Conservative Economist Walter Williams Dead at 84



Walter Williams, staunchly conservative economics professor, political commentator, and champion of freedom has just died at the age of 84. I remember hearing him for the first time many years ago when he was taking over for the Rush Limbaugh on his radio show and being impressed by how intelligent he was, his understanding of what conservatism was and why freedom is important were profound. Over decades he has been a dedicated voice for conservatism and for freedom, as a black conservative he’s often spoken out against the racial politics pushed by the left that hurts people of all races, and he’s been one of the few Ivy League elite professors who not only didn’t support the far left’s agenda, but fought hard against it.

I’d like to say that Walter Williams was my favorite black conservative, but that’s really selling him short, because I think that he was one of the best conservative minds out there, period.

I’m sad to lose him, even into his 80’s he continued to write insightful articles that I routinely read.

RIP Walter Williams, may your wisdom live on now that you’re gone. 😭
What warnings did he give?
A lot. LIke, the minimum wage + welfare state harms black people twice: Once when it actively harms them through bad policy, and a second time when it's used as evidence of racism (think "look at all the help the government gives them, and they still fail") by people who don't really understand (or purposely ignore) that this aid is not helpful, but harmful.

Also, I wouldn't call him a conservative, and neither would he. I mean, he was by no means a lefty, but that doesn't make him a conservative.

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