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  1. Terthna

    Breaking News Shinzo Abe Resigning as PM Due to Health Issues

    And I feel perfectly justified in doing that, because the UN are self-serving morons. Assuming that they know what they're talking about was your biggest mistake.
  2. Terthna

    Breaking News Shinzo Abe Resigning as PM Due to Health Issues

    You do realize that Japan isn't exactly the most feminist first-world nation, don't you? Yet they also have one of the lowest birth-rates; shouldn't the opposite be the case, if your theory held true?
  3. Terthna

    Breaking News Shinzo Abe Resigning as PM Due to Health Issues

    For the vast majority, that is correct; but they don't need to be. The comparatively few tech-savvy people among them will develop, utilize, and maintain the technology. The rest will just busy themselves with creating ever greater stacks of pointless paperwork.
  4. Terthna

    Breaking News Shinzo Abe Resigning as PM Due to Health Issues

    That may be the solution from a globalist perspective, but the Japanese would never go along with that nonsense. No, the solution they seem to have decided on is diving head-first into robotics and AI development. After all, they don't need a sizable population if they have machines that can do...
  5. Terthna

    Breaking News Shinzo Abe Resigning as PM Due to Health Issues

    Well no; not really. In most cases, the birthrate goes down as prosperity goes up. There's just no more immediate benefit to having children (as a source of cheap physical labor, primarily), and you don't have to worry about needing spares in case some of them die, so there's less incentive to...