Britain Extremely Obese Undocumented Immigrant Engages in "Mayhem" and "Harassment" Spree in Britain


The Dog Whistler... I mean Whisperer.
Known only as 'Wally' due to his blubbery appearance, morbid obesity and walrus style facial hair, the Asylum Seeker believed to have been born and raised somewhere in the Arctic and possibly victim of Man-Made Climate change caused quite a stir when he waddled onto the shore of Southern England last Spring, the first immigrant from his people to voluntarily emigrate to England.

However the welcome period is apparently over, the differences in culture apparently too cast to overcome. While not apparently malicious, Wally has taken to willfully trespassing as he pleases, apparently unaware of widespread concepts such as 'private property' and lounging about for hours or days at a time on small private boats and causing untold damage up to and include capsizing smaller watercraft and incurring a toll of thousands of Pounds (no pun intended) of damage to boat owners.

Local authorities are hesitant in attempting to remove the Walrus via force, stating that due to his size, it could be dangerous to him (being only four years old) and to any officials who attempt to deport him. Option being 'floated' include creating harbor barricades (#BuildASeaWall) to keep the fatty off of boats to warding him off with loud noises, with the intent that the Wally will take his 2500 mile journey... just a little farther... preferably somewhere more wild and less inhabited by the local xenophobic privileged British "natives."

New York Post Link
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