Economic Fallout: Pandemic, Brandon, Money Printer Go Brr, Ukraine.

I'd heavily advice people to not do something like that. Besides the fact they have armed security, the fact of the matter is I'm not even sure how much of what's been happening is planned (For all we know, the traitorous elite of America are working with CCP and Russians on bringing the new world order.) or just the CCP/Russia deciding they want to be the top queen bees of the world and are making their move for it.

Having known people I doubt their all working together my money is that the current elite is mostly disconnected and most of the damage is done through incompetence with some malice
They work together and then they fight against each other for the bigger slice of the pie.

The thing is its the working together thing that i find kind of doubtful, these are very big personalities and that sort of thing does not play well with others.
Well, the FinTwit/YT is sinking its claws into Brandon's latest op-ed, I love how Snider and Kolonowski tear into the politicians for being partisan human garbage.:

His actions are directly weakening their primary rival for world domination, the American Empire.
We're still a republic the American empire has not arrived yet.
yeah and rome had the Latin league.
To be fair, Rome had an extensive imperium long before it formally became the Principate. Informal as dis-jointed as the American Empire presently is, it bears considerable resemblance to the network of alliances and client-states that the Roman Republic built up over time.
The Democrats have fucked themselves. Though is it deliberate or are they just that stupid???
I once read conspiracy theory about FEMA preparing 800 gulags for american "fascists".If it is true,then they are not stupid,only sure of winning.

They can't enforce that in a country of many states.

They clearly belive in something else.
We will see,how much power they have when they lost election and start cyvil war.

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