Dirty Jobs


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So most know Mike Rowe from being the Discovery Channel's favorite narrator and t.v. host. He has done a few shows about working class jobs or needed jobs with his most famous being Drity Jobs. Drity Jobs lasted 9 seasons 20 episodes and gave a face to Discovery Channel's voice. It also included a short live spin off Drity Jobs Australia and a recently made reunion tour.

But good news for long time Dirty Jobs and Mike Rowe fans is that it is back with new episodes Sunday night on Discovery Channel.

Overall I have to say that the new episodes live up to the old ones. He started with soke new jobs like Galvanizing and Iron Work. Rowe brings the dry humor which makes watching the show fun while showing interesting work most people never hear about.

I will say that Rowe does push that not everyone needs a college education and many would be happy and better off with a trade. But in old episodes he never really brought up. Personally I think it is a good thing to showcase and Mike Rowe is one of the more Famous people pushing bringing back a focus on trades and even has a Foundation for it.

So overall if you like Dirty Jobs or want something different I would say check out the new episodes.
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