Burnham's 39 principles


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In 1964, Burnham wrote a book, "Suicide of the West: An Essay on the Meaning and Destiny of Liberalism", a book where he makes the case that Liberalism is going to cause the death, via suicide, of the West. To start with, he laid out 39 principles by which someone might be identified as a Liberal, in order to start defining what he considered to be a liberal.

It would be interesting to see where people align on these principles, and see what their opinions are on how valid they are in this day, some 50 years later. Did Burnham create a effective list, and get a good general idea of what a liberal is? Or was his sense of it wrong, which could potentially throw his whole thesis into question?

The 39 points bellow. I will try to write up a more detailed elaboration of why my options hold on each individual point.

1. All forms of racial segregation and discrimination are wrong.
2. Everyone is entitled to his own opinion.
3. Everyone has a right to free, public education.
4. Political, economic or social discrimination based on religious belief is wrong.
5. In political or military conflict it is wrong to use methods of torture and physical terror.
6. A popular movement or revolt against a tyranny or dictatorship is right, and deserves approval.
7. The government has a duty to provide for the ill, aged, unemployed and poor if they cannot take care of themselves.
8. Progressive income and inheritance taxes are the fairest form of taxation.
9. If reasonable compensation is made, the government of a nation has the legal and moral right to expropriate private property within its borders, whether owned by citizens or foreigners.
10. We have a duty to mankind; that is, to men in general. 11. The United Nations, even if limited in accomplishment, is a step in the right direction.
12. Any interference with free speech and free assembly, except for cases of immediate public danger or juvenile corruption, is wrong.
13. Wealthy nations, like the United States, have a duty to aid the less privileged portions of mankind.
14. Colonialism and imperialism are wrong.
15. Hotels, motels, stores and restaurants in southern United States ought to be obliged by law to allow Negroes to use all of their facilities on the same basis as whites.
16. The chief sources of delinquency and crime are ignorance, discrimination, poverty and exploitation.
17. Communists have a right to express their opinions.
18. We should always be ready to negotiate with the Soviet Union and other communist nations.
19. Corporal punishment, except possibly for small children, is wrong.
20. All nations and peoples, including the nations and peoples of Asia and Africa, have a right to political independence when a majority of the population wants it.
21. We always ought to respect the religious beliefs of others.
22. The primary goal of international policy in the nuclear age ought to be peace.
23. Except in cases of a clear threat to national security or, possibly, to juvenile morals, censorship is wrong.
24. Congressional investigating committees are dangerous institutions, and need to be watched and curbed if they are not to become a serious threat to freedom.
25. The money amount of school and university scholarships ought to be decided primarily by need.
26. Qualified teachers, at least at the university level, are entitled to academic freedom: that is, the right to express their own beliefs and opinions, in or out of the classroom, without interference from administrators, trustees, parents or public bodies.
27. In determining who is to be admitted to schools and universities, quota systems based on color, religion, family or similar factors are wrong.
28. The national government should guarantee that all adult citizens, except for criminals and the insane, should have the right to vote.
29. Joseph McCarthy was probably the most dangerous man in American public life during the fifteen years following the Second World War.
30. There are no significant differences in intellectual, moral or civilizing capacity among human races and ethnic types.
31. Steps toward world disarmament would be a good thing.
32. Everyone is entitled to political and social rights without distinction of any kind, such as race, color, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status.
33. Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and expression.
34. Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression.
35. The will of the people shall be the basis of the authority of government.
36. Everyone, as a member of society, has the right to social security.
37. Everyone has the right to equal pay for equal work.
38. Everyone has the right to form and to join trade unions.
39. Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, and the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond his control.

And his description of how he scored the answer:

"A full-blown liberal will mark every one, or very nearly every one, of these thirty-nine sentences, Agree. A convinced conservative will mark many or most of them, a reactionary all or nearly all of them, Disagree…I have confirmed experimentally…that the result is seldom an even balance between Agree and Disagree…self-defined liberals almost never drop below 85 percent of Agree answers, or self-defined reactionaries below 85 percent of Disagree; a perfect 100 percent is common. Certain types of self-styled conservatives yield almost as high a Disagree percentage as the admitted reactionaries…

These sentences were not devised arbitrarily. Many of them are taken directly or adapted from the writings of well-known liberals, the French Declaration of the Rights of Man, or liberal questionnaires that have been put out in recent years by the American Civil Liberties Union. The last eight are quoted verbatim from the United Nations’ ‘Universal Declarations of Human Rights,’ adopted in 1948 by the United Nations General Assembly."

I personally on a quick once through only scored a 22/39 or 56%. A lot of these seem like they may have a very different contextual meaning now than when the list was made. Or maybe I am a terribly corrupted liberal unbased liberal.
1. All forms of racial segregation and discrimination are wrong.

(When its done maliciously, you get ethnic enclaves all of the time and through out history, people expecially new imigrants and those who feel marginalized group together for protection all of the time, so this is one of those things that is more complicated in real life.

2. Everyone is entitled to his own opinion.

( your not however qualified to your own facts there is an objective reality outside yourself ignore it at your own peril.)

3. Everyone has a right to free, public education.

(There's no such thing as free education it all has to be paid for by some one.)

4. Political, economic or social discrimination based on religious belief is wrong.

(Real life is more complicated then that, some times you get real nut cases who use religion as an excuse to hurt people or tyrannize the people around them)

5. In political or military conflict it is wrong to use methods of torture and physical terror.

(Torture is counter productive and doesn't get you real information, but physical terror in war has been a part of war since the beginning and is a part of its nature.)

6. A popular movement or revolt against a tyranny or dictatorship is right, and deserves approval.

(That needs a whole lot of qualifiers replacing a tyranny with an even worse one is a bad out come.)

7. The government has a duty to provide for the ill, aged, unemployed and poor if they cannot take care of themselves.

(The government is not a genie that solves all of your problems and they cant solve this problem either.)

8. Progressive income and inheritance taxes are the fairest form of taxation.

(Disagree progressive income taxes result in a more complicated tax structor by their nature and breed corruption. Inheritance tax like wise can turn very toxic.)

9. If reasonable compensation is made, the government of a nation has the legal and moral right to expropriate private property within its borders, whether owned by citizens or foreigners.

(This power has been heavily abused in the past present and no doubt future)

10. We have a duty to mankind; that is, to men in general. 11. The United Nations, even if limited in accomplishment, is a step in the right direction.

(The united nations is a corrupt organization that needs to stick to being a place where people can argue.)

12. Any interference with free speech and free assembly, except for cases of immediate public danger or juvenile corruption, is wrong.

(I like free speech a lot, and free assembly.

13. Wealthy nations, like the United States, have a duty to aid the less privileged portions of mankind.

(That money rarely goes to the people who need it and is often stolen by corrupt officials.)

14. Colonialism and imperialism are wrong.

(Both are mixed bags with good and bad historically speaking)

15. Hotels, motels, stores and restaurants in southern United States ought to be obliged by law to allow Negroes to use all of their facilities on the same basis as whites.

(This has been a settled issue for 50 years not, opening those up didn't hurt the south at all.

16. The chief sources of delinquency and crime are ignorance, discrimination, poverty and exploitation.

(Ignorance of the law has caused people to break it by accident, the last 3 are bunk plenty of people suffer and don't go into a life of crime)

17. Communists have a right to express their opinions.

(And we have the right to mock them for having bad ones, and pointing out how badly every attempt has gone)

18. We should always be ready to negotiate with the Soviet Union and other communist nations.

(And hold them accountable when they fuck us over.)

19. Corporal punishment, except possibly for small children, is wrong.

(Depends on a lot of factors, arguably canning some one is kinder then taking away 3 years of their life)

20. All nations and peoples, including the nations and peoples of Asia and Africa, have a right to political independence when a majority of the population wants it.

(This can go so horrifically wrong its not even funny)

21. We always ought to respect the religious beliefs of others.

(There are qualifiers for this because the real world is not ideal.)

22. The primary goal of international policy in the nuclear age ought to be peace

(ha, ha, ha, ha ugh nope don't belive this at all.)
23. Except in cases of a clear threat to national security or, possibly, to juvenile morals, censorship is wrong.

(Fuck censorship. )

24. Congressional investigating committees are dangerous institutions, and need to be watched and curbed if they are not to become a serious threat to freedom.

(Congressional investigations get used for a lot of things)

25. The money amount of school and university scholarships ought to be decided primarily by need.

(Fuck no.)

26. Qualified teachers, at least at the university level, are entitled to academic freedom: that is, the right to express their own beliefs and opinions, in or out of the classroom, without interference from administrators, trustees, parents or public bodies.

(Teachers can express their political opinions off the clock.)

27. In determining who is to be admitted to schools and universities, quota systems based on color, religion, family or similar factors are wrong.


28. The national government should guarantee that all adult citizens, except for criminals and the insane, should have the right to vote.

(This is a detailed discussion on the nature of responsibility and rights that can be very in depth.

29. Joseph McCarthy was probably the most dangerous man in American public life during the fifteen years following the Second World War.

(Not remotely close.)

30. There are no significant differences in intellectual, moral or civilizing capacity among human races and ethnic types.

(True, but culture and geography matters)

31. Steps toward world disarmament would be a good thing.

(No no dear god no, nukes are what created peace deterance works.)

32. Everyone is entitled to political and social rights without distinction of any kind, such as race, color, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status.

(What are these rights in question?"

33. Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and expression.

(True but if you punch people be prepaired for conquences.

34. Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression.

(This is just 33 said again)

35. The will of the people shall be the basis of the authority of government.

(Its one of many basis's used in history.)

36. Everyone, as a member of society, has the right to social security.

(Social security is a ponzi scheme that requires a larger pool of people to pay into it)

37. Everyone has the right to equal pay for equal work.

(What is equal work? An important question. )

38. Everyone has the right to form and to join trade unions.

(I feel that public sector unions have been a disaster.)

39. Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, and the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond his control.

(That can go so horribly wrong its not even funny.)
Burnham seems to have defined the tenants of leftism quite well. I found myself disagreeing with most of those principles (especially the one about being friendly to the Soviet Union. Bugger that, there is no reasoning with Communists, they see mediation as weakness!) upon further thought, so I suppose that makes me a "reactionary."
Burnham seems to have defined the tenants of leftism quite well. I found myself disagreeing with most of those principles (especially the one about being friendly to the Soviet Union. Bugger that, there is no reasoning with Communists, they see mediation as weakness!) upon further thought, so I suppose that makes me a "reactionary."

its natural to have a bad reaction to a bad idea that improverishs nations and murders millions of people and created a level of tyranny that would leave most medival lords in shocked horror.
its natural to have a bad reaction to a bad idea that improverishs nations and murders millions of people and created a level of tyranny that would leave most medival lords in shocked horror.

Is it fair to call it "Liberalism"? I don't think it has too much in common with what John Locke had in mind. If anything this is all a horrible echo of Rousseau and the French Revolution. Our enemy is the Jacobins, and they've been at war with us since 1789.
Is it fair to call it "Liberalism"? I don't think it has too much in common with what John Locke had in mind. If anything this is all a horrible echo of Rousseau and the French Revolution. Our enemy is the Jacobins, and they've been at war with us since 1789.

I was talking about communism seriously fuck communism.
Seems like i'm one of the exceptions that prove the rule with 20 out of 39 yes.

A lot of these questions are very "devil in the details", like the negotiate with soviet union or peace ones, and some of them have downright shifted answers from "liberal" of 60's to current year "corporate approved progressive liberal", like the quotas question, with most of the politically correct openly advocating for quotas in form of affirmative action.
I had 30/39, though, as @Marduk notes, many were devil in the details that I decided to consistently aim towards yes.
Burnham seems to have defined the tenants of leftism quite well. I found myself disagreeing with most of those principles (especially the one about being friendly to the Soviet Union. Bugger that, there is no reasoning with Communists, they see mediation as weakness!) upon further thought, so I suppose that makes me a "reactionary."
This isn't leftism, this is liberalism. There's an important difference. Liberalism embraces social freedom and likes the first amendment and the first amendment's culture. Leftism hates it, and embraces cancel culture, et al. Also, they have a weird view of foreign policy. Here's a leftist doing this, and they get just under 50% (19/39):

1. All forms of racial segregation and discrimination are wrong.
NO. But muh affirmative action.
2. Everyone is entitled to his own opinion.
NO. It must agree with mine.
3. Everyone has a right to free, public education.
4. Political, economic or social discrimination based on religious belief is wrong.
NO. Christians are bad...
5. In political or military conflict it is wrong to use methods of torture and physical terror.
NO, Antifa is needed.
6. A popular movement or revolt against a tyranny or dictatorship is right, and deserves approval.
NO, not if its Maduro
7. The government has a duty to provide for the ill, aged, unemployed and poor if they cannot take care of themselves.
YES, but also those too lazy to get a job.
8. Progressive income and inheritance taxes are the fairest form of taxation.
NO. Wealth taxes are needed.
9. If reasonable compensation is made, the government of a nation has the legal and moral right to expropriate private property within its borders, whether owned by citizens or foreigners.
NO. There should be no compensation.
10. We have a duty to mankind; that is, to men in general.
11. The United Nations, even if limited in accomplishment, is a step in the right direction.
YES. Can we condemn Israel again yet.
12. Any interference with free speech and free assembly, except for cases of immediate public danger or juvenile corruption, is wrong.
NO. What if it's hate speech?
13. Wealthy nations, like the United States, have a duty to aid the less privileged portions of mankind.
14. Colonialism and imperialism are wrong.
15. Hotels, motels, stores and restaurants in southern United States ought to be obliged by law to allow Negroes to use all of their facilities on the same basis as whites.
16. The chief sources of delinquency and crime are ignorance, discrimination, poverty and exploitation.
17. Communists have a right to express their opinions.
YES. But not Capitalists.
18. We should always be ready to negotiate with the Soviet Union and other communist nations.
19. Corporal punishment, except possibly for small children, is wrong.
YES? Because the fascists aren't people.
20. All nations and peoples, including the nations and peoples of Asia and Africa, have a right to political independence when a majority of the population wants it.
NO. What if they don't want communism?
21. We always ought to respect the religious beliefs of others.
NO. The covid means we get to cancel church.
22. The primary goal of international policy in the nuclear age ought to be peace.
NO. We need to bomb Syria cause Obama said so.
23. Except in cases of a clear threat to national security or, possibly, to juvenile morals, censorship is wrong.
NO. We need to cancel people.
24. Congressional investigating committees are dangerous institutions, and need to be watched and curbed if they are not to become a serious threat to freedom.
NO. Investigate Trump
25. The money amount of school and university scholarships ought to be decided primarily by need.
NO. But muh affirmative action.
26. Qualified teachers, at least at the university level, are entitled to academic freedom: that is, the right to express their own beliefs and opinions, in or out of the classroom, without interference from administrators, trustees, parents or public bodies.
NO. A bunch of Princeton University Teachers just tried to limit academic freedom.
27. In determining who is to be admitted to schools and universities, quota systems based on color, religion, family or similar factors are wrong.
NO. But muh affirmative action.
28. The national government should guarantee that all adult citizens, except for criminals and the insane, should have the right to vote.
NO. Unless they are nazis
29. Joseph McCarthy was probably the most dangerous man in American public life during the fifteen years following the Second World War.
30. There are no significant differences in intellectual, moral or civilizing capacity among human races and ethnic types.
NO. Did you see the Smithsonian institute's white culture bullshit?
31. Steps toward world disarmament would be a good thing.
YES. Starting with the US.
32. Everyone is entitled to political and social rights without distinction of any kind, such as race, color, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status.
NO. Only ones that agree with mine.
33. Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and expression.
NO. Only ones that agree with mine.
34. Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression.
NO. Only ones that agree with mine.
35. The will of the people shall be the basis of the authority of government.
YES, the people in New York and California.
36. Everyone, as a member of society, has the right to social security.
37. Everyone has the right to equal pay for equal work.
38. Everyone has the right to form and to join trade unions.
39. Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, and the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond his control.
Yeah, remember that in the book, Burnham is actually attacking liberals, not communists as the two have come to be near synonyms in the modern discourse. Its an entire book and I haven't read the whole thing, but the quick summary of it, as much as one summarizes an entire book, is that liberalism strips out anything in society that induces some will to live. Thus, liberalism will lead to the suicide of the West, in his time by creating a country incapable of resisting communism. The choice quote from the forward:

"Just possibly we shall not have to die in large numbers to stop them; but we shall certainly have to be willing to die."

"[modern liberalism] does not offer ordinary men compelling motives for personal suffering, sacrifice, and death. There is no tragic dimension in its picture of the good life. Men become willing to endure, sacrifice, and die for God, for family, king, honor, country, from a sense of absolute duty or an exalted vision of the meaning of history . . . And it is precisely these ideas and institutions that liberalism has criticized, attacked, in part overthrown as superstitious, archaic, reactionary, and irrational. In their place liberalism proposes a set of pale and bloodless abstraction-pale and bloodless for the very reason they have no roots in the past, in deep feelings and in suffering. Except for mercenaries, saints, and neurotics, no one is willing to sacrifice and dies for progressive education, medicare, humanity in abstract, the United Nations, and a ten percent rise in social security payments."
As a self-described reactionary:

1. All forms of racial segregation and discrimination are wrong.

2. Everyone is entitled to his own opinion.

3. Everyone has a right to free, public education.

4. Political, economic or social discrimination based on religious belief is wrong.
Disagree, certain religious beliefs such as satanism ought to be discriminated against.

5. In political or military conflict it is wrong to use methods of torture and physical terror.

6. A popular movement or revolt against a tyranny or dictatorship is right, and deserves approval.
Disagree. Whether or not such a revolt deserves approval depends on context.

7. The government has a duty to provide for the ill, aged, unemployed and poor if they cannot take care of themselves.

8. Progressive income and inheritance taxes are the fairest form of taxation.

9. If reasonable compensation is made, the government of a nation has the legal and moral right to expropriate private property within its borders, whether owned by citizens or foreigners.
Agree. This is a concept that goes all the way back to feudal Europe.

10. We have a duty to mankind; that is, to men in general. 11. The United Nations, even if limited in accomplishment, is a step in the right direction.

12. Any interference with free speech and free assembly, except for cases of immediate public danger or juvenile corruption, is wrong.
Disagree, we must also be worried about adult corruption.

13. Wealthy nations, like the United States, have a duty to aid the less privileged portions of mankind.

14. Colonialism and imperialism are wrong.

15. Hotels, motels, stores and restaurants in southern United States ought to be obliged by law to allow Negroes to use all of their facilities on the same basis as whites.

16. The chief sources of delinquency and crime are ignorance, discrimination, poverty and exploitation.

17. Communists have a right to express their opinions.

18. We should always be ready to negotiate with the Soviet Union and other communist nations.

19. Corporal punishment, except possibly for small children, is wrong.

20. All nations and peoples, including the nations and peoples of Asia and Africa, have a right to political independence when a majority of the population wants it.
Disagree. A nation can thrive without necessarily having its own nation-state.

21. We always ought to respect the religious beliefs of others.
Disagree, depends on the religious beliefs.

22. The primary goal of international policy in the nuclear age ought to be peace.

23. Except in cases of a clear threat to national security or, possibly, to juvenile morals, censorship is wrong.
Disagree, we also ought to worry about adult morals.

24. Congressional investigating committees are dangerous institutions, and need to be watched and curbed if they are not to become a serious threat to freedom.

25. The money amount of school and university scholarships ought to be decided primarily by need.

26. Qualified teachers, at least at the university level, are entitled to academic freedom: that is, the right to express their own beliefs and opinions, in or out of the classroom, without interference from administrators, trustees, parents or public bodies.
Disagree, the Church ought to be able to censor heretical teachers.

27. In determining who is to be admitted to schools and universities, quota systems based on color, religion, family or similar factors are wrong.
Disagree, quota systems can be an important way of getting minorities to buy into the system (such as in Imperial China and its regional quotas in examinations for the bureaucracy) though this can of course be taken too far.

28. The national government should guarantee that all adult citizens, except for criminals and the insane, should have the right to vote.
Disagree. Democracy is not an automatic good in and of itself, though if one has given voting rights to the population at large, discrimination on things such as race is of course wrong.

29. Joseph McCarthy was probably the most dangerous man in American public life during the fifteen years following the Second World War.

30. There are no significant differences in intellectual, moral or civilizing capacity among human races and ethnic types.

31. Steps toward world disarmament would be a good thing.

32. Everyone is entitled to political and social rights without distinction of any kind, such as race, color, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status.

33. Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and expression.
Disagree. Thought and conscience, yes. Expression, depends.

34. Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression.
Disagree. Opinion, yes. Expression, depends.

35. The will of the people shall be the basis of the authority of government.
Disagree. Just authority derives from God, not the people.

36. Everyone, as a member of society, has the right to social security.

37. Everyone has the right to equal pay for equal work.

38. Everyone has the right to form and to join trade unions.

39. Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, and the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond his control.

I got 21/39 agree.
I had 30/39, though, as @Marduk notes, many were devil in the details that I decided to consistently aim towards yes.
This isn't leftism, this is liberalism. There's an important difference. Liberalism embraces social freedom and likes the first amendment and the first amendment's culture. Leftism hates it, and embraces cancel culture, et al. Also, they have a weird view of foreign policy. Here's a leftist doing this, and they get just under 50% (19/39):

1. All forms of racial segregation and discrimination are wrong.
NO. But muh affirmative action.
2. Everyone is entitled to his own opinion.
NO. It must agree with mine.
3. Everyone has a right to free, public education.
4. Political, economic or social discrimination based on religious belief is wrong.
NO. Christians are bad...
5. In political or military conflict it is wrong to use methods of torture and physical terror.
NO, Antifa is needed.
6. A popular movement or revolt against a tyranny or dictatorship is right, and deserves approval.
NO, not if its Maduro
7. The government has a duty to provide for the ill, aged, unemployed and poor if they cannot take care of themselves.
YES, but also those too lazy to get a job.
8. Progressive income and inheritance taxes are the fairest form of taxation.
NO. Wealth taxes are needed.
9. If reasonable compensation is made, the government of a nation has the legal and moral right to expropriate private property within its borders, whether owned by citizens or foreigners.
NO. There should be no compensation.
10. We have a duty to mankind; that is, to men in general.
11. The United Nations, even if limited in accomplishment, is a step in the right direction.
YES. Can we condemn Israel again yet.
12. Any interference with free speech and free assembly, except for cases of immediate public danger or juvenile corruption, is wrong.
NO. What if it's hate speech?
13. Wealthy nations, like the United States, have a duty to aid the less privileged portions of mankind.
14. Colonialism and imperialism are wrong.
15. Hotels, motels, stores and restaurants in southern United States ought to be obliged by law to allow Negroes to use all of their facilities on the same basis as whites.
16. The chief sources of delinquency and crime are ignorance, discrimination, poverty and exploitation.
17. Communists have a right to express their opinions.
YES. But not Capitalists.
18. We should always be ready to negotiate with the Soviet Union and other communist nations.
19. Corporal punishment, except possibly for small children, is wrong.
YES? Because the fascists aren't people.
20. All nations and peoples, including the nations and peoples of Asia and Africa, have a right to political independence when a majority of the population wants it.
NO. What if they don't want communism?
21. We always ought to respect the religious beliefs of others.
NO. The covid means we get to cancel church.
22. The primary goal of international policy in the nuclear age ought to be peace.
NO. We need to bomb Syria cause Obama said so.
23. Except in cases of a clear threat to national security or, possibly, to juvenile morals, censorship is wrong.
NO. We need to cancel people.
24. Congressional investigating committees are dangerous institutions, and need to be watched and curbed if they are not to become a serious threat to freedom.
NO. Investigate Trump
25. The money amount of school and university scholarships ought to be decided primarily by need.
NO. But muh affirmative action.
26. Qualified teachers, at least at the university level, are entitled to academic freedom: that is, the right to express their own beliefs and opinions, in or out of the classroom, without interference from administrators, trustees, parents or public bodies.
NO. A bunch of Princeton University Teachers just tried to limit academic freedom.
27. In determining who is to be admitted to schools and universities, quota systems based on color, religion, family or similar factors are wrong.
NO. But muh affirmative action.
28. The national government should guarantee that all adult citizens, except for criminals and the insane, should have the right to vote.
NO. Unless they are nazis
29. Joseph McCarthy was probably the most dangerous man in American public life during the fifteen years following the Second World War.
30. There are no significant differences in intellectual, moral or civilizing capacity among human races and ethnic types.
NO. Did you see the Smithsonian institute's white culture bullshit?
31. Steps toward world disarmament would be a good thing.
YES. Starting with the US.
32. Everyone is entitled to political and social rights without distinction of any kind, such as race, color, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status.
NO. Only ones that agree with mine.
33. Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and expression.
NO. Only ones that agree with mine.
34. Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression.
NO. Only ones that agree with mine.
35. The will of the people shall be the basis of the authority of government.
YES, the people in New York and California.
36. Everyone, as a member of society, has the right to social security.
37. Everyone has the right to equal pay for equal work.
38. Everyone has the right to form and to join trade unions.
39. Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, and the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond his control.
I question the "finds imperalism wrong" both the Soviets and Chinese did and do so. So it's reasonable to assume a hypothetical SJW state. Would definitely try and impose wokeness on other states. Which would absolutely be colonizing though they never admit it. Hell the ideology is already international so we'll it's already started just not in the traditional way.

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