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  1. Zyobot

    Biggest historical misconceptions?

    Not denying that, but my point is that "changed less" doesn't mean "stayed 100 percent consistent" — much less that the modern GOP would be BFFs with its 1920s, '50s, or '80s counterparts. Granted, I wouldn't expect the latter three to have deep affection for one another, either, but that still...
  2. Zyobot

    Biggest historical misconceptions?

    That, too, though I’d have to disagree with equating contraceptive usage to aborting a fetus that’s already there and growing. But yeah, it both amuses and irritates me how Roosevelt and other idols of today’s Left suddenly become “Schrödinger’s Progressives” whenever it helps them “win” the...
  3. Zyobot

    Biggest historical misconceptions?

    Yeah, that's been my experience, too, more or less. Sure thing. Sorry to derail; just thought my example was pertinent to the latest line of discussion. But yes, I'd be happy to take it elsewhere now.
  4. Zyobot

    Biggest historical misconceptions?

    All sounds fair to me, but with regard to this bit: Well, I'm not a Reddit member and don't visit regularly, so other than being vaguely aware that it's a leftist cesspool, I can't comment much on that. But on, I haven't encountered the kind of "national self-flagellation" you...
  5. Zyobot

    Biggest historical misconceptions?

    Sorry if this is a derail, but I thought Lincoln being a man of his time was common sense that every functioning, well-adjusted person knew already? I don’t deny that he was exceptionally intelligent and thoughtful, or that he deserves all the credit that comes with abolishing slavery and...