Based Corporations and Celebrities

John Ondrasik of Five for Fighting released a single called Blood on My Hands pertaining to America's righteous withdrawal from Afghanistan.

He had this to say about the song:

"Like all Americans, I was stunned and horrified at the images of falling bodies from planes, mothers handing babies over walls, and terrified Afghans being crushed to death at checkpoints due to our precipitous withdrawal from Afghanistan. I am deeply troubled by the plight of Afghan women forced to live under the return of Taliban rule and felt great sadness when reading a story about a popular folk singer, Fawad Andarabi, being dragged from his home and shot by the Taliban.

Though I believe the decision to withdraw or not from Afghanistan has good arguments on both sides, I cannot comprehend why the Biden administration would not extend the August 31 deadline thus leaving American citizens, SIV holders, and Afghan allies behind to a terrorist Taliban regime. As a life-long supporter of our military I believe “no man left behind” applied to all Americans as well as those we promise to protect.

On the day 13 of our soldiers and over 60 Afghans were killed by a suicide bomber I sat down to write this song. After our last solider left Afghanistan, I received a call from a friend organizing rescue evacs of “AM-CITS” and SIV holders. It was a highly emotional call and moment of clarity. Private citizens now had the burden of risking their lives to rescue Americans and Afghan allies that our government left behind. America has broken her promise, but these brave Americans have not.

America was built on the foundational freedom to criticize one’s leaders and hold them accountable. It is what separates us from our communist and dictatorship adversaries. How else can we as a nation learn from our mistakes and make better decisions moving forward without honest reflection on our actions? To date, I have not seen that accountability.

There is a great tradition of artists speaking their minds and calling out their leaders for answers. Many of those have been inspirations to me. I understand that this song might be perceived by some as a political attack, but those who follow me know I am an American with a history of calling out both sides. If Donald Trump were President and he put us in the same situation, the song would remain the same, only the names would change.

After hearing “Blood on My Hands,” a friend said he found the song to be politically neutral, but morally-forward. My hope is that this song helps demand accountability, so the American promise is never again forsaken."

Based... CNN? Well not quite but the tactical blunder here was amazing. Brian Stelter decided to invite Bari Weiss on the show and, apparently thought he was going to score some cheap points with a rhetorical question, specifically "How has the world gone mad?"

Then he forgot to mute or block Bari's answer. I amazed CNN didn't suddenly have "technical difficulties" or cut to commercial.

Transcript since I give this long odds of getting censored off Twitter:

"When you have the chief reporter on the beat of Covid for the New York Times talking about how questioning or pursuing the question of the lab leak is racist, the world has gone mad.

"When you're not allowed to say out loud and in public that there are differences between men and women, the world has gone mad.

"When we're not allowed to acknowledge that rioting is rioting and it is bad, and that silence is not violence, but violence is violence, the world has gone mad

"When we're not able to say that Hunter Biden's laptop is a story worth pursuing, the world has gone mad.

"When, in the name of progress, young school children, as young as kindergarten, are being separated in public schools because of their race, and that is called progress rather than segregation, the world has gone mad."
Swiss-born, California-raised Bosten Celtics NBA Center Enes Kanter has a Twitter profile that's pretty proactive in its criticism of China's policies on Human Rights...

He's apparently done similar against Erdogan in Turkey to the point they apparently mail him arrest warrants?

Ten and counting!
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Twitter is on fire right now. The UN, via CNN, claimed that if with 2% of Elon Musk's wealth, they could solve world hunger.

So Elon Musk called their bluff. He's pledged that if the UN can show him, in the Twitter feed, how the money will be used to solve world hunger, and they provide open and transparent accounting for it, he personally will contribute 6 billion dollars to solve world hunger. Other folks have jumped in, such as noting that the UN had 8.4 billion to solve world hunger last year, and it didn't seem to get the job done then.

The UN representative was quick to respond by... dropping the ball immediately.

Twitter is taking notice of their complete inability to actually explain how they plan to use the money now that their bluff has been called and the ball's in their court.

No Live Action Netflix series for you Ultraman!

Bounding Into Comics said:
“Ultraman may be the last big IP left in Japan,” affirmed Tsukagoshi. “We have received many offers from overseas companies, but if we do the same thing in Hollywood when we go out into the world, Ultraman will be buried among the many hero characters. In order to compete on the world stage, we need to make use of Japan’s identity and Japaneseness as a strong point in our stories.”

“This is the way I want to present the Ultraman brand,” he added. “This will lead to the creation of powerful works on a different level.”

Further, Tsukagoshi stated that, ultimately, he wanted “to send out new value-added works that are not in the Hollywood standard, but have our unique genes, from Japan to Asia and to the world.”

Anthony Hopkins (and Brad Pitt) offers his powerful opinion on why his opinion and that of his ilk is worthless.

Interview Magazine said:
HOPKINS: People ask me questions about present situations in life, and I say, “I don’t know, I’m just an actor. I don’t have any opinions. Actors are pretty stupid. My opinion is not worth anything. There’s no controversy for me, so don’t engage me in it, because I’m not going to participate.”

PITT: I feel the same. I don’t care. I’m glad things are always evolving and changing, and complaining about it won’t do any good.


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