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  1. ThatZenoGuy

    Imperium of Man vs Yuuzhan Vong

    Nids do have famously slow FTL compared to other 40k races, but that won't matter when the force disparity is just 'that' insanely lopsided. In a nutshell the fact that Starwars-verse beat the Vong indicates the nids can do so, given that they would nom nom Star Wars with trivial ease. Although...
  2. ThatZenoGuy

    Imperium of Man vs Yuuzhan Vong

    I am finding that somewhat debatable. Nids are so laughably high in number that they are visible from a stellar-level. The only things that the Imperium are aware of that are outside the galaxy is pissed off orkz, and nids. LOTS of nids. Sufficient amounts of nids that a low-ball estimate...
  3. ThatZenoGuy

    Imperium of Man vs Yuuzhan Vong

    They leave rocks behind because there's nothing left to use. Nids gain entire decades of production in three months. However much of it is lost as they travel.
  4. ThatZenoGuy

    Imperium of Man vs Yuuzhan Vong

    Nids can eat a planet so fast that it physically shrinks in about 3 months, that doesn't sound too impressive but that's a stupid amount of mass transfer really really fast. They don't need to use captured planets because they basically drain the industrial output of a planet straight out of it...
  5. ThatZenoGuy

    Imperium of Man vs Yuuzhan Vong

    The beast's army was pretty comically strong, it would not surprise me if their battle moons defensive abilities were good enough to redirect the torpedoes or merely evade them.
  6. ThatZenoGuy

    Imperium of Man vs Yuuzhan Vong

    The Vong did really well because their starships are so gigantic you need a death star to obliterate them. One small issue, even Frigates in 40k can handle multi-stage Cyclonic torpedoes, planet killers...