends; Motor-Runner is executed at the hands of the Courier on the orders of Colonel James Hsu of the NCR. The death of Motor-Runner fuels chaos within the Fiends and reduces the insurgency by limiting itself to clashes caused by the approach to Fiends camps by NCR troops.
  • November 20: The King; leader of the dominant Freeside gang with the help of the Courier manages to establish peaceful relations with the NCR after discovering that internal elements of the Kings' own organization led by the King's lieutenant; Pacer encouraged aggressiveness against the NCR.
  • November 21: The Lucky 38 opens its doors for the first time and allows the Courier to enter.
  • November 22: Benny, leader of the Chairmen and Casino Tops is assassinated at the hands of the Courier due to a personal matter, at the same time the sighting of Vulpes Inculta is reported in the New Vegas area.
  • November 25-30: Between November 25 and 30, the Courier begins an investigation by all the casinos on the Strip uncovering heinous crimes such as cannibalism, murder, prostitution and recording of snuff material.
  • December 1: Robert Edwin House the self-styled president, CEO, and sole proprietor of the New Vegas Strip in the Mojave Wasteland is killed by the Courier on the orders of Colonel Cassandra “Red Bear” Moore.
  • December 4: Thanks to the Courier, the xenophobic “Boomers” tribe established in the Nellis AFB begins their support for the NCR as Courier manages to re-float the sunken Boeing B-29 Superfortress in Lake Mead.
  • December 15: On Cesar's orders, the Lanius Legacy is deployed in the Mojave Theater. The measures taken by the Commander in Chief of the Legion together with the arrival of veterans such as the Centuria Red Okie encourages an increase in combat actions against the NCR
  • December 20: A Courier-led operation takes place where the NCR expels the Great Khan from the Mojave region. Papa Khan survives the operation and ends up radicalizing against the NCR.
  • December 23: The NCR conducts Operation “Hammerhead” aimed at raiding the Brotherhood of Steel Bunker in Hidden Valley. The Operation ends with a BOS withdrawal to the North.
  • January 1: The Second Battle of Hoover Dam takes place; 10,000 NCR soldiers along the Mojave having as key points in order of greatest to least; Hoover Dam, Camp McCarran and Forlorn Hope. The help of the B-29 Bomber "Boomer One" is important along with the Courier which kills the Lanius Legacy in combat.
  • January 5: Caesar, born Edward Sallow, the leader, dictator and co-founder of Caesar's Legion dies of a brain tumor in the city of Flagstaff. The news trickles down to NCR, which celebrates it.
  • January 6: The Caesarian Civil War begins
  • January 8: Operation Kimball begins; the Armed Forces of the New California Republic invades Arizona facing heavy resistance at the hands of the Legion forces.
Chapter 1. Ab Incunabulis

: Flagstaff, Arizona, Four States Commonwealth.
Date: January, 10.

The turmoil within the former Northern Arizona University and now "Caesar's Palace" was more than remarkable. What was once a place teeming with slaves and praetorians, now lacked the former and was more inhabited than the latter. Praefectus Praetorio Lucius, leader of the Praetorian Guard, led the Flagstaff defense organization with a scant 2,000 men, including legionaries recently graduated from their training, veterans in Flagstaff, and the five hundred men of the Praetorian Guard.

As Octavian walked the corridors, he could barely avoid having to stop when he passed a group of warriors. Finally he reached the desired door and when he opened the wooden door, he saw that there were X people in the room. Lucius; Praefectus Praetorio, Appio; praefectus urbanus, Attilio; Praefectus vigilum: Prefect of the Vigiles together with Fabius; praefectus annonae ("Prefect of the Provisions").

"Ave Caesar." They all saluted in front of Octavian's entrance.

Octavian was what Caesar despised in a way; a young man of 1.80, without a developed musculature as other young people of his age would have, hair cut short at the sides of dark color and an ornate outfit similar to those worn by other Legionaries.

“Octavian… We were discussing the defense of Flagstaff. According to speculatores, the NCR army has already taken Kingsman and is supported by restored tanks along with trucks that have been hauling artillery pieces. Some pieces of artillery are even rocket launchers. Lucius said as he moved several pieces in the shape of soldiers and cannons on top of a map of Arizona, placed on a table.

"Do we know how many? “I ask seriously. He approached and watched with some horror as the pieces occupied a good part of the left side of Arizona. "It is said that about fifty thousand together with a hundred tanks and at least the same number of artillery."

Octavian was silent as the men, veterans who had fought in Caesar's tribal campaigns, discussed and posed tactics. Lucius said to promote a Spartan defense while they waited for the other Legions and units of the "Empire" dispersed throughout the occupied territory exercising peacekeeping and garrison tasks, to return to expel the enemy. Appius encouraged an attack before they reached the city, while Fabius spoke of a scorched earth tactic and sabotage, while using the explosive collars of the slaves to launch them against the NCR lines. A brainstorm was going on but then Octavian interrupted with a simple question. "What weapons do we have?" That made everyone look at Lucius. The Praetorian, almost a father to the young "prince" sighed knowing that the answer was not pleasant. "Gladius, Spears, pistols, shotguns, some hunting rifles and the personal weapons of the Praetorian Guard apart from dynamite and Molotov cocktails"

The answer made it clear that in this area the NCR had the advantage, at least every NCR soldier was equipped with AR-15 Service Rifles, 9mm pistols and a combat knife. And that's not counting the training they had.

“Defending the city by conventional means is out of the question. The NCR will fight house to house, street to street supported by their tanks, armored soldiers even as heard from the hands of Vulpes who are using planes to drop bombs on our camps or fortified positions. " I said thinking and remembering a book I had read called The Fall of Berlin 1945. The similarity was overwhelming.

“Flagstaff will fall. That is a great truth. But it depends on how it falls. " He said seriously before looking at those present. "Do we know anything about Promagistrate Anthony and El Paso?" The silent and immobile faces gave the negative. Promagistrate Anthony was one of the Legion's best commanders, but his ideas were rejected due to his liberalism. "According to the latest reports, he was fighting a tribe called Texas Rangers who apparently acted like the Desert Rangers his father faced years ago."

"We need someone to put up a resistance in the capital ... What time to withdraw to prepare a good counterattack and thus exp ..." My speech was interrupted by the appearance of a legionary with the typical outfit of speculators, the exploration service and recognition. "Bird. Castrum Navajo has fallen to the profligates and their chariots. " That made Lucius grunt in disgust. Castrum Navajo was a mere six miles away. "Prepare to withdraw, burn anything of importance, be it documents, any photographs." I reported before Lucius looked at me seriously.

Lucius' gaze transmitted a message without having to open his mouth to make sounds. But he did anyway. “The Praetorian Guard and their veterans stay. Give up and survive. " Lucius's face was stony and Octavian Sallow understood that he was not going to retreat. "The Guard dies, it does not surrender!" It resounded in his mind remembering those most suitable words at that moment.

Location: Twin Arrows, Arizona, Four States Commonwealth.
Date: January, 10

Twin Arrows was perhaps the least expected place where the Prince would rest. The sound of artillery bombarding Flagstaff echoed even thirty-five kilometers away. A distance that was normal for a Legionnaire to travel.
Chapter 2. Adsumus
Location: Twin Arrows, Arizona, Four States Commonwealth.
Date: January, 11

Twin Arrows was originally established as a commercial and resting place, the Legion despite its “radical” slavery policy, favored the imposing trade a lot of reasonable taxes apart from the fact that they cleaned their territories of any hostile or corrupt elements; If you stole, robbed or committed a crime, you were punished according to the crime, most of the time you were crucified and served as an example. In other cases, you were brutally executed. This system of punishment and cleansing encouraged the territory of the legion to be abandoned by groups of bandits and criminals and the only danger was the fauna.

Twin Arrows prospered because of that, everyone who passed by could stop and rest without fear of having their throats cut at night or robbed. This is probably why, when John Wilson saw me and the Legionaries approaching, he was not scared as they could have been in Nevada or California. No ... A legionnaire indicated security and prestige at the same time, because if they stopped to eat at your place or sleep, it would mean that your food was good and your beds comfortable.

Those thoughts ran through my mind until the sound of the door being knocked weakly, made me see it and see the slim silhouette of John Wilson. "Lord Octavian. If you want breakfast, i have prepared sandwiches ... ""Okay "I answered before getting up. When I went out and looked out, I could see how the century was eating at some secluded tables watching the west.

As he descended the steps he met who would be Lucius' successor, his adopted son "Julius Agrippa". Julius was someone who certainly stood out. An aspect that screamed warrior from the rooftops, while maintaining a “clean” appearance as much as possible: short hair, hardly any beard and without giving off an unpleasant smell. Cesar's hygienic measures regarding it, made many ancient tribals see it with pleasure. It reduces the risk of infection and the spread of disease because some were not cleaned enough. "Imperator. The night has been quiet and the men have rested well, Mr. Wilson has donated supplies of food for our trip. " My gaze focused on Julius. "Donated or requisitioned" I asked seriously, the least I wanted was to get on badly with an Innkeeper who gave information to the NCR or the Rebels. “Donated. I offered him a golden gift in gratitude. ” I nodded in agreement with that.

After having breakfast and gathering my things, I decided to get back on track. The next stop was Winslow at fifty-five kilometers.
Location: Winslow, Arizona, Four States Commonwealth.
Date: January, 11.

Winslow was shrouded in orderly chaos. People collected things and loaded their caravans with their valuables. The news of the Fall of Flagstaff had already come. According to the refugees, Lucius and the Praetorians had fought until the NCR air force using various aircraft which dropped several high-powered bombs.

As we got closer we saw a group of Legionaries led by a Decani. The men were armed with M14 combat rifles except for one holding a Browning Automatic Rifle. The one from the BAR saluted with a blow to the chest before raising his hand as they dictated legionary discipline in front of a fellow Legionnaire. "Hail, Decani Severus of the Winslow garrison. Are you from Flagstaff? " The man asked before Julius answered.“We escorted Caesar's son to Castrum El Paso. The profligates have bombed Flagstaff after we left. What are the motives behind this chaos? " He asked without letting myself speak, just looking around. “The news of the fall has reached here. Centurion Cassius has received orders from Praetor Venator to leave town. " My eyes shifted to the Decani.

"Under what authority does Praetor Venator act in the Arizona territories?" I asked putting myself in front of the Decani which I swallowed when it was noticed that he was speaking to me directly. “He has taken control of New Mexico… And executed anyone who doubts his authority. He has issued information that he has died or been taken prisoner by the profligates. " A growl echoed in my throat as I noted that dissidents and renegades were already beginning to emerge. Logically, my father never bothered to establish a effective chain of succession.

“You are now under my command. How many men are there in this garrison? " The Decani looked at his companions before replying "A hundred men." That was fine, I thought as I noticed how the news of newcomers attracted new legionaries. What could quickly be identified as a Centurion soon appeared. His red-crested helmet made him easy to identify. As the officer approached, it did not take too long to be informed of the situation and who my men and I were.

Extending his arm forward, straight, palm down and raised, the Centurion saluted me. "Ave. I am the Cneo Centurion of the 4th Legion, 6th Cohort, 2nd Manipulate 1st Century. " I nodded slowly processing all the information. “Centurion Cneo, from now on you are under my command. Order to set up camp and prepare to march, the dissolute forces of the NCR are approaching and I prefer that my men do not fight a battle that I know we are going to lose. " Before that information several soldiers cocked their heads, the thought of retreat was something unusual and it used to be punished with death or the Decimatio. "We retreat, Domine?" "Do you see yourself capable of facing an NCR army made up of soldiers with power armor, tanks, and aircraft support?" Ask by answering your question. The Centurion's eyes lowered noting that although it was something that many would not do, retreat was the most logical option to stay alive. “If he faces an enemy force superior in everything, it is not a dishonorable retreat. Better to live to fight usefully than to die uselessly. " I said before trying to encourage the centurion that he turned and began barking orders to his men, who quickly obeyed.


It took four hours for the entire garrison to be ready to march. I had increased my force from 50 Legionnaires including 10 Praetorians to 150, a good thing all in all.
Say, does Octavian have any "brothers"? Because I can see Caesar, a man of a former religiosity unbound by morality and loving in much strength, power, greed, lust and ambition to have had his pick of women

Slaves and Free, on a near-daily basis

Unless he bothered with a condom or always checked for periods, he'd have hundreds to thousands of bastards in the decades he's been a wasteland warlord
Can be. At the moment this chapters focus on the "Interregnum", I will only say that ... The Legion is not what it seems inside and that not everything is as Luddite as it is believed.
Can be. At the moment this chapters focus on the "Interregnum", I will only say that ... The Legion is not what it seems inside and that not everything is as Luddite as it is believed.

I think its said before that legion-life with horrible treatment of all women for example, is mostly just in the legion/army, when you’re in the settlements it’s much nicer or closer to ordinary and you can be glad you’re not being attacked by raiders
I think its said before that legion-life with horrible treatment of all women for example, is mostly just in the legion/army, when you’re in the settlements it’s much nicer or closer to ordinary and you can be glad you’re not being attacked by raiders

The truth is that this has its truth and its myth.
The Legion as you see it is a traveling army similar to a kind of great horde that never stops except for Flagstaff that uses it as Winter Barracks for the rest of the troops and preparation of new campaigns apart from Caesar's Palace. For this reason, the image that is seen of women is of mere servile tools or for reproductive purposes and since only slaves have been seen and no "wife" of a Legionnaire, it only emphasizes that myth even more. But the truth is that the resemblance to the Legion and the Roman Empire is also close in that aspect because the slaves in the Republic or Roman Empire were mere furniture with a voice. Yes. You read well, furniture with a voice. This made many Romans end up committing unimaginable perversions with their slaves with total impunity, the third servile war (that of Spartacus) made the Roman people treat their slaves less harshly for fear that another revolt would break out.

While the women of the Legion, I suppose they would have the same respect that they would give their husband but not as much. For example; the wife of a centurion would be respected for who her husband is, but her husband's superiors would treat her with total freedom, but not without crossing the line either. I do not know if I explained well.

The only women who are fully respected and protected would be the Priestesses of Mars, who acted in a similar way to the Vestals in Ancient Rome where they were viewed with veneration and respect in extremis since they safeguarded the sacred Fire of Vesta also colloquially called the Flame of Rome
Chapter 3. Omnipotens Mars
Location: Winslow, Arizona, Four States Commonwealth.
Date: January, 11

The Centurion Gnaeus turned out to be a non-tribal officer. The Legion, despite the great mass of tribals that make up its armies, assimilated communities of Survivalists. These Survivalists, survivors accustomed to harshness and austerity, were welcomed into the Caesarian force, perhaps because their lifestyle resembled that of the Legion; disciplined, little given to luxuries and with a misogenesis where women were seen as an object of sexual or reproductive entertainment. Something that according to Octavian saw in a certain way wrong and unethical although it did not deny the usefulness of slaves.

Winslow was left behind being sacked by the population while the garrison retreated following the "Puppy of Caesar". The next town would be Holbrook, according to what he remembered, Holbrook was known as "the city too tough for women and churches" but when Caesar arrived, it proved not as tough as they claimed.

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Location: Holbrook, Arizona, Four States Commonwealth.
Date: January, 11

The fire and gunfire along the columns of smoke announced that Holbrook was already in the grip of anarchy. As we got closer, it could be seen how some corpses of what looked like Legionnaires in which they had been beaten and stabbed even tortured lay in the streets. But the sounds of gunfire continued to the east. Soon the reason for the shots could be seen: In the Temple of Mars, following the Cesarian style of construction, the temples were built around a wall to serve as a “fortress” if necessary. Which now proved its usefulness, as an enraged horde tried to storm the walls made of stones and scrap metal, while the defenders made up of young men and priestesses defended themselves. The image of women dedicated to the cult of Mars and Caesar fighting alongside the men was something unusual but soon the Centurion Gnaeustook a step forward, drawing his Gladius; a machete that although it did not resemble the original design of Roman swords, it fulfilled its function with proven efficiency.

"Legionaries ! A Temple of the Legion is being assaulted by dissolute and barbarians… You are going to allow them to desecrate such a place” Shouted Centurion Gnaeus under the gaze of the Legionaries who answered with a drawing of machetes and the sound of weapons being loaded. “For Mars !!” Under that battle cry. The Legionaries began to run, wielding machetes and spears, which, like ancient Olympic athletes, they threw. The spears flew and ended up hitting the backs of the men farthest from the walls, causing the rest to look back to see how a hundred legionaries impacted on the crowd. The screams of pain and rage were mitigated by the roar of the point-blank shots along with the blood splattering bodies along with the bodies being torn apart. While from the temple, it was fired on a kind of anvil and hammer.

Octavian threw himself into the fray with the Praetorians, who opened a protective circle preventing any enemy from approaching his Imperator while destroying flesh and bones with each blow they made with their Power Fists. Thirty minutes of fighting passed until finally silence except for the groans of pain from the dying "rebels" who were silenced by merciful Legionnaires who executed them either by stabbing them with a spear or by slaughtering them with their machetes.

As the Legionaries looted the corpses and stocked up on supplies, the doors of the Temple opened, giving way to a woman followed by others carrying bowls full of water, the “leader” clothing was red, highlighting her loyalty to the Legion. "I am the Priestess Vipsania ... This is the Temple of Mars Victor" Octavian stepped forward, revealing himself outside the Praetorians. “I am Octavian, Son of Caesar. What has happened? " Said the young man before the priestesses bent their knees as well dictated by the Caesarian doctrine regarding female submission to men and more to the son or in this case grandson of Mars. “Legionaries… traitors to their authority came and reported their father's death. Oh great Imperator. They gathered up the most veteran and battle hardened Legionnaires and left for the East leaving the youth. After a few hours, the inhabitants began to kill the legionaries with impunity, even kidnapping some priestesses, who came to defile and defile in a perverse way. The Legionaries ended up taking refuge in the temple and we were forced to raise arms for the defense of the Temple ”As the Priestesses explained, it was seen how several young Legionaries including some wounded came out and greeted their comrades in arms thanking them for the rescue. The most remarkable thing was a one-eyed young man. “My men and I marched to the South-East. You can stay or come. But from the West come the legions of Dissolute Bears who conquered Flagstaff. " At that news, the women nodding, beginning to get up and go inside the religious complex. "Legionary. Who you are ?" The young legionnaire took a step forward showing how a cut ran across his face crossing his right eye. "Canis Legionnaire, Imperator." He said giving a martial punch to the chest. "What happened to your face?" "One of the inhabitants attacked me with a machete ... I managed to kill him while he wounded me" A slight nod confirmed my approval of this explanation. "Report to the Centurion Gnaeus... From now on you are under his command." The Legionnaire nodded before looking for the aforementioned.
Legionnaires kidnapping and raping the priestesses

Reminds me, I recall that guy being interrogated by the NCR turning out to really not believe much in Caesar and recognized him to be just another human being

I guess a bunch of others also realized that the Legion like many other tribals are just a bunch of weird chuunibyou syndrome types who decided to worship Elvis only to know deep down the truth was far more mundane pre-war
Legionnaires kidnapping and raping the priestesses

Reminds me, I recall that guy being interrogated by the NCR turning out to really not believe much in Caesar and recognized him to be just another human being

I guess a bunch of others also realized that the Legion like many other tribals are just a bunch of weird chuunibyou syndrome types who decided to worship Elvis only to know deep down the truth was far more mundane pre-war

Ah .... No. I mean .... Although the confusion is normal, the Legion troops remained to some extent "away" to any act that involves damaging the priestesses, it was the civilian inhabitants of the population who rose up against the Temple. The Legionaries who came took the most resistant and veteran soldiers and left the young and inexperienced to their fate with the Temple.
Ah .... No. I mean .... Although the confusion is normal, the Legion troops remained to some extent "away" to any act that involves damaging the priestesses, it was the civilian inhabitants of the population who rose up against the Temple. The Legionaries who came took the most resistant and veteran soldiers and left the young and inexperienced to their fate with the Temple.

Okay, I’m guessing news of Caesar’s death is sort of partially disillusioning the population on the propaganda
Chapter 4. Into the Apaches
Location: Holbrook, Arizona, Four States Commonwealth.
Date: January, 11

A map was spread out on a table, the map had been painted and showed annotations made crudely but with a rather elaborate calligraphy. Octavian stared at the map, wondering what to do. The New Mexico territories had been absorbed by the Praetor Venator. the Frumentarii leader of the Province of New Mexico before Caesar's death. Judging by what was explained by the Priestesses and the legionaries, after Caesar's death and the start of the Invasion, Venator started a purge executing the regional governor and opponents of him, which caused many legionaries to flee from those territories or even turn back. renegades attacking anyone. The direct approach to Malpais once called Albuquerque but since Lanius conquered it several years ago, the city has been remodeled and renamed.

Soon Octavian's gaze, following Holbrook's low finger to Apache territories. Territories that neither Malpais nor Caesar managed to conquer, much less Lanius, as the natives ended up proving to be outstanding warriors and with a gift when it came to tame wild beasts. Some said they used Yao guai in battle, but they gave a supply of seasoned warriors and veterans to the Legion. Hopefully the Apaches would not be hostile and accept them as friends...

================================================= ===============

Location: Show-Low, Arizona, Four States Commonwealth.
Date: January, 14

In the end, by decision to alleviate the wear and tear and give a proper burial to the defenders of the Holbrook Temple, it was decided to rest that night in town. Although an order was given for a person to approach the settlement and have no reason to come, be executed on the spot. It was hard, but more was the risk that those who came would attack us from behind.

Finally, the journey south went by without too much trouble. An eight-hour drive through the wilderness to Snowflake, where we made camp in an old Mormon church. I felt uncomfortable sleeping under the same roof as the Burned Man god. I got to know him before his fall after the First Battle of Hoover Dam, he was the one who taught me how to disassemble, clean and assemble my pistol, a Colt M1911.

The next morning we resumed our march, ahead of the scouts, in the center the recruits, veterans and closer to the carts pulled by some Brahmins who had survived the disturbances in Holbrook. In the carts were the priestesses and the wounded or those who needed to spend time in the shade due to the danger of suffering from heat stroke. But the surprise was when we got to Show-Low. A group of Apache warriors, where their leader stood out for the use of a helmet that seemed to be made with a Deathclaw skull.

Escorted by the Praetorians, I decided to go ahead of the Apaches doing the same. The first to speak was the Apache leader "I am Hashkee Binaa Nteel, Chief of the Apaches." Said the so-called Apache before introducing me “My name is Octavian, son of Caesar. My men and I wish to go to Castrum El Paso, but the ... Traitor General Venator stands in our way and we must cross his lands for a safer trip. caliber. "Your father waged war on us ... He killed my grandchildren and crucified our bravest warriors." I didn't like that at all. Precisely because it was true. “But… He knew how to offer us peace. These traitorous Warlords… They would not respect the Apache people as your father did. " A sigh of relief left my lips upon hearing that.

"Come Son of Caesar ..." The man said before taking off his "tribal" helmet showing a man with tanned skin and dark hair, he seemed to be over sixty years old. His clothing consisted of beige pants, hiking boots, leg protections made with what looked like leather or even Kevlar, while his torso was covered by a somewhat dirty raincoat that concealed a vest that could read W.M.A.P.

They guided us to a fairly large building, there were several Radhorses tied to a fence, watched by a hound that followed us with its eyes. Radhorses are one of the most important mutated species to emerge in post-nuclear America. Descendants of the wild horses that populated North America, developed antlers as a result of irradiation. Their biggest advantage is the fact that while they are meat eaters, they are actually omnivores. The reason is simple. Radhorse are universally useful. The living can be used to pull carts, carts, plows, provide milk. When slaughtered, they become even more useful as a source of meat, leather (sturdy and durable, suitable for everything including tents, clothing, armor, belts, saddlebags, shoes, whatever), bones (which can become sticks, tools, says, hoes, arrowheads), glues (perfect as brushes), and even soap-making grease. They don't need much to survive either, as they can go without water for long periods of time and can subsist on any type of food or weed they find in the arid wasteland, digesting them in comparable stomachs to the vultures, according to an Followers of the Apocalypse expert on animals.

Chief Hashkee Binaa Nteel guided us inside the building. It seemed that it had been a warehouse before but now it was used as a meeting area. Several dozen men were there. Then Octavian realized what was there… An Apache Council, a gathering of all Apache leaders. The Apache councils were informal meetings, although they did not lack a certain protocol that could change depending on the area or the leader who convened the council. Their current preference was a warped imitation of hunting custom of placing symbolic pieces and souvenirs in the center to indicate that they wished to speak to their peers. It was common for champions or bosses to put their weapons or helmets on the center table and wait for permission to speak. Instead at this time it was also accepted to use trophies taken from the bodies of their fallen enemies. Seriously, I decided to take off my helmet, made from a combat helmet to which they had added a crest of red colors.

Almost fifty people were present: war party leaders, champions, all accompanied by their sworn Guards of Honor and personal assistants, reaching a total of about two hundred warriors who were standing under the banners of four unified tribes in that territory. Apache. Every Apache present had the right to speak regardless of rank, which implied that skulls used as trophies were plentiful. The oversized and elongated skulls of dead beasts were piled high on the table, each engraved or painted in the curved runic script of the mellifluous Apache language. Here and there among the pieces of skinned bone lay exotic weapons and pieces of fallen outlandish armor, well extinguished by it even a few Legionnaire helmets that seemed to still glow with the blood of their wearer. That made Octavian swallow.

The young Prince carried his helmet under one arm, breathing in the warm, stagnant air that barely circulated through the cavernous room. A sweet stench clung to his senses, something not unlike a mixture of rotten food and an oddly musky spice. He found it cloying rather than unpleasant; one who knew, one did not join the Legion to fight their wars and train to then avoid the bad smell of rotting or burned meat.

Octavia glanced briefly at the hundreds of corpses hanging from the ceiling on industrial chains. Most were humans or ghouls, even a few super mutants, whose armor was cracked by gunfire and cracked by blades, and most were now nothing more than fibrous skeletons covered in broken plates. Several were hung by their wrists and necks, others by their ankles with their dead hands dangling toward the assembled men and women in beseeching silence. Many of the bodies were so wrapped in chains and shackles that they appeared to have been caught by the hungry whims of some impossible metallic arachnid beast.

Soon a figure rose, rose painted in abrupt light. Her helm formed by a super mutant skull with a helmet protection apparently, while her halberd which looked like it was actually a Ripper to which a stick had been attached, rested on one of her shoulders. Two of his Champions flanked him like immobile avatars, claws made from what looked like Deathclaw claws. The pale faces of the Apache warriors surrounding Octavian watched, their leathery skin.

“The Great Caesar is dead. His Warchiefs dispute the rule of their empire and territories while the Bear advances. And now the bull's cub has come to our territories. " Many of the Apaches looked at him, Octavian felt how prey would feel when surrounded by their hunters. But he remained calm, the slightest sign of weakness could motivate them to attack him or worse.

"Caesar attacked us, devastated our villages, raped our women and killed our most powerful warriors ... Only Mars has been able to take him." It was beginning to make the hair on the back of his neck stand up. "Let's listen to the cub ... If he has come here with so few warriors ... He will have something to offer us." That caught him by surprise but maybe it could turn the tables.

“I am Octavian. I am the Son of Caesar. The Bear attacks us with the ferocity of a bear that has seen its offspring threatened but at the moment of greatest weakness in the Legion, my father's most powerful generals have been divided ... They have abandoned the Legion's banner and now watch over their Their own interests… They don't respect anything, neither women nor religion. My father has allowed you to pray to your ancient gods… His generals will not allow it, they will annihilate you or they will try to do it. My offer is simple: Fight for me, loot, kill and harass anyone who does not fight for the Legion. " That offer was like giving a carte blanche for barbarism, but Arizona was now a high-intensity war zone and New Mexico was almost the same as is known.

"Votes to support the new Caes ..." The Chief's voice was interrupted by my hand. “Imperator… my title is Imperator, my father was Caesar and will continue to be. The man stared for a few seconds before nodding. "Votes to support the new Imperator" The promise of unlimited looting made the Apaches overwhelmingly accept.
I think the NCR will have to leave at some point, I doubt the Legion truly has the capabilities to truly defeat the NCR if the NCR were more organized or not spread out

Helps that the latter has more tech and infrastructure

Not to say it'd be easy for the NCR for long, maybe a sort of guerilla warfare for a few decades

NCRA 2nd Cavalry Regiment Scout with his Radhorse "Zake"


NCR Ranger mounted on Radhorse
I think the NCR will have to leave at some point, I doubt the Legion truly has the capabilities to truly defeat the NCR if the NCR were more organized or not spread out

Helps that the latter has more tech and infrastructure

Not to say it'd be easy for the NCR for long, maybe a sort of guerilla warfare for a few decades

The NCR offensive is more of a revenge offensive than anything else, the goal would be to hit so hard that the Legion is destabilized and broken. But sometimes bumps like that can cause unwanted changes. At the moment it has only made the Praetors (Regional Rulers) end up becoming Kings in one way or another. While Octavian has ended up asking the Apaches for help, he is forgetting the Legion rules. Its time for Khorne

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