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  1. T

    Alternate History What PoDs Would Create An Unrecognizable World?

    It's equally possibly that without him there wouldn't have been a failed February(march) revolution and instead a successful revolution in July. The point isn't that his death/disappearance wouldn't cause butterflies, but that there were a bunch of other people around who could and would take...
  2. T

    Alternate History What PoDs Would Create An Unrecognizable World?

    why not? The entire point of the revolution was that they were sick and tired of the War and wanted OUT at practically any price. The precise details of the agreement might vary, but I can't imagine any Bolshevik leader not signing a similar agreement.
  3. T

    Alternate History What PoDs Would Create An Unrecognizable World?

    Sure, my point is Lenin not being around would not significantly affect that. For that matter it's quite likely that Lenin will be around if Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov died much before 1917, someone else will take the name if it wasn't in use :).
  4. T

    Alternate History What PoDs Would Create An Unrecognizable World?

    And my point is that the OP could be summed up better as "Anyone have ideas for TL with a POD before the 18th century?"
  5. T

    Alternate History What PoDs Would Create An Unrecognizable World?

    Culture and national identity might take a couple of centuries, languages would take longer, but my basic point remains the same - any divergence will, over time result in a completely unrecognizable society but none will produce that immediately.
  6. T

    Alternate History What PoDs Would Create An Unrecognizable World?

    Actually I doubt that would have much if any effect. Lenin was one of several competent leaders of the Communist movement in Russia if he wasn't there to step forward one of the others would have, and while whoever replaces him might not be as competent as Lenin was, the difference wouldn't be...
  7. T

    Alternate History What PoDs Would Create An Unrecognizable World?

    But no French revolution and no Napolianic wars would mean much stronger resistance to the British spreading across the continant and the desire for control by the Parliament would slow that even further. tHen you have the way the merindian tribes would be able to play the europeans against one...
  8. T

    Alternate History What PoDs Would Create An Unrecognizable World?

    All of them. Any significant divergence would create a nearly unrecognizable world. We almost always explore the immediate aftermath of POD because the changes rapidly mount up. Take for example the American revolution, it not happening means in the short term Britain has a lot more power, but...