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  1. What's the sitch?

    Trump Post Election News.

    I think they will make him ineligible to run as president, and the RINOs in office will allow it/support it. It's a good strategy for them, just endless hearings and trials and smear campaigns until one sticks. They(RInos/establishment) probably don't care due to the whole uniparty thing, but if...
  2. What's the sitch?

    Trump Post Election News.

    New game by the same people behind "Plague Inc" and "Rebel Inc". You go around trying to "conserve" things but only ever "succeed" in losing ground and calling it a win. The goal is to stall long enough to meet certain bench marks throughout the campaign.
  3. What's the sitch?

    Trump Post Election News.

    I have trouble understanding what they are talking about usually, if anyone wants to respond to me in a pm. The subject and particular family member seems to jump around a lot. And yes atleast half of their posts, if not more, do somehow have a forced inclusion of a supposed family member...
  4. What's the sitch?

    Trump Post Election News.

    I'm assuming he was some type of RINO based on his feels good hug box message and Trumps response to it? He never actually names any names and you could think he was on "your side" based on what he was saying. I sure wish Biden would stop being so divisive , but he isn't the one running the...
  5. What's the sitch?

    Trump Post Election News.

    Coulda waited a couple weeks but yeah, I agree. Where were the damn weapons Colin? Why did we end up in Iraq when this was supposedly about getting the terrorists that did 9/11. Why didn't we invade Saudi Arabia where they were from? Why are freaking Taliban in charge of Afghanistan again? All...
  6. What's the sitch?

    Trump Post Election News.

    man, that sounds pretty suss.
  7. What's the sitch?

    Trump Post Election News.

    I've never doubted or believed otherwise that Trump wasn't egotistical and in this largely for himself, but the thing was that it was in such a way that we would benefit others in such a way that we wouldn't from many/most other politicians that shamelessly sell us out piecemeal. Trump wants...
  8. What's the sitch?

    Trump Post Election News.

    I just love how transparent he is and speaks his mind. Some of the first real clarity we ever really had in politics. We couldn't have that though could we...... :(
  9. What's the sitch?

    Trump Post Election News.

    And still, that person more closely holds to the "Spirit of America" than Biden/Harris corporate wage slavery/serfdom as we are continually sold out to China. That bold entrepreneurial spirit and ability to cry out to nature and the heavens with a hearty "fuck you, yes I can". Its looking more...
  10. What's the sitch?

    Trump Post Election News.

    FALSE!! Fact check Trump implied Al Capone could have potentially possessed a laptop. Early stage Laptops were not invented until the 1980, Al Capone was dead by 1947!! /sarcasm
  11. What's the sitch?

    Trump Post Election News.

    I just love how he just says whatever and gives no fucks, I understand that is what why other hated him, they prefer the comforting lies..
  12. What's the sitch?

    Trump Post Election News.

    I don't get it, do you want me/us to openly call for civil war or assassinating various people, or for burning down places like BLM was and then just get banned or reported to the police lol? Seems like some sort of sneaky entrapment bullshit your trying to pull. Raging on some internet forum...
  13. What's the sitch?

    Trump Post Election News.

    Never understood the hate for RC and offbrand drinks. Like I can taste the difference, but it still tastes generically like a "cola". Literally never seen cheerwine, that must be a regional thing.
  14. What's the sitch?

    Trump Post Election News.

    That's the compromising I'm talking about. It sounds nice and all but it's still compromising. Do you believe he will not be smeared to hell and back non stop? Despite appearing more "palatable"? He held firm in Florida, but was it because he is legitimately that way or because Trump took the...
  15. What's the sitch?

    Trump Post Election News.

    Assuming voting even matters anymore, and that's a big if, It's Trump or nothing for me. I really don't care about compromising anymore, there is nothing left to really give at this point. If we are to lose and enter the supposed utopian dark future envisioned by the left and seen in left...
  16. What's the sitch?

    Trump Post Election News.

    The left considers tactics used by Stalin, Hitler and Mao to be boycotting and "fair" and will defend it and are actually unable to tell the difference. IF anyone they disagree with actually responds in kind, they will emit cries of NAZI!!, FACIST!! RACISM!! - We're literally at a place where...