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Critical Race Theory In Schools


The Army Life for me! The POG life for me!
But there are no movies about him, unlike Beethoven (Immortal Beloved) and you can't expect these mouth breathers to know the existence of the author behind the Three Musketeers and Count of Monte Christo.
Both Alenxadre Dumas and Victor Hugo are two of the biggest names in French literature....yet their works are more well known then themselves


The Dog Whistler... I mean Whisperer.
The New Yorker did a "profile" on Christopher Rufo, the journalist and documentarian who helped form the resistance to 'Critical Race Theory' and general "Anti-Racist" education being promoted in businesses and schools. Here's a link to one of Christopher Rufo's initial threads on "anti-racism" training that went on in Seattle which got millions of likes.

As profiles go, this one is mildly interesting because Christopher Rufo himself apparently thinks its fair. It also provides some summation as to the history of Critical Race Theory and how it entered mainstream culture.

The New Yorker said:
Rufo summarized his findings in an article for the Web site of City Journal, the magazine of the center-right Manhattan Institute: “Under the banner of ‘antiracism,’ Seattle’s Office of Civil Rights is now explicitly endorsing principles of segregationism, group-based guilt, and race essentialism—ugly concepts that should have been left behind a century ago.”

The story was a phenomenon and helped to generate more leaks from across the country. Marooned at home, civil servants recorded and photographed their own anti-racism training sessions and sent the evidence to Rufo. Reading through these documents, and others, Rufo noticed that they tended to cite a small set of popular anti-racism books, by authors such as Ibram X. Kendi and Robin DiAngelo. Rufo read the footnotes in those books, and found that they pointed to academic scholarship from the nineteen-nineties, by a group of legal scholars who referred to their work as critical race theory, in particular Kimberlé Crenshaw and Derrick Bell. These scholars argued that the white supremacy of the past lived on in the laws and societal rules of the present.

Many liberals and progressives now engage in the popular refrain asking critics to "define Critical Race Theory" as a reflex because they want to deflect from how language they created is being utilized by their critics to apply to the wide variety of so-called anti-racist and racial identarian discussions going on in Left-leaning circles and pushed into the mainstream. When challenged, CRT advocates will opine or whine that CRT is just some limited theoretical framework that only exists in University Sociology classrooms and offices in an attempt to control the language.

The New Yorker said:
As Rufo eventually came to see it, conservatives engaged in the culture war had been fighting against the same progressive racial ideology since late in the Obama years, without ever being able to describe it effectively. “We’ve needed new language for these issues,” Rufo told me, when I first wrote to him, late in May. “ ‘Political correctness’ is a dated term and, more importantly, doesn’t apply anymore. It’s not that elites are enforcing a set of manners and cultural limits, they’re seeking to reengineer the foundation of human psychology and social institutions through the new politics of race, It’s much more invasive than mere ‘correctness,’ which is a mechanism of social control, but not the heart of what’s happening. The other frames are wrong, too: ‘cancel culture’ is a vacuous term and doesn’t translate into a political program; ‘woke’ is a good epithet, but it’s too broad, too terminal, too easily brushed aside. ‘Critical race theory’ is the perfect villain,” Rufo wrote.

Critical Race Theory is now the replacement and a more accurate term to use instead of the dated terminology such as "Political Correctness."

And the conclusion, at least the Authors interpretation.



North Korean defector slams ‘woke’ US schools

A North Korean defector said she viewed the US as country of free thought and free speech – until she went to college here.
Yeonmi Park attended Columbia University and was immediately struck by what she viewed anti-Western sentiment in the classroom and a focus on political correctness that had her thinking “even North Korea isn’t this nuts.”

“I expected that I was paying this fortune, all this time and energy, to learn how to think. But they are forcing you to think the way they want you to think,” Park told Fox News. “I realized, wow, this is insane. I thought America was different but I saw so many similarities to what I saw in North Korea that I started worrying.”

The 27-year-old told The Post that she could’t believe she would be asked to do “this much censoring of myself” at a university in the United States.

“I literally crossed the Gobi Desert to be free and I realized I’m not free, America’s not free,” she said.

North Korean defector Yeonmi Park said after attending Columbia University that US schools are forcing students to think a certain way and are worse than the indoctrination in her home country.

Yeonmi Park fled North Korea at age 13 in 2007, a voyage that took her and her family to China and South Korea before she went to school in New York in 2016.

Her professors gave students “trigger warnings,” sharing the wording from readings in advance so people could opt out of reading or even sitting in class during discussions, Park told The Post.

“Going to Columbia, the first thing I learned was ‘safe space,’” she said.

“Every problem, they explained us, is because of white men.” Some of the discussions of white privilege reminded her of the caste system in her native country, where people were categorized based on their ancestors, she said.

Park said Columbia failed to teach students to think critically and believes “even North Korea is not this nuts.”Getty Images
In one class, a teacher discussing Western Civilization asked students if they had a problem with the name of the topic – most students raised their hands, according to Park. Some, she said, mentioned issues with the “colonial” slant of the discussion.
And classes often began with professors asking students for their preferred pronouns, with the use of “they” becoming scary as she feared being socially penalized for not being inclusive enough in her vocabulary.

“English is my third language,” she said. “It’s very hard for me to say he and she sometimes, I misuse them.”

She told Fox that she also was chided for saying she enjoyed the writings of Jane Austen.

“I said ‘I love those books.’ I thought it was a good thing,” Park told the network. “Then she said, ‘Did you know those writers had a colonial mindset? They were racists and bigots and are subconsciously brainwashing you.’”

Park said North Korea students were constantly informed about the “American Bastard.”

“I thought North Koreans were the only people who hated Americans, but turns out there are a lot of people hating this country in this country,” she told The Post.

Park said American students don’t understand real oppression or “how hard it is to be free.”South China Morning Post via Getty Images

Cancel culture and shouting down opposing voices is becoming an issue of self-censorship.

Park, who chronicled her escape from North Korea and life in the repressive regime in the 2015 memoir “In Order to Live,” said Americans seem willing to give their rights away not realizing they may never come back.

“Voluntarily, these people are censoring each other, silencing each other, no force behind it,” she said.

“Other times (in history) there’s a military coup d’etat, like a force comes in taking your rights away and silencing you. But this country is choosing to be silenced, choosing to give their rights away.”

Park said she knows what a country could become with rights and discourse stripped away.

“North Korea was pretty insane,” she said. “Like the first thing my mom taught me was don’t even whisper, the birds and mice could hear me.”

“She told me the most dangerous thing that I had in my body was my tongue,” Park said. “So I knew how dangerous it was to say wrong things in a country.”

Park, who grew up in the last Stalinist dictatorship and witnessed people dying from starvation, said Americans are obsessed with oppression even though there is not much oppression they’ve witnessed firsthand.

“This a completely nuts, this is unbelievable,” she said. “I don’t know why people are collectively going crazy like this or together at the same time.”

She said the situation in North Korea is one thing because the people don’t have access to the internet and have limited exposure to the globe, but students here have much more access to information.

Park said as a child she had thought dictator Kim Jong Un was “starving” and overworked until she was in South Korea and was shown pictures that showed how large he was in pictures compared to other people who looked thin and hungry.
“That’s what it does when you’re brainwashed,” she said.

“In some ways they (in the US) are brainwashed. Even though there’s evidence so clearly in front of their eyes they can’t see it.”

Columbia University did not immediately respond to The Post’s request for comment.

EDIT: Relevent
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Cold War Veteran
Exactly. And they have no proof of any kind, only a gap in her known genealogy which could at most make her 1/4 black, even if their wildest fantasies were actually true. But again, they have no actual proof of anything. It's always been a kind of wish fulfillment, and they've apparently expanded it to just be that ancient Egyptians were black Africans, and they won't hear any different. Talk about living in a fantasy world...
The Egyptians weren't Black, They weren't White they were Levantine. Aka the people of the Levant. The same stock that most of the Semitic peoples came from.

The Immortal Watch Dog

Well-known member
Black Nationalists and White Nationalists agree on almost all points except one "critical" one: which group of people in particular is the "master race" (I hate to type those words) fit to rule everything under the sun and enslave/exterminate everyone else.

Hell they teamed up, even had their own version of the Wansee conference where the Nation of Islam, la Raza or.one of its precusorsors ,AIM or one of its precursors and the American Nazi Party all met at a hotel, had a big ass party and then had a debate over how to partition the country along ethnic lines once they overthrew the government.

This shit isn't new.

And Hitler was basically the 1920s version of a danger hair.
Not even. Near as I can tell there's no ethnic connection there. The first I even started hearing about this was an assertion some years back that because one of her grandparents was unknown, that Cleopatra was black.

IIRC testing done on Ramses mummy suggested at least ancient Egyptians of his era were closely related to Slavs of all people :ROFLMAO:

Mind ye Egypt was a power for what? 5000 years? Their ethnic makeup changed a fuckload over that time.

They even had a sub Saharan black African dynasty. Though the reason the we wuz kangz crowd doesn't cite these guys is because they were foreign invaders, conquered Egypt and the technology and art from their dynasty was inferior to art from the era of neith-hotep of all people.

Also they were toppled by neoassyrians I think.

Cleopatra wasn’t even Egyptian though; she was Greek, actual ancient egypt predate her.

Her grandmother was the bastard daughter of a Perisan noble from the Selucid Empire IIRC.

But that literally makes her part Aryan hilariously
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King Arts

Well-known member
The Egyptians weren't Black, They weren't White they were Levantine. Aka the people of the Levant. The same stock that most of the Semitic peoples came from.
Semites are white. I mean how many races are there in the world. The three big ones are blacks Asians and whites. Egyptians, Arabs, and Jews don’t look like Chinese so not Asian. They don’t look Nigerian so are not black. They look closest to white people Greeks Italians French etc.


The Army Life for me! The POG life for me!
Semites are white. I mean how many races are there in the world. The three big ones are blacks Asians and whites. Egyptians, Arabs, and Jews don’t look like Chinese so not Asian. They don’t look Nigerian so are not black. They look closest to white people Greeks Italians French etc.
To the modern world?
You should be known for the country you come from nit the color of your skin

King Arts

Well-known member
To the modern world?
You should be known for the country you come from nit the color of your skin
What? I’m not talking about judging on race or nationality. I’m responding to sailor who said that Egyptian me were neither white or black. I said no ancient Egyptians were white except for on dynasty that came from Nubia.


The Army Life for me! The POG life for me!
What? I’m not talking about judging on race or nationality. I’m responding to sailor who said that Egyptian me were neither white or black. I said no ancient Egyptians were white except for on dynasty that came from Nubia.
Why break it down into three races?
A Greek person is often more Olive then white. Etc etc


Well-known member
Why break it down into three races?
A Greek person is often more Olive then white. Etc etc

In the 1920's, there were a bunch of northern euro scholars who came up with a clasifacation system, that classed groups based off mostly skull structure.

Under that one, Egyptians and Indians are White.

Even the most loonie race warrior looks at that one as silly.


The Army Life for me! The POG life for me!
In the 1920's, there were a bunch of northern euro scholars who came up with a clasifacation system, that classed groups based off mostly skull structure.

Under that one, Egyptians and Indians are White.

Even the most loonie race warrior looks at that one as silly.
You should be judged based on country not skin (Not really but point I am making is skin color shouldn't matter)

Duke Nukem

Hail to the king baby
Trump wrote a plan on dealing with CRT.

As a candidate, Joe Biden’s number one promise was to “unite” America. Yet in his first months as president, his number one priority has been to divide our country by race and gender at every turn.

There is no clearer example than the Biden administration’s new effort aimed at indoctrinating America’s schoolchildren with some of the most toxic and anti-American theories ever conceived. It is vital for Americans to understand what this initiative would do, what drives it and, most importantly, how we can stop it.

For decades, the America-blaming left has been relentlessly pushing a vision of America that casts our history, culture, traditions, and founding documents in the most negative possible light. Yet in recent years, this deeply unnatural effort has progressed from telling children that their history is evil to telling Americans that they are evil.

In classrooms across the nation, students are being subjected to a new curriculum designed to brainwash them with the ridiculous left-wing dogma known as “critical race theory.” The key fact about this twisted doctrine is that it is completely antithetical to everything that normal Americans of any color would wish to teach their children.

Instead of helping young people discover that America is the greatest, most tolerant, and most generous nation in history, it teaches them that America is systemically evil and that the hearts of our people are full of hatred and malice. Far from advancing the beautiful dream of the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. -- that our children should “not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character” -- the left’s vile new theory preaches that judging people by the color of their skin is actually a good idea.

Teaching even one child these divisive messages would verge on psychological abuse. Indoctrinating generations of children with these extreme ideas is not just immoral -- it is a program for national suicide. Yet that is exactly what the Biden administration endorsed recently in a rule published in the Federal Register aimed at inflicting a critical race theory-inspired curriculum on American schoolchildren.

The rule explicitly cites the New York Times’ discredited “1619 Project” as a motivation. The Times has described the goal of its endeavor as the “re-education” of the American people, and the project even includes a lesson plan that encourages students to practice “erasing” parts of the Declaration of Independence. The Biden rule also directly cites a left-wing activist and leading proponent of critical race theory whose textbook states, “The only remedy to past discrimination is present discrimination. The only remedy to present discrimination is future discrimination.”

This is what the Biden administration wants to teach America’s children.

The Department of Education rule stems from an executive order Biden signed on his first day in office. Biden’s order abolished the President’s Advisory 1776 Commission I created to honor America’s founding principles, and reversed an executive action I took to stop these depraved theories from being imposed upon federal employees in workforce training sessions.

Thankfully, most Americans oppose this insanity. The left has only gotten away with it until this point because not enough parents have been paying attention and speaking up. But that is quickly changing. From Loudoun County, Va., to Cupertino, Calif., parents are beginning to make their voices heard against the left-wing cultural revolution. What they need now is a plan to actually stop it.

Here are the reforms that every concerned parent in America should be demanding.

First, every state legislature should pass a ban on taxpayer dollars going to any school district or workplace that teaches critical race theory, which inherently violates existing anti-discrimination laws. Inspired by my executive order last year, Florida, Texas, North Carolina, Oklahoma and other states have already taken steps to pass such laws. It needs to happen everywhere — and Congress should seek to institute a federal ban through legislation as well.

Second, each state should create its own 1776 Commission to examine the public school curriculum and ensure that students are receiving a patriotic, pro-American education — not being taught that the United States is an evil nation.

Third, parents have a right to know exactly what is being taught to their children. Last year, many parents had the chance to routinely listen in on classes for the first time because of remote learning. As students return to the classroom, states need to pass laws requiring that all lesson plans have to be made available to parents — every handout, article, and reading should be posted on an online portal that allows parents to see what their kids are being taught. Furthermore, in many places, there are rules preventing students from recording what teachers say in class. States and school boards should establish a “Right to Record.”

Fourth, parents need to organize locally — in every school district in America — to eliminate “Action Civics” and other versions of the effort to contort traditional civics education into a vehicle for political indoctrination. The left’s new argument is that our “divisions” stem from a lack of “civics education” — a problem they intend to “fix” with lots of new taxpayer money and a redefinition of “civics” in schools, just as they are trying to redefine the meaning of “infrastructure.” Right now, Congress is working on a $1 billion bill known as the Civics Secures Democracy Act. No Republican should trust the Biden administration with a billion dollars to spend on such programs. Even worse, the legislation threatens to establish a de facto national curriculum for history and civics, effectively bribing states into adopting the left’s anti-American curriculum. It is Common Core all over again -- but much more extreme. And like Common Core, parents must unite to stop this new federal power grab.

Fifth, any parent who objects to the material being taught to their child in public school should get an automatic voucher, empowering them to pick another school of their choice. The government has no right to brainwash students with controversial ideologies against their parents’ will.

Sixth, states need to take back control of their schools of education and credentialing bodies to ensure they are not churning out radicalized teachers. To be clear, the overwhelming majority of our nation’s teachers are some of the most selfless and wonderful people there are — but regrettably, many have graduated from extremely biased education schools and may not even be aware of the degree to which leftist ideology has permeated their curriculum. States should set up alternative credentialing bodies that can certify great teachers who know how to instill a sense of love for America. School districts can then make it a priority to hire teachers with these certifications, especially for English, history, and social studies roles. States could even set up their own versions of Teach for America to get passionate and patriotic young people into the classroom.

Finally, states need to break the tenure monopoly in public K-12 schools. Tenure was originally supposed to protect competent teachers from being subjected to undue political influence; it has turned into a mechanism to protect incompetent teachers who themselves wield undue political influence over our children. Educators who are alienating children from their own country should not be protected with lifelong tenure; they should be liberated to pursue a career as a political activist.

Make no mistake: The motive behind all of this left-wing lunacy is to discredit and eliminate the greatest obstacles to the fundamental transformation of America. To succeed with their extreme agenda, radicals know they must abolish our attachment to the Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, and most of all, Americans’ very identity as a free, proud, and self-governing people. The left knows that if they can dissolve our national memory and identity, they can gain the total political control they crave.

A nation is only as strong as its spirit. For our children, we must act before it is too late

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