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  1. W

    Three assassination hypotheticals for you

    Yes, until 1910.
  2. W

    Three assassination hypotheticals for you

    "more or less shitty" (typo--no?) Anyway, I wonder what caused this. Did many Polish food manufacturers go out of business as a result of Poland joining the EU?
  3. W

    Three assassination hypotheticals for you

    What are EU norms for making Polish kielbasas?
  4. W

    Three assassination hypotheticals for you

    Well, who would have succeeded him?
  5. W

    Three assassination hypotheticals for you

    BTW, @stevep, this is somewhat off-topic, but you might be interested in the historical ethnic composition of the Mughal nobility: It's a very interesting article. I'd highly advise you to read it or at least to take a look at it. Apparently the early Mughal nobility...
  6. W

    Three assassination hypotheticals for you

    Agreed. And it's also quite interesting just how solidly Hindu the Hindu Indian core has remained even after centuries of Islamic influence and rule. Interestingly enough, there was a brief attempt to merge and fuse Hinduism and Islam together in Mughal times but it failed and was quickly...
  7. W

    Three assassination hypotheticals for you

    Worth reading:;query=gender
  8. W

    Three assassination hypotheticals for you

    Yep. That makes sense. FWIW, in South Asia, the peripheral areas were initially Buddhist and later became Muslim in real life while the central core remained overwhelmingly Hindu. Here, we might eventually see a transition from Buddhism to Christianity in South Asia's peripheral areas. At least...
  9. W

    Three assassination hypotheticals for you

    He better bring back Polska kielbasa along with instructions on how to make it lol! :D Then the whole world can enjoy the glories of Polish food centuries earlier in comparison to real life lol! ;)
  10. W

    Three assassination hypotheticals for you

    We could actually see global Christian dominance in such a TL, with Christianity making inroads into Persia, East Asia, Southeast Asia, parts of South Asia, et cetera. But of course there could also be interesting butterflies in regards to the discovery and colonization of the Americas, since...
  11. W

    Three assassination hypotheticals for you

    Makes one wonder if Britain would have entered the war on the other side had Germany not attacked Belgium but France done so.
  12. W

    Three assassination hypotheticals for you

  13. W

    Three assassination hypotheticals for you

    If World War I can't be prevented then I would probably just kill Lenin unless delaying WWI will somehow significantly change its outcome and/or aftereffects, such as no Bolshevism in Russia.
  14. W

    Three assassination hypotheticals for you

    Quite a character!
  15. W

    Three assassination hypotheticals for you

    That makes sense.
  16. W

    Three assassination hypotheticals for you

    They still like Genghis Khan even right now.
  17. W

    Three assassination hypotheticals for you

    Didn't the Mongols kill a lot of people as a result of their conquests, as well as see a lot of cities get burned such as Baghdad in 1258? It's not the present-day Mongols that we have come to know and love for Mongolian barbecue and sumo wrestling, after all! ;)
  18. W

    Three assassination hypotheticals for you

    He really embodies the Mongol spirit! ;) :(
  19. W

    Three assassination hypotheticals for you

    Would his lack of Russian birth and also his German ancestry hurt him?
  20. W

    Three assassination hypotheticals for you

    Quite an interesting character: He's also a heroin smuggler, or at least was one. In the 19th century, there was also this intruder: