Lord of the Rings Behind the Black Curtain (a LOTR AU fanfic) 1st draft

Chapter 0: The One Ring is Found
Summary: By sheer chance, Frodo and Sam fall into the river after the skirmish at Amon Hen and are captured by a force of Mordor orcs. With the One Ring found and returned to its true lord, the two hobbits fear the worst. But as one cannot judge a book by it's cover, not all things are as they seem, and some things are not always so black and white.

Author's note: I originally gave an idea of how the Lord of the Rings more morally gray or nuanced, so I thought maybe I could try to make a story out of it.

Let me make something clear right off the bat. Anytime you subvert or deconstruct a series you have to change some of the lore from the original intention of the author because people do naturally write their biases into their stories. Tolkien was devoted catholic, Lucas was a love child of the 60s and it shows in their respective works. With Star Wars in particular The EU did fundamentally change Lucas's narrative especially in terms of the nature of the force. Gone was new age "Property and attachment is theft and reproduction is abuse" and replaced with "No emotion and attachment are not what lead to the darkside, Obsession, narcissism and corruption do." and it worked because it made for better stories. *Cough cough clone wars and Mandalorian wars cough cough*

You could theoretically make LOTR more morally complicated, but you'd have to be extra careful and making sure to write nuance. if you simply reversed the alignments, you'd just be making the same "Writing mistakes" as the story your trying to deconstruct. Not to mention you'd have to make sure to explain what parts that "The forces of light" and by extension us were either missing or misunderstanding some key information and have Sauron straight own up to pass mistakes. Like getting the numanorians to try to invade the Undying lands.

It could be done. I'll try to list some examples off the top of my head.

Sauron attempted to conquer the free peoples of middle earth before the alliance of men and elves resisted him: Sauron conquered the east to stop the massive tribal infighting and when the men of the west saw this they feared that they would be conquered and convinced the elves to help them invade Morder in a preemptive strike not realizing that the East conquest of the East was mostly bloodless and the quality of life was greatly improved in terms of economy and infostructure (We don't see anything about the easterlings except for their armies so that gives enough of a blank slate to work with) and that Sauron really had no interest in the affairs of the west.

The orcs were once elves but became corrupted by Sauron: The Orcs that reside in Mordor were elves who fell in love with middle earth and wished to settle into middle earth and possibly intermarry with its inhabitants. However, their metaphysical and immortal nature made this impossible as all elves who do not give up their immortality or return to their homeland are destined to fade. Sauron was able to find a way to give the elves a more corporeal body that could bear their immortality, but the process by its nature greatly changed them. while the Wizards see this as a form of corruption, the orcs themselves take pride in their forms as it's an ultimate symbol of their resolve to keep that which they love, and they have a proud code of honor.

Keep in mind these are Mordor orcs specifically we are talking about, the goblins of the wild and orcs of Saruman are much more feral but neither Sauron's doing.

The Ringwraiths are shadows of the men they once were: This was primarily a way to punish them for misusing their rings of power and becoming arrogant and self-absorbed. They were turned into Ringwraiths to learn humility. Nearly all of them learned said lesson save one (the witch king) plus covert work is a lot easier to accomplish when you can move as swiftly and a silently as a shadow.

Sauron invaded Gondor:
1. Gondor declared war on Mordor first.
2. You have seen Denathor right?

The Ring of power corrupts the hearts of those that wield it:

Power does not corrupt it enables. The funny thing about power is that those who want it and take it for themselves are typically the ones who are not fit to use it. Meanwhile those who can use it without being "Corrupted" by it do not desire it or will use it openly. Golem was always a selfish slimy worm, Isildur and Boromir were always self-absorbed with an overblown sense of importance. Aragorn wisely rejected the temptation to bear the ring because he knew that part of him deep down wanted glory for himself and his people. Even Bilbo and Frodo for all of their virtues still desired glory and no wizard or High Elf would be fit to bear the ring as they see themselves as mighty Shepards destined to guide the poor mortal sheep.

Meanwhile those like Samwise and Tom Bombadil had little to no trouble resisting the ring as they had everything they could possibly want.

The story could be less a fairy tale about good and evil and more a debate and philosophical discussion. Is it better to be pure even if living in a constant state of pure goodness means living in ignorance and having no sense of the world around you while always living under someone's wing (As the hobbits lived) or is it better to be independent self-actualized and wise even if the journey leaves scared battle hardened and not near as pleasing to the eyes or pleasant to the ears? (As this new theoretical take on orcs would be) There doesn't have to be a blatant right or wrong answer in fact it may be better for the reader to decide for themselves.

to be fair I don't think Tolkien would shy away from exploring such a story. he was friends with the man that gave us this quote Afterall.

“Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience. They may be more likely to go to Heaven yet at the same time likelier to make a Hell of earth. This very kindness stings with intolerable insult. To be "cured" against one's will and cured of states which we may not regard as disease is to be put on a level of those who have not yet reached the age of reason or those who never will; to be classed with infants, imbeciles, and domestic animals.”
I just don't think it's a story he wanted to explore in LOTR.

Now let me say I am no Tolkien; I'm not going to pretend to be Tolkien. I'm doing this mainly for fun and as a sort of writing challenge. I'm mostly taking from the movies though I may pull stuff from the books as well as the Shadow of Mordor series That being said I'd still l some critique as I still want the story to be entertaining. Maybe if it's good enough I can use it as a foundation for an original story. (Hey if worked for E. L. James...)

Disclaimer: Lord of The Rings is property of the Tolkien estate

Frodo felt his arms and his shoulders throb as he continued to roll across the Great River of Amon Hen. The weight of the One Ring did not help manners. it seemed like the closer they edged to Morder the more suffocating the One Ring felt, yet for one reason or another he could not bear to take it off. In a way, it was precious to him.

"Come to me little Hafling I have such sights I can show you."

Frodo felt his eyes grow heavy.

"Come to me...come..."

"Mr. Frodo?"

Frodo felt himself almost immediately snap back to reality as he gazed upon the face of his companion Samwise.

"Are you alright Mr. Frodo?"

Frodo gave a fake smile, but he could only keep it for less than a second. "It feels so heavy." He moaned as if his very soul was grieving.

"Hang in there Mr. Frodo." Sam assured. "Soon we will get to Mordor will destroy that cursed ring, and we'll go back to the shire. We'll have a nice little adventure that we can tell all our friends back at the Green Dragon inn, just like your uncle Bilbo."

"Just like Bilbo..." Frodo spoke but his voice gave a weary inflection, as if he was distant or his soul was overstretched, like butter spread over too much bread as his uncle would say. "It feels so heavy...so...so... Frodo found himself falling out of consciousness as his body slumped and toppled over the lifeboat and into the waters below.

"Mr. Frodo!" Sam shouted and plunged headfirst into the water instinctively trying to save his friend. It was only after his body touched the water did, he remember that he couldn't swim. Desperately he flailed his arms only to lose consciousness himself.

Meanwhile in the distance, the heavy steps of Mordor orcs could be heard. After the failure of the Nazgul to retrieve the one ring on Weathertop, Sauron had sent a squad of his best orcs to chase after the fellowship in hopes of retrieving the hobbits before the white wizard had managed to do so.

They were led by one of his prized Captains, Oga the Great Eater. Much larger than most of her peers both in stature, strength, and girth, she was one of Sauron's best Captains and had followed him from the beginning as she was among those who were originally elves and one of the few females of her kind to fight in war. following the creature Gollum, she had managed to track the fellowship to the river but had ordered her men to fall back while the fellowship and the forces of the white hand were in a skirmish.

Now the way was clear. The Ranger Elf and Dwarf chased after the uruk hai who had captured two of the hobbits and the captain of Gondor was nowhere to be found. The question now was where the other two hobbits were.

Leaving the trees, she signaled her troops to follow slowly. "Search the area." She commanded. "They couldn't have gotten far."

"Shouldn't we be chasing after them other two?" one of the grunts asked. "If they have the ring, then it's as good as in the hands of the white Wizard if we don't intercept them."

"They don't." Oga assured.

"How can you be so sure?"

"Call it a hunch. Besides, the Heir of Isildur and his friends are chasing after them. They'll be fine."

"Captain Look," an orc named Grogut shouted pointing to a boat washed up against the shore. Next to it was the crumpled form of two hobbits, neither were dead, but they were certainly dancing on its edge. Grogut turned them over and checked their respective pulses. "They ain't dead. They look worse for wear though. Especially the dark haired one. Must have took quite the tumble into the river."

He then proceeded to try and lift Sam. "Ugh, the blonde one feels heavy for one so small."
Oga rolled her eyes. "Thier Haflings their appetite for food nearly matches my own. Here, I'll carry the fat one, you take his friend."

Grogut proceeded to lift frodo and place him on a dock. "This one ain't looking so good captain, looks as white as an albino rat. If I didn't know better, I'd say he was hit hard with some sort of curse."

That got Oga's attention. "Check him."

Grogut ripped off Frodo's tunic letting out a whistle. "Little one's got mithril underarmor on him." he then noticed the Ring on his neck. "Well, what do we have here?"

the orc found himself almost immediately enamored by the golden ring, almost like a cat being attracted to dangling string. "It's so...beautiful."


Grogut turned to see his captain's hand on the hilt of her sword. Her eyes glared with a tense expression. "Give me the ring." she commanded

Grogut walked slowly almost as if he were resisting a great force pulling at his body. Time seemed to stretch on forever as all of the orcs anxiously waited to see how this would go down. Everyone in Mordor whether man or orc knew the power of The One Ring. Whispers were told of how if one kept it too long, they would become enthralled by it. People would do anything to keep it, even kill for it. So one could imagine the universal sigh of relief when Grogut turned his palm over and the ring fell into Oga's hand. Grogut shuttered.

"That thing really can take a hold of you. Gives me the willies it does."

Oga nodded. "With us going back to Mordor it's hold is likely to lessen. It wants to return to its master. Still, I don't want to take a chance." She quickly passed the ring in a pouch.

She walked over and wrapped Sam's arms around her torso carrying her on her back. "Get the other one. We'll head to the mountains and camp for the night. From there we march to The Black Gate."

"Wait, we're taking them with us? Why not just let them rot? We got what we need from them."

"I will not leave them to die of exposure in the elements or worse become pray to wolves or spiders. Besides, Lord Sauron will want to talk to this ring bearer personally."

Everyone nodded and proceeded to march in line. The One Ring would be united with its true master once more. Mordor had won the war before it even started, but that is not where this story ends.
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Gollum,not Golem.And if you more grey LOTR,wait for Amazon series,they would do it for you.
Entire sense of LOTR is becouse it is black and white.Made it grey ? sure,could be done,but it is not LOTR.
Chapter 1: Awakened
Samewise fluttered his eyes as he slowly came back to consciousness. the last thing he remembered was him and Frodo rowing down the Great River, Frodo was complaining about how heavy the ring fell, and fell into the river. It didn't take long for him to put two and two together. More than likely not, Sam saw him sink, chased after him only to nearly drown himself.

"Samewise you fool," he cursed to himself. "That you should know by now that you can't swim."

His mind almost immediately went back to Frodo. Was he alright? Clearly Strider or maybe rescued him from the river, unless maybe he was a ghost. Did anyone rescue Frodo? Sam looked over to see the hobbit in question slumped over against the wall a few inches from him.

"Frodo, Frodo wake up!"

As Samewise shook Frodo, the ring bearer startled back to consciousness with a slight yelp. Shifting his eyes he let out a moan before meeting eyes with Sam.

"Sam, what happened? Where are we?"

"I think we fell into the river, but it looks like we are in some sort of camp now. I guessed someone fished us out."

Frodo gave a dazed nod as his hand instinctively went to his neck. His eyes widened in horror as he realized something very important was missing.

"Sam the ring, it's gone!"

"M-maybe it fell into the river."

"No, no something isn’t right. I’ve fallen before and the ring has never left my sight."

"Well maybe Strider and the others can help us. that Boromir fellow was eyeing the ring that whole time wasn’t he."

Frodo nodded.

"Then if he took it, we can just get Strider to search him and then problem solved."

Frodo grinned slightly before his face charged. he soon put his ear to the wall. "Wait..."

"What is it Frodo?"

"Do you here that? It sounds almost like singing."

The two hobbits found themselves tensing up as the entrance to their room began to move. They nearly screamed when an Orc came out.

"Well, well, well. Look who finally woke up."

"look out!" Sam cried out.

Both Sam and Frodo went to draw their swords, only to find that they were gone.

“If you’re looking for your blades, you’re out of luck. We have them in the armory. We didn’t want you gutting us from behind after all.”

“Listen here you filthy orc.” Samewise cursed. “Strider will find us and you’ll be sorry. He’s probably looking for us right now.”
The orc proceeded to sniff himself. “Well you don’t have to be nasty about it mate. We’ve been marching non-stop for three days looking for you. We haven’t had time to bathe.”

Sam let out another growl only to be stopped by Frodo. “Sam we don’t know how many orcs surround us.” He whispered.

“Forgive my friend, he’s a bit hasty. My name is Timothy Underhill and this is my loyal companion Odo Longbottom, I believe there may be some sort of misunderstanding . Please, allow us to speak to your leader, perhaps we can clear things up and be on our way.”

The orc smiled seeing right through the ruse. “Underhill eh? Right, well, I’ll let the captain know you two are finally awake.”

As the orc walked away, Sam leaned into Frodo. “Do you think he bought it?”

“I don’t know. I don’t see any other options though. Even if we had our weapons we wouldn’t be able to fight our way through. Let’s just hope for everyone’s sake they don’t have the ring.”

Just as they finished, the tent flaps once again opened. In came in a vastly oversized orc with long white wildly braided hair, pale skin and shark like teeth, it was as fat as it was tall which was impressive considering it stood at five cubits and a span, if it wasn’t for the hair, one would be forgiven for mistaking such a large figure for a troll instead of an orc.

Frodo’s mind immediately went back to the stories of Bilbo, for he spoke of a Great Goblin King of similar height and stature within the Misty Mountains whom was slayed by Gandalf. He could only hope this orc in kind did not wish to enslave them, or worse make them into a stew for it’s army or even just itself.

The Orc attempted to smile, but the hobbits easily confused it for a menacing sneer.

“We were starting to wonder if you’d ever come to, but where are my manners. My name is Oga, captain of the black legion and a personal champion of Sauron the Great. Among my orc brethren I am known as Oga the Great Eater”

The Orc gave another tooth filled smile. “Not even a hobbit can match my appetite.”

Sam snarled. ”Do not lay a hand on Mr. Underhill or the last song that shall be sung in this camp tonight will be the lamentation of orcs at the loss of one of their brethren.”

“Odo,” Frodo whispered. “I think that is an Orc Woman…”

Sam was taken aback. “How can you tell?” He whispered back.

“Look, at the breastplate, the chest shape is clearly that of a woman and strangely enough, her voice has a hint of a maiden’s fairness to it.”

Oga chuckled. “Your friend’s observations are correct Mr. Longbottom. I am an Orc woman.

“You’ll have to forgive us my lady. Neither of us has seen an Orc woman before. In truth we were not even aware that they existed.”

“We have males and females just as all races do. But it is normal to be suprised. Orc Women do not leave the boarders of Mordor let alone see the battlefiled" Oga said. "But with Orc size and strength matters deeply and I have much of both."

Oga took a seat on a massive tree stump. Even had the hobbits stood on their tip toes, it still would not have changed the fact that they felt as if they were ants staring upon an Oliphaunt. it was clear that even with such girth her body had the strength of several full grown men.

“I will be upfront and honest little Halflings. I do not wish to insult your intelligence nor do I wish for you to insult mine. I know you are not who you say you are. I know you are in fact a ring bearer. I know you seek to destroy The One Ring. This I cannot allow. The life force of my master and my king is tied to that of the One Ring. If it is destroyed my country will be little more than ash and my people will be scattered across Middle Earth as dust. I will ask this and I except the truth. Are you in fact Frodo Baggins?”

Frodo casted his eyes downward. “You speak truthfully. I am Frodo Baggins and this is Samwise Gamgee.”

Oga looked to Samewise and smiled. “You have the heart of a Man of Numenor little Halfling. Tell me, what is your occupation? Are you his bodyguard, his shield brother?”

“I’m just his gardener.” Sam whispered sheepishly.

Oga chuckled at the response.

“Do you have The Ring?” Frodo asked.

Oga nodded. “We took it from your neck when we found you washed up on the riverbank. Do not try to claim it. You will not reach it, we will strike you down before it touches your finger if you force our hand. Do not force our hand.
Frodo closed his eyes and wept. “Forgive me Gandalf for I have failed you. The ring returns to its master and your sacrifice has been in vain for all shall fall into darkness, first to the east and then to the shire.”

Oga let out a sigh. “My word as an orc probably means nothing to a friend of the wizard, but the reunion of the One Ring with its lord will not bring about the great darkness you fear it will. Sauron the Great does not wish to enslave all of Middle Earth for fear of invoking the wrath of the Valar again. The petty affairs of the West or the Shire do not concern unless war is brought to him.”

“Who are these Valar you speak of?

Oga chuckled. “beings beyond your comprehension. I will say no more of the matter.”

“if you have the ring you have no need of us.” Sam said. “Why not kill us and be done with it?”

“Killing you would bring me no pleasure.” Oga said. “Besides, my master will wish to hear of your account personally. We will March through the Black Gate and to the capital of Barad-dûr. Once the ring is returned, lord Sauron will ask of your account.

After which you shall be treated as an honored guest for a time. Afterward we will take you back to the shire, and you may wash your hands of this and live as you wish.

“What of our friends?” Frodo asked. “There were two other of our kind with us. Pippin and Merry they are called.”

“Your friends were taken by the forces of the White Wizard. I can only believe that they will be taken to Isengard. Fortunately for them, your ranger friend and his companions are hot on their trail. I would not worry about their safety. In the meantime come, partake in food and drink with us. I can only assume that after bearing the ring for such a time you need to regain your strength.”

“You speak truthfully.” Sam said. “Poor Frodo barely slept or ate once that accursed thing was around his neck.”

“So it seems. Well worry no more you’ve carried your burden. Now come rest and be merry.”

Ogo walked out leaving the two hobbits to themselves. Frodo bit his lip with a look of terror in his eyes.

“What do we do now Sam? If the enemy has the ring then all his loss.”

“I…I don’t know Mr. Frodo if there is anything we can do at this point. We’ve done our best, maybe it was just meant to be. If the world is to end, then maybe the best thing we can do is enjoy what time we have left.”

“Oh Sam…”

The two hugged each other and wept. It was hear they came to understand perhaps the greatest fear of all, the fear of the unknown. Still Sam would not let his spirits dampen too much for he gave Frodo a smile and patted his shoulders.

“Truth be told I’m glad that horrible thing is off of you. Maybe now you can enjoy a nice meal and a good night sleep. Who knows, maybe these guys have roasted meats and nice big pints of ale.”

“Let’s just hope we aren’t the ones on the menu.” Frodo thought.

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