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  1. Terthna


    Don't get me wrong, I was not suggesting that we shouldn't fear what the Democrats might do; if anything, having nothing to lose makes them more dangerous, not less.
  2. Terthna


    I'm not sure they have much else to lose at this point. The Democrat party's days, in its current incarnation, are numbered.
  3. Terthna


    Of course his attorney had to make some sort of effort, no matter how transparent and pathetic, at painting his client as a victim. Seriously, the political class has gotten to the point where I don't think they realize their lies are lies anymore; they just edit reality in their heads on the...
  4. Terthna


    Welcome to the future of American politics; escalation is the name of the game, and it'll likely only end when one political party or the other ceases to exist.
  5. Terthna


    What do you want; what's your end-goal?
  6. Terthna


    That's because they're all bigots, for the most part; willfully ignorant ones at that. Most of them probably have no idea what Trump was actually being accused of in the impeachment trial, or what "evidence" (or lack thereof) was being presented; all they know is that they hate Trump (as well as...
  7. Terthna


    Depends on whether or not one considers Russia an "enemy" of the United States, because she and her husband both certainly gave them aid. Still, even if it doesn't rise to the level of "treason" in the legal sense, I'd argue she still betrayed this country for personal gain.
  8. Terthna


    You're forgetting about the Uranium One scandal; that time when she and her husband received, through various channels, several million dollars in bribe money, so that they would help the Russians purchase about 20 percent of the United States' uranium production capacity.
  9. Terthna


    Not at all; because let's be honest, Hillary was investigated, actual hard evidence was found of her guilt (not just vague hearsay, or opinions on what someone thought she might have done), but then the FBI decided not to charge her because "reasons". Completely different from what the Dems have...
  10. Terthna


    According to Adam Schiff, it's to take impeachment to the Supreme Court, and keep appealing until they get the result they want. You see, they're never going to stop trying to undermine Trump's legitimacy as president any way they can, because they refuse to accept that they lost the 2016...
  11. Terthna


    Even if they did, she'd just ignore it. People like her, they think they deserve to avoid any and all consequences for their actions, simply because of their position in society.
  12. Terthna


    For those of you who want an easy primer on what the articles of impeachment against Trump actually say, there's a video on it by Viva Frei, a Canadian lawyer on Youtube. Honestly, after watching that, I believe I underestimated the depths to which the Democrats have sunk. This is the best...
  13. Terthna


    I'm not talking about their power, in this case; I'm talking about how they've abandoned their principles, and have become utterly disconnected from reality. They are lost, in an ethical and psychological sense.
  14. Terthna


    They have made that rather clear, yes; to their detriment. They could have at least tried to appeal to anti-Trump Republicans; but the fact that they never even entertained the notion, shows how far they've sunk into their delusions. The Democrat party is well and truly lost, and I do not see...
  15. Terthna


    Honestly, I was a bit worried at first that lingering resentment towards Trump, an outsider, winning the Republican primary might have inspired some Republicans in the Senate to turn against him; the actions of the Democrats, however, poisoned the water so thoroughly, that possibility died quite...
  16. Terthna


    I was suddenly struck be a realization today; all those people who complained that Trump wasn't being "presidential" enough, were really just complaining that he wasn't satisfying their egos by pretending to show deference towards them, his enemies. Look at the political landscape now; with the...
  17. Terthna


    I know a guy who used to do that for a living, and from what he told me, the hardest part was trying to stay awake and sane. Well, that and the three hours it took him to get to his place of work on public transportation.
  18. Terthna


    I wonder if Trump could argue that the Mueller investigation was an attempt at impeachment in all but name? Because that probably wasted a lot of his time he could have used to do the job he was elected to do.
  19. Terthna


    That in part explains why they waited so long to impeach him, considering they've wanted to do so since even before he entered office.
  20. Terthna


    Can I just say the recent 180 the Democrats have done on whistleblowers makes me absolutely livid? Where the hell were these jackasses when Obama was cracking down on the practice more than any other president in American history combined? In fact, why haven't any of them spoken up for Julian...