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  1. almostinsane

    Britain Why Conservatives conserve nothing

    True. The Mike Pence Rule looks better and better everyday. At least there's the counter-suing for Vic.
  2. almostinsane

    Britain Why Conservatives conserve nothing

    Fortunately, in these cases, there is legal recourse.
  3. almostinsane

    Britain Why Conservatives conserve nothing

    Pride is one. Another is greed, gluttony, and envy. Most of all envy. They hate people having more stuff than them. Conservatives can never be progressive insofar as minorities just become another conservative. Their minority status is not important. Therefore, conservatives aren't progressive...
  4. almostinsane

    Britain Why Conservatives conserve nothing

    That hasn't been the case in my experience. I've known several irreligious people who have quietly begun to reconsider religion when they find that the objective values within it are better than secular ideologies. Classical liberals don't really have an answer when the communists redefine...
  5. almostinsane

    Britain Why Conservatives conserve nothing

    1. Why would we want narcissists who are ready to turn on us the moment it's popular? 2. Those narcissists are young millennials. They don't vote. Eventually, they will grow up and stop being narcissists or they will die. Natural Selection is a beautiful thing.
  6. almostinsane

    Britain Why Conservatives conserve nothing

    As I said, I was talking about the conservative/liberal balance in the 19th century sense. It was accepted up until very recently that children were untouchable and should be accepted. If the envelope has been pushed into that direction, it needs to be pushed back hard. Right now, it needs to be...
  7. almostinsane

    Britain Why Conservatives conserve nothing

    I would question the notion of jettisoning liberalism. As a conservative, I have been a 19th century style liberal for the longest time. I still value free speech, freedom of religion, association, etc., and capitalism as the greatest building blocks for civilization. I would just argue that we...
  8. almostinsane

    Britain Why Conservatives conserve nothing

    Fair enough. What would be the sort of society you want us to return to and how would you adapt it to the modern world?
  9. almostinsane

    Britain Why Conservatives conserve nothing

    This all sounds like a Gundam series.