Can't Make THAT Anymore


The Dog Whistler... I mean Whisperer.
"I Get to be Black for a Summer."

- Robert Downey Jr on Tropic Thunder

And before I begin, good on RDJ making Joe Rogan literally laugh out loud.

So the topic of this thread is more of... What kind of movies or music or television series or even just comedy is fading or seems forbidden now in culture that just even five or ten years ago would've likely been accepted by the broad general public?

And I'm referring more to Blazing Saddles or Katy Perry's first music video Ur So Gay as examples, not Birth of a Nation type of media. ;) (though IIRC that was parodied on South Park)
You couldn't make Monty Python anymore because canceling in the name of offended snowflakes is the norm today and too many of their skits are now indistinguishable from reality. Back in the day Life of Brian drew a lot of ire, but was shown anyway, today there is no way it could go through censorship with this scene

Tropic Thunder was made in 2008 and RDJ leans Left like most of Hollywood.....I think even Hollywood wasn’t as crazy back then or simply put they weren’t giving traction to Tumblrites back then
Tropic Thunder was made in 2008 and RDJ leans Left like most of Hollywood.....I think even Hollywood wasn’t as crazy back then or simply put they weren’t giving traction to Tumblrites back then
The thing you have to understand about Hollywood is that the people who work there are far too busy playing make believe to worry about forming their own opinions on anything; which is why they rely entirely on the mainstream news media to tell them what opinions they should have. Thus, Hollywood went crazy the moment they did.
The thing you have to understand about Hollywood is that the people who work there are far too busy playing make believe to worry about forming their own opinions on anything; which is why they rely entirely on the mainstream news media to tell them what opinions they should have. Thus, Hollywood went crazy the moment they did.


Most go full retard, some don’t

I honestly think the Left’s control over entertainment is too strong, it will take LONG while for them to stop ranting and accusing about so called Nazi’s

I think it will be the people who just outright plain enjoy crude sex and violence with littke pretentions of changing the world with fiction that will change things

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