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  1. Zyobot

    What if Pim Fortuyn survives his assassination attempt?

    Being both a radical green and a self-proclaimed "ally" of the Muslim community aren't mutually exclusive, though...
  2. Zyobot

    What if Pim Fortuyn survives his assassination attempt?

    I'm sorry to hear that. As in most cases, I suppose they’ve been “conveniently” memory-holed and scarcely talked about after the fact. Haven’t had the chance to look up the Theo Van Gogh incident, but had to do some digging to find anything about Hans Janmaat. (The 1986 terror attack was in the...
  3. Zyobot

    What if Pim Fortuyn survives his assassination attempt?

    I take it lefty agitation has a pretty "storied" history over there? For one, I recall @Skallagrim tipping me off to Troelstra's shenanigans a while back, though that attempt was a joke that ended his career.