
  1. Basileus_Komnenos

    How I Learned To Stop Worrying and Love the Auswählen (Bleach: Quincy SI)
    Threadmarks: Prologue

    How I Learned To Stop Worrying and Love the Auswählen Prologue: Are We The Baddies? I never could get used to how cold and foreboding this place was. Up until last night, I was a Soldat, a mere foot soldier serving under His Majesty's Sternritters. Fortunately I was under someone more...
  2. Aaron Fox

    Anime & Manga GATE: and so the Iron Pact Fought (GATE/Alt Time Line fic)
    Threadmarks: OP and Prelude Chapter

    Well, welcome to this fic. For those who visit the thread 'Thus the SBers Wrote There! Gate Story Recommendations, Ideas and Discussion Thread' on Spacebattles, then you know the idea. If you haven't I'll give you the basis of the idea. This idea is based upon the GATE fanfic and so the Soviets...
  3. Thunderscourge

    Gundam Gundam Discussion Thread

    Since we have some Gundam fans around I figured we should have a thread to discuss it if need be. For those new to Gundam, hello, it's great and you should totally see it! There are plenty of Gundam series out there that touch upon various ideas/subjects/genres, so depending on your personal...