But it's not 'Morphin Time' for me yet!!! (Power Ranger's Self Insert)

Chapter 1
  • Free-Stater 101

    Freedom Means Freedom!!!
    Super Moderator
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    Falloutman-101 presents.

    But It's not 'Morphin Time' for me yet!!!

    A Power Rangers SI.

    DIsclaimer: I do not own Power Ranger they belong to Hasbro.
    I felt my head throbbing slowly as I blinked and dragged myself to my feet, my surroundings slowly coming into focus, a bunch of noise could be heard in the distance, I was in an alley which brought about another question to mind. "How did I get here?" I lived nowhere near a major town, much less one with an alley...

    "Was I mugged?" I thought as I reached into my back pocket and pulled out my wallet which seemed it to have everything in-...

    "Wait... Why isn't Andrew Jackson on my twenties?!!" I thought in bewilderment as I looked at the face of Davy Crockett staring back at me...


    I staggered to my feet at the sound of the explosion, stuffing the wallet into my back pocket, the ground beneath me trembling slightly (Or it could have just been me.) at the noise.

    "What was that?!!!" I thought as I slowly edged towards the other end of the alley, away from the direction of the noise away from the noise of the explosion only to be met by a series of figures emerging from that end and they did not look friendly.

    Now I am no fool, I instantly recognized these as costumes from one of my childhood's favorite shows, as it's main cannon fodder, but given that explosion, these guys blocking my getaway and my current circumstances, I am not taking these cosplayer's with anything less than the utmost seriousness...

    I spoke politely "Hey guys do you kno-"

    I didn't receive any voiced response, rather they silently as one lifted their swords into the blade down position, and the red-eye similar to the one on their face began to glow. I didn't know why I was moving, it was a prop after all but my feet moved and I ducked behind a dumpster in time to see a bolt of red shoot by my head.

    I followed my immediate instinct and turned and ran down the opposite end of the alley, barely noticing the smoldering metal on the dumpster I had hidden behind as I did. Luckily rather than firing their weapons at range these 'Cyclobots' decided to pursue me using them only as melee weapons, which was as good as I could hope for in these circumstances.

    I shot out of the alleyway and was met with a ruined street of a city I didn't recognize in any regard, with scattered damage to the sides of buildings and burning cars everywhere, but I paid it all no mind as I continued running to put distance between me and my pursuers.

    Finally, after a minute I ducked into another small alley and hid there for a moment in silence, my mind racing. "If those laser beams were real..."

    A series of explosions rocked me from my thoughts as I (against my better judgment) poked my head out of the alley and witnessed a large group of people standing opposite of each other.


    My heart stopped as I watched these people do acrobatic flips that shouldn't be possible and laying waste to these mooks/cannon fodder that would have absolutely annihilated me or any other human for that matter with how obviously superhuman they were, I slowly pulled back my head and the facts hit me like a ton of bricks even though I desperately tried to deny it.

    "Have I have been ISOT'ed?" I murmured to myself as I stuck my head out again and looked at the cars, buildings, and even advertisements on building's all of which screamed early 2000's before looking at the various villain's which looked exactly the same age as they did twenty years ago and looked to identical to be stand in's in what had to be an elaborate prank...

    "F*ck me, I have been ISOT'ed!!!" I thought angrily before it was cut off as another realization hit my mind as I turned and recognized the main mutant fighting the rangers and while I couldn't remember its name I could remember the Timeforce beating it and after...

    "I have got to get out of here now!" I thought as I went back to what I had been doing ever since I woke up and ran, I wasn't sure if this was a prank or not, but on the chance that it wasn't. I didn't really want to be around when two kaiju sized beings duked it out...

    AN: Yeah! this will shake things up! I was bored recently and felt restricted in my ideas, so I thought. "What idea would be fresh?" And A Power Rangers SI hasn't been done to my knowledge so why not?
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    Chapter 2
  • Falloutman-101 presents.

    But It's not 'Morphin Time' for me yet!!!

    A Power Rangers SI.

    Chapter 2

    DIsclaimer: I do not own Power Ranger they belong to Hasbro.

    I was thankful that I had slipped away without much trouble and was beyond happy that I had, but my goodness their was nobody on the streets period and nobody I could hitch a ride from to get out of this city before all hell broke loose...

    I burst around a corner about two blocks away from where I last saw the rangers fighting those mutants and with luck on my side I saw a cab with the driver laying asleep in the front and ran up and knocked on the window.

    The overweight man awoke with a start and glanced up at the rapping looking at me with a annoyed expression which promptly changed as I reached into my pocket and pulled out my wallet and flashed one hundred out of the five hundred dollars I had which lead him to gesture to me to get in.

    "Sorry about waking you up sir, you were the only cab around." I apologized.

    "Sure man, where to?" The driver sleepily replied as I handed him the cash.

    "The best place to get a overview of the city outside city limits and step on it!" I replied hastily causing the driver to quirk his eyebrow.
    It didn't even take fifteen minute's to reach the city limits a 'Silver Hills' as I relearned it's name was, (God, why was every city in Power Ranger's except Angel Grove so forgettable name wise?) the city itself was more of a small industrial city rather than a residential one, with most of the workers living outside city limits which resulted in the city itself not being a populated as most other cities were of similar size. (According to the surprisingly informative cab driver.) But that was far from my mind as the cab pulled over at a scenic spot on a small bluff overlooking the city.

    "You want me to wait pal?" the cab driver asked to which I nodded as I exited the vehicle and walked over to the platform and when I did my heart stopped, as I heard the noise even before I glanced at the city.

    Seeing two building sized being's fighting on T.V. is one thing, but one can't grasp the horror and awe that I felt as I saw them fighting for real and at the sight of what had to be the tail end of their battle as the mutant was defeated I felt something within me break in realization.

    "This isn't fake...It's real...
    My families and friends faces flashed before me as I paid another hundred dollars to the hotel clerk further diminishing my already severely sore funds before heading to my room, but truthfully I didn't care, everything that made my life worth living was now gone and I didn't know what to do...

    A part of me was hopping this was all elaborate prank, that somehow someone would shoot up any second and scream "April Fools!" But the fact was that it wasn't, the Rangers and Mutants maybe could have been a staged joke, but that brief one minute of seeing that Giant Mutant and the Time Force Megazord fighting had put that idea straight to bed, the scale of it was too large to simply fake and even if it could have been, nobody I knew had that amount of money to pull that big of a prank on me.

    As I unlocked my room door and entered the Spartan cheep hotel room a part of me felt like crying, but I knew not to I still had one last card to play, I immediately plopped on the bed and picked up the hotel phone and began dialing my mother's phone number.


    The sound of the phone dialing was unbearable...

    "Hello?" a voice stated that obviously didn't belong to my mother or father.

    "Yes." I stated desperately. "I am sorry for bothering you,,,,But is Miss Allison there?...

    "Sorry man their isn't anybody here by that name or in this area for that matter and I have been here for over thirty years you must have the wrong number."

    I felt my blood turn cold as I promptly hung up the phone and collapsed onto my bed my emotions becoming a unstoppable torrent as I realized my last card had failed and fate had a full house...
    I paused as I sipped the cheap tea the hotel lobby was serving, last night was the worse night I could ever remember having and it took all my will to pull myself up this morning just to get a hot shower, much less this cup of abhorrently bad tea. The entire night was restless and miserable making the day worse, the only thing that pulled me out of my Night/Morning long breakdown and propelling me forward at this point was the knowledge that my funds were running low and I couldn't stay here forever.

    "The family wouldn't want to see my like this either." I thought as I turned my thoughts away from the other family members I had tried calling during the night to the same results as the first call...

    I felt unnerved as I shook and looked up at the TV screen sitting in the lobby which showed the talk of the town themselves the new 'Time Force Ranger's' and their actions defending the city from the mutant's, their seemed to be surprise at another group of rangers emerging but it seemed rangers were a accepted fact in the world by this point and time...

    "But then again the question is does the public know where they came from or for what reason?" I thought, contemplating the Rangers relationship with the people and what was common knowledge and what wasn't, anything to take my mind off my losses.

    "Does the general population even know that Lightspeed Rescue was ran by a former naval officer? or that the means they use to morph is by the morphin grid?" I shook my head, more questions for later...

    I looked at my hands which still shook as if they were in shock. "Adrenaline and denial are both a hell of a drug to have kept this feeling away from me yesterday."

    More images of my family and friends leaked slowly into my skull as I finished my drink, before I shut those thoughts down again. "They of all people would be telling me to get to work now, that their is no time for moping around in my situation..."
    I gripped my pen tight as I finished writing what I knew of the TL, the day was becoming late and soon I would have to vacate or else pay for a second night that I could ill afford to pay for, with only three hundred dollars to my name.

    After going over a few of my memories, I had come up with a few plans all of them involved getting out of Silver Hills as quickly as possible, as not only was it a war zone at the moment but another thought crossed my mind Time Force could very well be a threat to me...

    I was from another dimension outside this time stream after all and knew what the future was set to be, so if I started upsetting that future they could very well come down on me, even if it was by virtue of me existing and I didn't want to know the penalties of me upsetting time would be but I bet it would involve me losing my memories and to heck with that, their all I got left.

    The good thing is that the Mutant's were making a big enough splash in the time stream by this point that as long as I don't change anything to major, I should be able to slip away under their radar and avoid their attention as long as I remain quite.

    "That begs the question though, where should I go?" The question was obvious to me if a bit unclear, I needed to find a place to lay low, that preferably wasn't getting attacked anytime soon and had some means of helping me get stronger, if not by making me a ranger, then by some other means, because like it or not, I wasn't going to be defenseless in a world were any number of supernatural monsters or advanced aliens could just teleport into my home and brainwash or turn me into stone...

    "I am not getting ranger power's any time soon, as the odds of me randomly being teleported to a command center and entrusted with them are five in eight billion and I am not suicidal enough to try taking any other ranger's morpher's as in most cases they are either bonded to the user and can only be used by them or are still being used by them, the rest are just damaged relics beyond most means of repair in any case just" I thought as I disregarded the idea as unideal.

    "That leaves few other options...." I though as I scratched my head for answer's when a light bulb suddenly lit up my brain as I remembered a tidbit I had forgotten.

    I rushed over to my table and pulled out a road map that the clerk had been selling at the front desk of the hotel that showed the U.S. with a bunch of differences, renamed towns in some instances, in other's their being cities in completely different places, but the one I was looking for stood out on the west coast far from Silver Hills and by extension Time Force.

    I smiled. "That would work..."
    I left the hotel in less than a hour and made my way to the local Wal-Mart which luckily still existed in this reality. (Some things never change.) and I started making purchases to go towards my long term plans. a hiking backpack, a sleeping bag and a few cans of non-perishable food along with a compass and a canteen for water.

    Seeing the store really showed me how far back in time I had went, sure the cheap hotel had a dated T.V. but almost all T.V.s did in cheap hotels even in 2020. Here at Walmart the time travel thing was beyond obvious, the Playstation 2 had only released six month's ago and was 'state of the art' for this time no cell phone's for sale at the store, the state of the art ones being Nokita's had to be bought from RadioShack under contract and then their were the lack of P.C's in the store most had to be bought from a computer store made with American Online web portals for dial up, it really showed...

    That being said. While electronics were definitely more expensive and more useless, their were less of the cheaply made Chinese's goods and more higher quality American ones on the shelves, which was a plus in my opinion.

    The stores also had the more traditional layout that I remembered it had when I was a boy, as well as the McDonalds that they used to have in the back before public opinion blamed them for obesity and replaced them with Subway.

    Food was cheaper as well, the cost of a big mac was for example $2.19 over one/third of the price that it was in in twenty years and my God I ordered one trans-fat covered large fry, I swear to you anybody who says they didn't change the taste later when they removed the stuff is a liar and when I finally get a stable job I swear to you artificially flavored Fruit Loops and French Fries daily while supplies last...

    Anyway with my supplies gathered, I went to the nearest Grey Hound station that I could and brought a ticket which reduced my funds to just fifty dollars total.

    And finally as I boarded the GreyHound bus I felt relived that I had achieved phase one of my little plan, phase two promised to be much more difficult...
    AN: This Chapter was meant to highlight how I am dealing with being in the Power Rangers world and the answer is complicated the loss of everyone is getting to this version of me and he's hiding it by burying his woes in work or a cause, not in a healthy way either. He isn't crazy but if he had someone he trusted to talk to it wouldn't be as bad, sadly he's got no one and trust no-one for now.
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    Chapter 3
  • Falloutman-101 presents.

    But It's not 'Morphin Time' for me yet!!!

    A Power Rangers SI.

    Chapter 3

    DIsclaimer: I do not own Power Ranger they belong to Hasbro.
    "...My senses buzzed as I awoke to the sounds of cars moving as I lifted my head from the park bench. Late last night I was awoken by the bus driver and informed I had reached my destination from their I asked if he knew if their was a library nearby, to my surprise the man nodded pointed and said that they had passed it a block or so ago on the way to the station.

    With this location in mind I fetched my things and quietly walked down the dimly lit street to my destination before promptly passing out on the nearest bench outside to get a good nights sleep.

    This series of event's led me to were I was now, as I glanced at the sign on the door as I entered.

    Blue Bay Harbor Library.

    My mind was now officially going into low gear, I knew that this city was safe for at least two more years with Time Force only having just formed as a team, their was many reasons besides though that I came here.
    1. Their wasn't anything scheduled for the immediate future as far as giant monsters was concerned.
    2. Their was at least one secret ninja academy in the immediate area that could teach martial arts that while absurd by my worlds standards at least gave me a chance to at least battle putty like creatures on a even footing.
    3. Being quite ninja's wouldn't draw Time Force's attention to themselves and by extension myself as much especially considering the fact that while the Ninja Storm Rangers were known to exist who they were and came from was a complete mystery.
    4. It was close to Reefside and by extension Tommy Oliver who while I didn't want to meet at the moment due to his eventual knowledge and connection to Time Force I at least felt comfortable in knowing that he was around to assist if I found myself in over my head.
    All of this made coming to this place make sense, that and the fact that this was the first series of power rangers I watched as a child and as such I had a better memory of this season, Dino Thunder and the next few seasons than I did of any of the immediate preceding ones...

    I looked at a map of the library when I entered and scanned for a history section and to my surprise immediately found it... showing it had sub-categories on both Alien's/monster and Power Rangers...

    "Sci-fi and fantasy has literally become staple of this reality." I shook my head and pressed on scanning the various books as I passed, no titles that I couldn't recognize until I looked at the small Power Ranges and Alien section....
    "This is more exhausting than I imagined it would be."

    In the last few hours I found that I was insanely grateful that I started early in doing this, as the materiel I went over was long and more complex than you would think. Actual information on the rangers was limited as other than Lightspeed Rescue all previous ranger incarnations weren't public and a complete mystery to the general public as was the means by which they became rangers.

    In fact some earlier books before Lightspeed Rescue suggested that the rangers were either humanoid alien life or some form of robot that had a mission to help humanity or some other tall tale...

    In any case, most books dealt with speculation rather than raw fact and the alien books surprisingly actually dealt more with facts than the ranger ones did, many of their facts coming from witnesses or NASADA, (This worlds NASA.) My mind was blown at the fact that the earth had books upon books of raw facts on the known members of the United Alliance of Evil (UAE) mainly Rita, Zedd, The Machine Empire and Divatox to say nothing of it's sudden destruction during Astronama's invasion...

    But one thing above the rest that caused my stomach to churn was the facts that denied what I knew from the original show as a kid and spat them back in my face.

    The casualties from these incident's were nothing to scoff at and unlike in the show, these incident weren't isolated to just Angel Grove, even before Zedd showed up Rita had at one or two times launched a multi-pronged attack on various parts of the world resulting in major damages.

    In fact, up until the UAE lost, giant monsters appearing in surprise in several cities at once wasn't impossible or even uncommon the Emperor of Evil and his Underling/Wife/Witch were capable of severe destruction.

    This all worried me, especially when I read that 'Mecha Zords' built by a government think tank called 'Prometheus' assisted in fighting off these monsters with limited success and I knew that organization was rooted in the comic books not the TV series, that means I am in the comic book series...

    "F*ck this isn't going my way at all." I thought as a image of a man in white and green entered my mind, this being the comic's or at least a softening of that AU meant alot of things not all of them bad might happen.

    But still, what was bad, was bad.

    The books in any case proved that since the UAE's destruction things had calmed down as both the Demons Mariner Bay and the newly surfaced Mutant's in Silver Hills being the only immediate threats to earth to surface recently and even then they were far more localized...

    The problem with all of this was that I knew other threats were coming soon and that they were nothing to scoff at despite what other's may say about the UAE's being supposedly the last 'strong' villain's.

    Yes, they had superior armies and force projection along with some really strong major villain's, but I would put one or two of the later villains in a higher power tier that would annihilate them.

    This was the main reason I was here in Blue Bay Harbor because I knew that of all the threats to come Lothor was simultaneously the weakest when it came to shear strength and yet had the greatest force projection capabilities out of all the villain's to come for awhile.

    Since he had a space based army anywhere could be on the menu for attacking, but still Lothor wasn't the most terrifying threat this world faced at his core he was still a conquering warlord and a human...

    No, the next two evils to come along were far, far worse in my opinion.

    Mesogog was located in Reefside and that city wasn't all that far away and he was worse presently active, bidding his time to enact his plan of destroying humanity by bringing back the age of dinosaurs, he might not have spacecraft or the force projection of other villains, but he didn't need either of those to enact his plans and he was stronger than Lothor by a wide margine as he stomped him when they fought in Dino Thunder If I remember correctly.

    The other villain was worse and probably the most terrifyingly powerful in series 'The Master' of the underworld from Mystic Force was arguably the thing that scarred me the most at present, but then again why wouldn't a Cthulhu type being? He was so powerful that he legitimately only lost to the Mystic Force Rangers on a deus ex machia and even if he hadn't I don't think any other ranger team stood a chance in stopping him to say nothing of his minions Korrag, Morticon. Imperius and most off all the Ten Terrors all of whom were extremely powerful monsters that stood out in comparison the rest of the series.

    At least I wouldn't have to deal with Grumm for awhile, he wouldn't be here for at least twenty four years and that was a BIG 'if' at this moment because if I get 'ranger powers' the guy will probably be on my watch list...

    ...Ranger Powers...

    A part of me berated myself for not being able to remember enough of Time Force to get the Quantum Morpher, but to be fair, I blame Disney. Out of all the re-runs I watched on Jetex as a child Time Force and Wild Force were aired the least and thus my knowledge of the goings on in those two seasons were vague, especially when it came to Wild Force. The only thing I remember about it period was Forever Red, nothing else and so my knowledge of where the morpher is at present exactly is spotty.

    To be fair though, stealing that morpher would only draw the ire of Time Force and their attention like a beacon leading to me losing my memories or worse, at least now that I knew their was comic elements I didn't have to fear destroying the timeline due to the morphin grid's O.P.ness if nothing else...

    Anyway, I will just have to look for more power elsewhere I have a slight idea at the moment but it can wait for a little while, I have bigger fish to fry...
    After a few hours of more research and writing down any bit of information that came to mind that I felt would be useful I finally left the library at closing time, the sun shown in the sky still and I could now acknowledge the beauty of the city that I couldn't see last night when I arrived.

    The city and the surrounding countryside was unlike most other's I had seen in the OTL U.S. but since in our world the location was filmed in New Zealand that was to be expected, though it was still strange. The temperature while hot was luckily not humid, just warm and the sea which I could see in the distance looked majestic, all in all a pretty nice place.

    My thoughts turned to other priorities, namely getting a job so I wouldn't be stuck on the streets forever, which wouldn't be easy as I didn't have a place residence or a phone to put down on a job application.

    Luckily this was 2001 and unlike in the future were most jobs were selected through a computer, face to face job interviews were more common in this era and as for a SSN? I guess I will have to be risky and attempt to use my old one, I just hope their isn't a way for the government to find out but it isn't like I have much of a choice in the issue, I am for all purposes a stateless person because I can't prove I was born here...

    Only fifty dollars to my name, I never thought I would get this economically desperate...at least for now.

    My mind wandered contemplating the type of job to apply for, at the moment I needed one that could at least net me a small place to rent temporarily, as well as make a few investments into the stock market mainly Amazon and Monster Energy Drinks to help grow my funds. Because lets face it, even those who want to be superheroes need a cashflow.

    This was going to take awhile...
    AN: ....So I was layed off Thursday, more time to write I suppose...

    So this chapter we see the MC slow down and try to get his bearings as well as get a little more info on both his plans and a little more information on the world he finds himself in.

    One thing I will say is I hope you accept my MC's logic on why he isn't or is doing something.

    As the MC stated this chapter, my knowledge of the power rangers is limited in certaint areas due to the fact that I was always limited by what Jetix would rerun, so the MC is missing knowledge of quite a few seasons.

    Mighty Morphin through Rangers in Space is excellent, Lost Galaxy is fuzzy, Lightspeed is well remembered, Time Force somewhat is with gaps missing and Wild Force is only remembered due to Forever Red, Ninja Storm through Jungle fury I remember quite well and after that I lost interest until the comics came out.

    So yeah my knowledge is heavily limited, although I still have enough to make a bad day for anyone in my way.

    As always like, comment and follow.
    Chapter 4
  • Falloutman-101 presents.

    But It's not 'Morphin Time' for me yet!!!

    A Power Rangers SI.

    Chapter 4

    Disclaimer: I do not own Power Ranger they belong to Hasbro.

    "And that's a wrap." I thought as I gladly picked up my welding hood and started walking to the locker room. The June heat beating down in the steel industrial building was unbearable, only made worse by the metal that was red hot from either welding, preheating with a natural gas blow torch or being burn through on the plasma table on the far side of the building.

    "Hey Elias." A voice called out my name to the right and I turned to see 'Twitch' as he was called, looking me in a joking manner the tall slender young man betraying or giving away nothing.

    "Hey Twitch, you ready to blow this joint?" I asked, as we entered the locker room and began to stash our things and change out of our work cloths.

    "I was ready when I arrived, was your first week alright?" Twitch responded as he gave a yawn as he finished taking off his company shirt.

    "It will be alright when I get some rest and get washed down in some cool water." I replied, thinking of going to the beach or some nearby body of water relax and wash myself.

    "Well you have a fabulous day, I am heading home to get some rest." Twitch replied as he slamed his locker closed and left. giving a slight wave.

    "...Home...Now that is a word I wish I could understand at the moment... My thoughts wandered back to my former home and family, how worried they would be for him as I had a lot lately, they would understand my position, they would understand that I didn't want them to suffer or go through that pain.

    No, I didn't regret ending up here, I regretted not being able to say goodbye...

    I shook my head of these thought's as I finished changing into my only other pair of clean cloth's and tried to focus on other things. I was incredibly lucky to have found this job so soon, plain and simple, despite the fact than I knew it could pay better It was still good pay to the point that by the end of next week I would have enough money to rent a apartment so I could finally get a hot shower and rest in the A.C. as well as brainstorm after work.

    "As well as finally having a place to stay indoors the alley stinks, same for the park bench." I thought as I lamented this cities lack of a homeless shelter.

    "Not that it matters one more week and I will have the money to rent a place and finally start getting things done." My mind went to the ninja academy that I knew were in the nearby mountain's dubed the 'Kaze Mountains' on the maps I had seen."

    "Getting in isn't going to be a easy task" I thought as I shut my locker, thinking of the episode when Cam went back in time and his father confronted him, asking for the password or 'perish,' a part of me hoped that it was more than Cam's martial art skills alone that saved him. After all, he wasn't 'officially' supposed to be guarding the entrance to the academy but still these are ninja we are talking about here, it's better safe than sorry even if Cam's father at present wasn't a man I took as willing to kill a innocent hiker at any rate.

    At any rate I knew a little Judo but little else when it came to martial arts so my odds of impressing a ninja master was low, so my best chance was to find a regular karate school if possible and try to get a little practice in as soon as I get the money to prepare for the ninja school itself.

    "How bad can it possibly be?..."

    "...Darn I just tempted murphy didn't I?"
    The walk around downtown was miserable because the mist that morning was mixing with the overcast sky to make a hot, humid day. I ducked into quite a few stores just to get in the air conditioning and browse what the early 2000's had to offer. (The nostalgia) I even stopped by Sears and noticed how everything looked so much better in the terms of quality, the tools were so much better than it was when I last visited it when it had been ran it into the ground.

    But by far though the biggest smile came to my face was when I saw a Video Game/Computer store, going in was better than a time machine seeing older computers when they were new was flat out fascinating and video game selection were great...

    My eye's narrowed as I saw Super Mario 64 on sale for fifty dollars along with Mario Kart 64, Paper Mario, Legend of Zelda Majora's mask as well as Ocarina of time sealed in box...

    "Now this might be a way to make money long term." I thought as I looked at these games unlike the brief time I glanced at them when I was at the Walmart a week ago I realized now that their was opportunity to make cash here.

    "These games usually sell in twenty years for four times as much complete in the box, never mind if you have one rated VGA gold these can sell upwards of a thousand dollars!!!" My mind wandered as realized the implications, it was good to know that I had fall back options if the stock market plan didn't work, it wasn't like I hadn't been a game collector before.

    My head pivoted as I slowly moved on and a magazine rack caught my eye.

    "My god I am going to have to get a apartment soon or I am going to die from nostalgia" I thought as I reached down and picked up a piece of my childhood that I thought was long dead and in the ground.

    I paid no mind to my surrounding's as I began browsing the magazine, sure I knew that Super Mario Advance was just a clone of Super Mario Bros 2 but their was extr-



    My body hit the floor as somebody else emerged at the exact same time at the end of the isle...

    "I am sorry!" a voice replied as a hand emerged in my vision which I grabbed and was pulled to my feet.

    "No it's my fault really." I replied as I dusted this. "I should have had more cautious than to have a magazine in m-"

    My words died as I saw the face of Cam Watanabe staring at me who's expression turned from apologetic to slightly distrustful at my clear lapse in words upon seeing him.

    Thinking quickly I looked him up and down and asked. "Have I seen you before?"

    "No" Cam said neutrally, taken aback by the quick question.

    "Sorry" I said doing my best to look relaxed as I lied. "You just remind me of someone I knew over in Silver Hills."

    "Silver Hills? Forgive me, but you don't sound like you are from Silver Hills?" Cam stated curiously, dialing down on his antagonism, but I can tell he was still as wound up as a cobra.

    I gave a light laugh at his statement and gave a slight smile. "Was from Silver Hills! I wasn't born or raised their, I was originally from Eastern Kentucky before I moved to Silver Hills...

    Cam seemed to take my statement for granted. "Well, again I apologize I didn't mean to run into you, I just had my head in the clouds."

    "Yeah, the same." I said gesturing to the magazine. "I got caught up reading about, the port of the clone and just wasn't paying attention like I should have been.

    "Ah, a video game enthusiast I see." Cam stated calmly catching my reference from the Super Mario Advance .

    "A enthusiast of all things electronic even if I don't understand them, yet." I joked lightly as I held out my hand and politely said with a slight smile. 'Elias Collins."

    "Cameron Watanabe,' but you can call me Cam like everyone else, are you new to the area?" Cam Replied as he calmly reached out and shook my hand firmly.

    "Yes." I stated quickly as to avoid suspicion. "I only moved to the area less than a week ago and in a hurry thanks to the new going's on in Silver City.

    "The new Power Rangers?" Cam asked immediately and I could tell I had his complete attention on this subject.

    "Yes" I stated. "Or rather the monsters, I was their in the city when those monster's attacked and was one of the poor people unlucky enough to be stuck at ground zero."

    "You saw them up close? Cam asked. "And what about these new monster thought? I heard various rumors that they were the demon remnant's from Mariner Bay and that Lightspeed were the rangers that confronted them, although they recently denied that."

    "Don't know about the monster's, other than only the top ones appeared to be actual monsters." I answered. "The lower foot soldiers seemed to be robotic similar to the ones The Machine Empire use to use, but take my words with a grain of salt I was busy running from them after they tried to shoot laser at me and even with a little Judo knowledge their is no way I was taking five of them."

    "Do you think they might be remnant's of them under someone else's control?" Cam asked as my mind realized what he was getting at.

    "He's worried this incident is connected to the coming of Lothor" I realized as I gave a shrug and replied.

    "You never know, they might have avoided the Z-wave somehow." I said guiltily, knowing that it was indeed more than possible what with the remnant's of it digging up the most powerful Zord in existence on the moon at this very moment.

    "But the Rangers were definitely new, unless they were former ones that suited up differently and they had Zord's comprised of space craft." I continued as I steered the topic back to Cam's original question. "In any case, I was renting a house and decided that giant monster's fighting in the city was to much for me and hightailed it out of their.

    "I can't blame you." Cam stated as he gave a slight nod. "It's common sense in any case."

    "Except when you only have two hundred dollars to your name." I corrected. "I lived paycheck to paycheck because the rent their was astronomical, so I have pretty much been living homeless here and will be until first paycheck arrives next week."

    Cam looked taken aback. "Your homeless?" he inquired.

    "As I said for the moment." I replied as I felt somewhat embarrassed "My first check will be in at the end of next week and it should be enough to cover a room or a small home on the city outskirts."

    "Where have you been staying in the meantime? I know the city doesn't have a homeless shelter, the city council has been debating over if one is really needed for a few years. Cam stated. his eyes somewhat disbelieving at the though that I would be living in the streets, although to be fair I didn't look it other than my backpack.

    "The park benches are were I typically stay if I can get away with it." I said the feeling of acknowledging being homeless being new to me. "Contrary to your initial assumption I didn't come in here to do anything other than window shop and get in the A.C."

    After a minute of looking at me Cam gave a sigh and gestured to me and said. "Come on."

    My line of thought ground to a halt, "Excuse me?" I replied my thought's not catching up to his abrupt and seemingly reluctant offer.

    Cam just shrugged and sarcastically stated. "Well if you want to sleep outside you can be m-

    "NO!" I relied quickly. "Anything's better than staying out in that heat!"

    "Anything? Is that a insult?" Cam asked his eyes narrowing.

    "What!!! no man! it's just... My eyes narrow as I see the slight upturn of his mouth and I just nodded in exacerbation and said. "You are a master of sarcasm..."

    Cam's lip upturned slightly more and he replied "I know." as he turned and I followed him.

    As Cam and walked I half expected him to turn and say 'I am batman' with the way he was just acting, but all I could think about was my insane luck and that I really did tempt murphy today.
    This chapter was hard to write, going through a few rewrites and I am still not entirely happy with it, in particular the way Elia's meet's Cam. While it is a small world and doubly so I just didn't like introducing him this way as I felt it was a bit of a dues ex machina. The fact was though that I needed to find a way to introduce him and this was just the most convenient way to without writing chapters upon chapters of unneeded dialogue and O.C.'s that would clog the story.

    In my defense though I don't plan on pulling a important meeting like this again as far as a important meeting just happening without Elias actually seeking it out I don't want everything to fall in his lap.

    Furthermore Cam isn't taking Elias to the Ninja school banish that thought from your mind that would be far to easy.

    All in I am not completely pleased with this chapter and may rewrite it later.

    Now another thing I can see people taking issue with is Cam's personality, as he's a bit more loose and friendly despite still being the king of sarcasm and the reason for it is simple, he isn't at the wind ninja academy at the moment watching people like Tori, Shane and Dustin and being constantly reminded just by watching that despite being leagues ahead of them his father still won't let him enter ninja training or officially become a ninja.

    So in short Cam's less stressed out because he's away from what stresses him to begin with and furthermore in a electronic store which is his comfort zone.

    As for why he would feel comfortable letting me stay with him when we just met?

    1. He has Ninja training and isn't afraid of me attacking him.
    2. This is a relatively crimeless city in 2001 so the world isn't nearly as crazy as it is now.
    3. Elia's doesn't come across as a serial killer, he's a scrawny young guy who appears down on his luck.
    4. Cam's besides being a decent person is fishing for more information on these monsters in Silver City and These new rangers.
    And lastly as you saw Elias state to Cam earlier in the chapter the Z-Wave and Zordon's sacrifice is known to earth and he is held in high esteem the fact that he mentored the Mighty Morphin, Zeo and Turbo Rangers isn't known at all.

    Anyway Like, Follow and please Comment!

    P.S. I am thinking about writing a interlude next chapter from Cam's point of view to establish his reasoning's on a personal level, what do you think?
    Chapter 5
  • Falloutman-101 presents.

    But It's not 'Morphin Time' for me yet!!!

    A Power Rangers SI.

    Chapter 5

    Disclaimer: I do not own Power Ranger they belong to Hasbro.
    I was still in relative shock as I followed Cam out of the electronic store, my mind still boggled by my luck and giving a silent prayer to the almighty or thanks to whatever being sent me here. We walked a block until we arrived before a small apartment complex. "You live here?" I asked.

    "Yes," Cam stated. "But just while I am taking college courses, my Father doesn't live that far from here so living here is just so I can devote more time to my studies, any other time of the year I am typically helping him with the family business."

    I raised my eyebrows internally as I realized that 'of course' Cam would have had to learn what he knew from somewhere, heck, even Billy had a base high school education and a wealth of knowledge from Zordon to work with to build his intellect. "What are you going for?" I asked curiously.

    Cam Shrugged. "As far as things go, anything involved with robotics, physics, chemistry, or science.'

    I whistled, "Sounds like someone has gone far in the academic department, I only wish I had that much success in school."

    "Why? Did you drop out?" Cam questioned glancing over his shoulder as we climbed the stairwell.

    "No," I stated before giving a lie. "I ran out of money when my family's finances hit rock bottom, forcing me to quit college and find work in the first place..."

    "Sorry to hear about that." Cam calmly stated looking back at me briefly a look sorrow flashing in his eyes.

    "Don't be it's not your fault" I replied. "In any case, I was doing extremely well in college although I was learning trades over sciences, primarily, machining, welding, and maintenance."

    As we reached the top of the stairs Cam gave me a look that spoke of curiosity. "Why did you take those in particular over other fields of work?"

    I shrugged. "That's simple, manufacturing is in a decline in the states now, and fewer men are training as a result for those jobs, but as fewer train and those jobs start diminishing it will eventually lead to a situation in the near future were those who know these crafts are going to start to retire, leading to a labor shortage in the long term...That, and well, I like the feeling of physical work as it gives me more satisfaction than being stuck in an office cubicle ever would, besides Eastern Kentucky isn't the best place to search for a good paying desk job."

    The look on Cam's face was unreadable as he pondered my answer and then he stated. "You are the first person I have ever met from the South and you are nothing like what Imagined someone from there would be like..."

    I gave a chuckle. "What did you expect me to be like? like one of the Beverly Hillbilly's?"

    "No," Cam responded quickly his face betraying nothing. "It's just your more 'normal' than what the stereotype suggests..."

    "Less ignorant?" I replied to Cam's widening eyes which neither confirmed nor denied my statement as I continued. "Trust me, Cam don't believe everything you hear, while Hollywood has some good films I don't think they have ever gotten a single cultural depiction right, not even their own."

    "To be fair I really don't get out or travel that much so I wasn't quite sure," Cam admited as he looked partially to his side to hide his embarrassment before continuing. "I don't mean any offense, I was just wondering on how true that stereotype was...Although I completely understand the feeling..."

    "How?" I stated as we stopped at a door and Cam reached for his keys, deciding to act a little mischievous as I could tell that Cam didn't mean to broach the subject in this particular manner.

    "I had met a person vacationing from the North-East a couple of years ago and he insisted because I was Asian I had to know Karate," Cam stated flatly as he finally found the correct key and inserted it into the lock.

    "Ouch." I thought my mind cringing as a wry idea suddenly entered my head, "Cam...are you saying..." I started slowly as the man in question finished unlocking the door and turned to look at my face, which I had made into an expression of pure bewilderment.

    "That you don't know karate?" I blurted out...

    Cam's blinked twice as if his mind had a brief reboot, a sly smile started to form on my face and I started chuckling uncontrollably while coughing out. "HAHAHA! You should have seen the look on your face! HAHAA!"

    "HA. HA. HA. Very funny." Cam flatly and sarcastically spoke as he schooled his features to be an impassive mask again, although I was pretty sure I caught some amusement in his eyes at the question, probably because of how close I was to the truth with that joke.

    "A joke and humor go a long way in making a lasting impression as long as you don't make a fool out of yourself." I thought as I followed Cam through the now open door into the small living room of the apartment.

    The apartment itself was small the kitchen and living room is tiny in comparison to most apartments I had seen, but I realized compared to college closets closet's they were far better.

    Cam pointed down a hallway. "My bedroom is down the hall to the right, the door opposite to it is the guest room my father uses it when he rarely decides to stay a night you will be staying there."

    "Again thanks for this Cam, I am in your debt," I stated as I gave a smile.

    "Think nothing of it, I was just doing the decent thing," Cam replied modestly.

    "Alright" I nodded before asking. "Would you mind if I take a shower? because I am definitely in need of one..."

    "No, the water is acid, you will melt." Cam sarcastically replied.

    "Sure it is, but I will ditch the witches broom just in case." I responded rolling my eyes.


    After taking a hot shower I offered Cam help in making dinner and to my surprise, he agreed but only because in his own words. "I would hate to be charged with the murder and poisoning of a random homeless man."

    In any case, I was able to scrounge together some spaghetti from the pantry as there weren't many ingredients that supported my fast-growing theory after seeing the take out boxes in the fridge that Cam mostly ate at restaurants or prepared simple things rather than full-blown meals.

    "I guess there is a downside to everyone, even geniuses aren't good at everything." I thought as I sat on my bed in the guest room. After we finished diner and cleaned up I promptly informed Cam I was going to get some rest and that if he needed anything to just ask, from there I went to the room locked myself in, and picked up my notebook eager to use my weekend to start making plans.

    I was truly beyond thankful that Cam had taken me in for the week, like it or not it truly takes a kind individual to overpower a sense of mistrust in his fellow man, and now thanks to being indoors I was thinking more clearly about idea's and remembering a few more small details of power rangers that I had forgotten about, chiefly that the comics took place in a Modern AU and since this was the early 2000's, yet still had comic organization Promethea clearly indicating it was an AU meaning anything could or could not happen.

    My plans hadn't changed however, the main goal was still to collect as many useful powers as I could without drawing too much attention to myself and of these getting Ranger Power's specifically was going to be truly the hardest, there was no clear cut knowledge in my head at the moment to obtain them, all I had a general idea.

    To obtain ranger powers would require at least two things in most cases based on my admittedly limited knowledge.
    1. A power source: Most Morpher's in the series were powered and as far as I could understand, were linked by a specific thing to the Morphin Grid, although it wasn't always shown in every season. Power Coins, Zeo Crystal, Power disk, Dino Gem's to say nothing of Mystic Force's wands which conveniently could summon their morphers no build required.
    2. Morpher: This would of course be used to direct the energy and be used to initiate the morph itself.
    Of the above as far as I knew the power sources were the rarest, they were either powerful alien or magical artifacts that couldn't just be found anywhere. Morphers however, would be easier to come by, and if I knew how to find one probably easy to repair or build on a budget as R.J. built a few on a Pizza shop owner's salary in 2008 so the materials couldn't be that expensive...

    That being said there were chances that all Morpher's were varied in their inner working's thanks to their power sources varying from team to team, so there was a real possibility that if I found something like the Dino Gems they wouldn't be able to be just jammed into a 'Mighty 'Morphin' Morpher'.

    In any case, the safest bet for finding a Morpher or at least the basic schematics on how to build one would be Zordon's command center, as it had been destroyed multiple times, so the chances were much higher in finding some old piece of forgotten tech left lying around in the ruins than anywhere else. Eventually finding it wouldn't be difficult either, since I knew it was just outside Angel Grove, definitely inland away from the seas and in an elevated desert-like area which narrowed my search options, although I would have to wait before I went anywhere near that place as there could be a security system left in place to guard it.

    As for a Power Source I had fewer ideas admittedly, most power sources had either been destroyed, were in the hands of other individuals, or just plain picky about their users like the Dino Gems. The Mystic Force Wands were available, but I wasn't going anywhere near 'The Master' with a ten-foot pole, that left few options, as after Mystic Force most Power Sources were either from other dimension's or just to heavily guarded to even begin contemplate looking for, that left anything from here into the past as an option.

    I immediately disregarded anything and everything from Power Rangers in Space or Power Rangers Lost Galaxy, as I had no means of getting into space to even begin looking for things there. The most obvious place to look was right where I was present, but the thing was that I had a standing policy of not taking the ranger power's if they were active, or soon to be active. That, and I didn't like how vulnerable the Ninja Storm rangers would be to Cam's amulet...

    That left the Zeo Crystals and Power Coin's, Zeo Crystals were a big 'no' not only were they in the possession of some of the most experienced Ranger's to ever exist, but also the thing that also made them the most desirable as a power source, to begin with, the fact that they only grew stronger as time went by made them insanely hard to take even if I had the will to do so.

    The Power Coins were the most well known of power source artifact's in power ranger's history, one set of which was ground to dust and another that was all either damaged or in the process of being repaired, as Jason had his fixed by the time the red rangers went to the moon a year from now, and I definitely didn't want to butterfly their victory away, Billy was on another world, Adam had his repaired by the Sentinel Knight at some point, Trini and Kimberly were who knows were but would participate in Megaforce with their coins fixed...

    All of this lead to both the DragonZord and White Tiger Coins as the only remaining options, one completely drained of power, the other heavily damaged, and both in Tommy's hands along with the Zeo red Morpher...

    "My God, how much Morpher's does one man need?" I thought as I shook my head thinking of the Black Dino Powers that were fixing to be added to that list leaving Tommy with four Morpher's total, five if you want to get technical about the Turbo Powers...

    "In any case, that only leaves one option as a power source." I thought as I remembered one of my favorite all-time Power Ranger episodes as a kid. '

    "The Return Of the Green Ranger."
    I thought. An episode were an evil clone of Tommy was made shortly after Tommy became the White Ranger and subsequently went on a rampage ending with the clone's brainwashing being broken, him and Tommy going back in time to colonial Angel Grove to stop Lord Zeds army of giant rat's from taking over the past and the clone deciding to stay in the past keeping his coin with him.

    Which meant it was still floating around somewhere unclaimed in the present and with the DragonZord itself not having been destroyed alongside the original Zords I would be foolish not to look into it, the real question is how do I track down an artifact that has been lost for almost two a half centuries?

    The answer like in most things is research, boring, time-consuming, research...
    AN: This chapter was fun to write and I hope my readers enjoyed it! Now a few things to address about it.

    To start with I am sorry if It seems like the story ever drags, keep in mind I am doing a slow build up and action isn't going to be a major thing for awhile.

    Another thing that you may have noticed about this chapter is that it's mostly relationship building with both Cam and Elias showing them making small talk and joking, I felt this was necessary as too many times I have seen good stories fall due to lazy character development. In any case, as you can see I have given Cam a few flaws this chapter to show that despite being a genius that doesn't mean he's perfect, he can't cook well at all and beneath his genius and sarcasm, he's very socially awkward when it comes to dealing with people he isn't used to for long periods.

    (Also I hope my dialogue doesn't come across as too forced, keep in mind I am writing to stranger's who have just met trying to make small talk which they somewhat succeeded in doing.)

    The other big thing brought up this chapter is Elias committing to look for the DragonZord Power Coin and eventually scavenge the ruins of Zordon's command center for possible morpher designs or other tech but keep in mind that he isn't guaranteed to find anything and even if he does it might be disappointing to him...

    The next thing I will bring up, is that at the end of the last chapter you will probably remember that I said that there was going to be a Cam interlude in place of this chapter that has been delayed to the next chapter, because I wanted to show Elias settling in with Cam first before moving to the interlude.

    As usual follow, like and please comment and review
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    Chapter 6 (Cam)
  • Falloutman-101 Presents.

    But It's not 'Morphin Time' for me yet!!!

    A Power Rangers SI.

    Chapter 6: Cam

    Disclaimer: I do not own Power Ranger they belong to Hasbro.
    "Thanks for taking me to see this Cam," Elias stated beside me as we overlooked the sea from the bluff.

    "It's no problem. I was planning to visit up here soon anyway." I replied as I glanced at the rolling waves below. "The quite helps me relax."

    Elias nodded silently, brushing his black bangs to the side, and then silently sat without another word.

    I flinched inwardly, I hadn't meant it as a dismissal or anything similar, but the silence it brought wasn't entirely unwelcomed either, the entire reason he usually came here was to get peace and quiet after all.

    Elias hadn't been as much of a problem as I had initially suspected, despite the initial suspicious nature of out first meeting, he had only ever been a polite, kind, and overall thoughtful guest. He always asked if he could do anything for me around the apartment, avoided disturbing me when I was studying, and when I struck up a conversation with him he was generally a joy to talk with.

    "But why does something feel so 'off' about him?" I thought as I looked him over. Elias looked as ordinary as they come for an eighteen-year-old, black hair, six feet tall, and a slim/average build he looked plain the only thing separating him from most other teens being his accent, there was nothing overtly screaming danger about him...

    "Remember Cam, those who jump to conclusions often land in ignorance." Father's voice sounded in my head.

    "Then what feels so wrong here?" The man seemed alright and despite his initial fears of him having somehow known him when they first met, it could all have been just a coincidence of him looking like someone he knew, as Elias had initially stated.

    My mind quickly flew over the other instances that felt off. There was of course the karate joke when they first arrived at the apartment, but to be fair despite it being amusing and quick-witted on Elias part, he himself had brought up that line of conversation so it wasn't like Elias had gone out of his way to state bring it up, although something felt off about it.

    "He said he's from eastern Kentucky and his accent definitely agrees with that. Plus whenever I ask him his story stays consistent in regard to him stating that he is from that part of the country and moved to Silver Hills for a better job." I thought as my eyes wandered to the sea looking at the waves splashing against the far off shoreline and my mind turned to darker thoughts of why Silver Hills weighed so heavily on his mind.

    "...Lothor..." The individual that the scroll of destiny foretold would return to conquer the earth after a period of banishment to the stars. A dark ninja master that his Father believed would soon return and a man so powerful that the ancient's of the Wind Ninja Academy feared his rise enough that they formed a pact with a spirit of incredible power to acquire the Wind Ranger Power Disk to combat this great evil.

    My mind wandered, Father had been on the watch for Lothor's return for the last few years and I feared that these new individuals attacking Silver Hills might be a possible prelude to his return, although Father himself was adamant that it was otherwise, his explanation of why bringing up more questions than answers.

    Cam, I knew Lothor before his banishment, the academy would be under attack immediately had Lothor returned, he would first probe us for weakness and deal with us swiftly before revealing himself to the wider world.

    "But Father could be wrong, what if the Silver Hills incident is in any way connected to Elias's timely arrival?"
    A part of myself couldn't shake this fear and yet I realized it was beyond paranoid sounding, sure I shouldn't jump to the conclusion's about the man only having good intension's, but I also shouldn't assume the worst of him either, especially with his only evidence being a weird feeling fueled by paranoia.

    "Father also has a point about this not being Lothor work, but again he isn't the only thing out there..." I thought as my mind flashed to all the threats that had surfaced in the past few years.

    First was the repeated intrusions/attempted invasions of Rita Repulsa, Lord Zedd, and The Machine Empire which I remember Father's great frustration about when I was young as there was little he could do about them at the time, the Wind Morpher's not having been anywhere near built and the academies members being unable to gather intel or attack a space-faring enemy something that would later fuel the Academy's increased research into Morpher's.

    The second was the invasion of Astronema in which his father lead a force of academy students to liberate nearby Reefside and the Southern Californian town of Mariner bay far to the south, as Angel Grove was too heavily occupied to do anything about at the time.

    The third was the rise of demons, again in Mariner Bay, while it didn't quite cause global chaos it did get his father to dispatch a force of water ninja student's there to help out one of his father's contacts in the area.

    "In any case, the time where Lothor arrives is fast approaching and if he comes at us before my work on the Morpher's is complete we are doomed..." I thought as the feeling of the overwhelming pressure of the task returned...

    "Yo." A voice stated as a hand swiped in front of my vision my martial skills kicking in and grabbing and twisting the arm attached.

    "AHAAA! SHIT!!!." My mind went back to reality as I realized in shock it was Elias's hand that I had grabbed.

    "Sorry! I didn't mea-" I tried to say as Elias raised his other hand to silence me.

    "It's alright, Cam." He butted in waving dismissively, as he nursed his twisted arm and continued in a concerned voice. "You were spaced out for a moment there, I just wanted to make sure you were alright..."

    "I, uh, yeah." I stumbled over my words before taking a slight breath. "Something like that."

    Elias gave me a concerned look and stopped rubbing his arm. "You want to talk about it?"

    "No," I stated in complete contrast to how I felt on this issue. "I was just remembering something that's all."

    Elias studied me for a moment before shrugging. "Alright, I won't pry, but still, if there is anything you feel the need to talk about, feel free..."

    I nodded back feeling my stomach twisting, perplexed at the almost instant forgiveness Elias had given me. "Thanks, I will..."

    In reality, I wished I could confide in someone like Elias, but even if I could, no one else in my life could understand the scope of my problems.

    The Ninja Academy students could never understand why the father refused to train me fully in the Ninja Arts, Father himself could never understand how that hurt me by making all the other students whisper in pitying tones, and most of all, none of them could understand the immense weight the Wind Morpher Project placed on him.

    I had hidden how exhausting it had been from Father, as the project had to be completed to ensure Lothor could be defeated and I knew that if Father had found out about it he would order him to cease work for at least awhile to rest.

    "We can't afford it though, not when everyone has so much riding on this." I thought as I glanced at Elias who was again looking at the sea.

    "What do you think of it?" I asked as Elias shook his head.

    "It's hard to explain..." He started slowly before continuing. "John Denver stated it best, I am from a place that is a 'Miners lady and stranger to blue water.' I have seen pictures of the sea before of course and seen it on TV, I have heard plenty of description of it. but none of that does this sight justice."

    "Too good to be put into words?" I inquired.

    "Too complicated," Elias stated. "Tolkien wrote the description of it the best, the sea is beyond all control, powerful yet subdued, Beautiful yet terrifying, a truly unique thing..."

    My mind pondered it not really having ever put much thought into it, the sea for him at least had always been there and despite him seeing it daily he never noticed anything like that, was it because of perspective? or did such a thing just not exist?...

    "Is there any other place that feels similar to you?" I asked curious for an answer.

    "My home," Elias answered. "And I am not talking about homesickness either, the Mountains truly are unique in their feeling as well, surrounded by mist and the air of something ancient beyond life itself, it truly does feel like no other place..."

    "Did you always feel that way about it?" I asked digging a little further as I saw Elias's face go blank as if he was somewhere else...

    "Yes, and No," Elias stated his voice betraying nothing, although there was something in his eyes I couldn't place. "Looking back I guess I have always felt it in memory but just didn't notice it until I left. It's weird, on the surface it seems like homesickness but it isn't, I have somewhat gotten over that already, I guess what my grandfather told me about being unable to leave the mountains without leaving a piece of yourself was true..."

    My thought's deepened, I wasn't sure if Elias was right or not, being both a man of science and yet a believer in a destiny beyond myself, but at the same time something was always shaking up my belief's in some way...

    A growling sounds interrupted my line of thought and I looked up to see Elias looking sheepishly away.

    "...Elia..." I asked slowly. "Are you hungry?..."
    "Why did you want to eat here?" I asked Elias who seemed too deep in thought as we slid into a sunny booth.

    Elias looked away from the window and gave a light laugh. "Because every once and a while I crave a charbroiled burger and also because Carl's Jr. is the closest thing I am going to get to a Hardees for a long while."

    "What's Hardees?" I asked not getting that last statement.

    "Another fast-food chain back east that was bought out by Carl's Jr. they operate under different names but most of their menu is the same," Elias stated as he poked his straw into his cup.

    "I didn't know that," I stated as I put my straw in my cup of tea and sarcastically asked. "Do you like knowing it all?"

    "Ha-Ha, Says the man who somehow made his Sega Dreamcast run DVD's without any help." Elias replied, rolling his eyes as he took a sip from hi- "Cough!!!" "Cough!!!"

    "You alright?" I asked in concern as Elias stopped coughing on his drink.

    "Something is wrong with this tea!" Elias exclaimed as he finally caught his breath.

    My informal ninja training immediately kicked in screamed poison and my mind raced to remember any point at which someone could have slipped something into either of our cups before Elias's next words brought him promptly screeching back to reality.

    "Damn it, I forgot that people outside the South don't sweeten their tea," Elias stated somehow looking both sic, mortified, and hilariously perturbed at his drink.

    I felt my face flush feeling a bit embarrassed at my wild assumption. "What do you mean 'don't sweeten' it has lemon!" I stated.

    Elias gave an exasperated look of someone trying to explain that the sky was blue and said. "Yes! It is sweetened but it's not sweet tea!"

    My mind was trying to comprehend the logic of what he was saying when I saw Elias's eyes suddenly widen.

    "CAM!!! GET DOWN!!!"

    I barely registered his words but immediately did as he screamed hitting the booth's seat only to hear a deafening roar and the sound of glass shattering with it...

    Bet you didn't see that coming right? In any case sorry for the delay, I spent a good while getting this chapter done, researching and trying to get in the mindset of Cam as a character.

    As you can see, poor Cam has issues. Stemming mostly from his father's denying him Ninja Training, he grew up at a Ninja Academy and was despite his great ability, refused training for safety reasons because of his father. This in turn fueled other student's to talk down about him being 'coddled' by his father, a situation in cannon which eventually boils over at the start of the series were he clearly somewhat resents the rangers at first, because despite their lack of ability they have had the responsibility just plopped into their lap and he despite working hard for respect he is still relegated to the sidelines, despite genuinely wanting to help more.

    Next chapter it goes without saying, that things will escalate quickly.

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    Information and a sad incident.
  • My friends, its with a heavy heart I inform you my computer along with the next chapter has died today unexpectedly leaving me without a laptop for writing.

    Have no fear however! When I get a new computer within a month or so I will immediately get to work rewriting the chapter, I know you all have been disappointed with my Hiatus due to me aquiring new work and having less time, but I beg of you, have patience.