EU ðŸ‡ªðŸ‡¸ VIVA A ESPANA: Kingdom of Spain Discussion Megathread 😎

Los Reyes reciben con honores al presidente y la primera dama de la Republica de Colombia (05/03/2023)
  • Wednesday, May 3rd, 2023: Welcoming Honors Ceremony for Colombian President Gustavo Petro & his wife, Colombian First Lady Veronica Alcocer on the grounds of Palacio Real de Madrid in Madrid, Spain.
    EL PAIS Live-Stream Coverage of the Desfile del 12 de Octubre, Dia de la Fiesta Nacional de Espana (10/12/2023)
  • Thursday, October 12th, 2023: El Pais' live coverage of the Fiesta Nacional festivities.
    5:15 mark is where the Cannon Salute is fired as the Spanish National Anthem is being played.