Philosophy Argument for a Federal Monarchy

To explain in more detail:
1) With democracy, you have system of power which is connected both horizontally and vertically. This means that each political actor has a stake in the central government, as well as the possibility of using said government to promote their own interests. Thus, there is a tendency to accumulate power in the hands of the central government, because everybody will hope to use central government and its power to push their own ideas onto everyone.
2) With monarchy, you have a system of power which is separated vertically, and potentially horizontally as well. This means that central government, instead of presenting a potential for power, is a danger to everyone involved. As a result, there will be a push by local governments to limit the influence of the central government.

King cannot install yes men if he is not installing the men to begin with. Even in middle ages, majority of the officials were installed bottom-up. But they were officials of their own communities, not of the central government. That is a situation I would like to replicate.

how is that any different than what we would have had had "We the people" hadn't gotten conceded and lazy and wanted an empire?
TBF, that sort of portrayal ASOIAF showed was one that was really grimdark and simplistic, and the grimdark part helps make it feel "realistic"

The most realistic portrayal of a feudal lord in that series is the guy everyone calls a retard for being "honorable" and the next most realistic is the fatass from Whiteharbor. Seriously, people should pick up history books one of these days. There's absolutely nothing realistic about Westerosi aristocracy or Essossi aristocracy for that matter. Onto the topic itself, Public employees are servants of the people. A servant should always walk through life with his or her head bowed, fully cognizant of the fact that they are inferior to those that they serve and can only become their equals or superiors by ceasing their servitude and venturing out into the wider, uglier world to test their will and mettle against it. My belief is that a person who becomes part of the governmental or administrative world should be forced to surrender their civil rights and remain second class citizens until they aren't living off our hard earned money.

The universe is inherently violent and Darwinistic, our government should reflect that reality with its aim being to provide the most fertile grounds for us to compete in and little else.
how is that any different than what we would have had had "We the people" hadn't gotten conceded and lazy and wanted an empire?

It is different because there is not that illusion of central government representing the people, nor the idea that "the people" are, somehow, a homogenous mass.
The most realistic portrayal of a feudal lord in that series is the guy everyone calls a retard for being "honorable" and the next most realistic is the fatass from Whiteheard. Seriously, people should pick up history books one of these days. There's absolutely nothing realistic about Westerosi aristocracy or Essossi aristocracy for that matter. Onto the topic itself, Public employees are servants of the people. A servant should always walk through life with his or her head bowed, fully cognizant of the fact that they are inferior to those that they serve and can only become their equals or superiors by ceasing their servitude and venturing out into the wider, uglier world to test their will and mettle against it. My belief is that a person who becomes part of the governmental or administrative world should be forced to surrender their civil rights and remain second class citizens until they aren't living off our hard earned money.

The universe is inherently violent and Darwinistic, our government should reflect that reality with its aim being to provide the most fertile grounds for us to compete in and little else.

All go one step further "Order" when the nobles can look down on the peasents "Chaos" is when they have no choice but to make eye contact with us.
All go one step further "Order" when the nobles can look down on the peasents "Chaos" is when they have no choice but to make eye contact with us.

Order is when the hardiest peasant routinely destroys the dynasty of the weakest nobles in the region and replaces them, or when he cuckolds the guys bloodline into a model with the same name. Chaos is when neither is allowed to happen and when entropy and stagnation set in.

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