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  1. Terthna

    Israel Mahmoud Abbas says the darndest things, or another day in the Israel-Palestine conflict

    The sad thing is, most of them are not even doing it intentionally; they just don't recognize their own biases.
  2. Terthna

    Israel Mahmoud Abbas says the darndest things, or another day in the Israel-Palestine conflict

    One wonders what they'd do if they did get everything they want, and Israeli suddenly ceased to exist; seeing as how "Palestinian" culture revolves entirely around hatred of the Jewish state. I don't think a nation built by such people would be able to avoid destroying itself. Then again, I...
  3. Terthna

    Israel Mahmoud Abbas says the darndest things, or another day in the Israel-Palestine conflict

    I don't have a very high opinion of the "Palestinians"; stuff like this just reinforces that. I don't see this conflict ever having a happy ending, and the western powers are just prolonging the inevitable by entertaining the possibility that it could.