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  1. T


    So because Bidens son joined after the investigation had already started, he's absolved of guilt or criminality? As for Trump asking about Biden, we have just to point to Crowdstrike. They are a Ukraine company hired by the DNC for the Russia Hacks investigation. The DNC refused to give their...
  2. T


    Look, I'm not saying LegalEagle is a hack. But he made a video on the Chewbaca Defense. You know, from South Park. And I'm supposed to take this guy seriously?
  3. T


    Ok, IG report didn't indict Trump, it was on Democrats. So... Now it's all old information/disproven, Rudy made everything up, and Trump left out 20 minutes of Transcript. And we have a year to look forward to of this. I'm thinking of cutting my Electronics and going into the woods.
  4. T


    Well, it certainly belongs on twitter...
  5. T


    I think the norms went out the window in 2003. The Iraq War ripped up the fabric of political discourse in this country, and 2010 pretty much burned the remains. 2016 took the ashes, put them in a shake, and threw them at a random person. 2020 is going to be something else.
  6. T


    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I just... The Transcript, The hearing, John Solomon above and now this! If they'd just waited a week, ONE DAMN WEEK, this shit-show wouldn't have happened. Oh, I'm so glad I have somewhere I can just post those link without being called The Devil. Very happy.
  7. T


    Everyone is making unsubstantiated claims. It's so bad I'm confident at least a dozen people will die of hyperventilating after the Acting DNI testimony. Drudges front page makes the man seem like Daffy Duck on Crack. He must be in link-heaven right now. Meanwhile, Swing-voters seeing this...
  8. T


    Oh. My. God. I need to find this. So badly.
  9. T


    Whistleblower complaint/investigation has been handed to Congress. Also people are claiming Acting DNI would resign if Trump blocked him from testifying tomorrow. I'm literally going to cackle if the Acting DNI spikes this whole thing with the entire country watching.
  10. T


    I may have been wrong. This might not last to next week if this transcript is accurate.
  11. T


    I've heard this dog and pony show before. We probably won't get answers until next week due to the chaos unleashed. Although I have to ask: How is what Biden did NOT Bribery or blackmail? He's dictating to a foreign Nation that's already been designated for aid, that unless they fire this guy...