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  1. StormEagle

    United States Biden administration policies and actions - megathread

    It helps that they largely burn down their own shithole cities. Oh no, please don’t burn down Seattle! It would be absolutely awful if you burnt down Seattle! I’m begging you not to burn down Seattle! *wink* Repeat that line of thinking for basically every large, democrat dominated...
  2. StormEagle

    United States Biden administration policies and actions - megathread

    I honestly don’t think Harris can do any worse than Biden? She’d just be a puppet of a different stripe…and somehow even less understandable than the current potato-in-chief.
  3. StormEagle

    United States Biden administration policies and actions - megathread

    …This might not be the metaphor you want to go with, considering the fact that (for a good portion of the game) the NCR was repeatedly getting its teeth kicked in by the Legion, the Fiends, and basically pretty much any drugged up tribals with enough ferocity in the Mojave. Their victory at...
  4. StormEagle

    United States Biden administration policies and actions - megathread

    Oh no. Whatever shall he do? He’s joined the half of the website that you have on your blocklist. Truly this is terrible! Seriously, how many people do you have on ignore now? It must make reading this website terribly confusing sometimes.
  5. StormEagle

    United States Biden administration policies and actions - megathread

    …I mean, it was basically proven that there was, and likely still is, a massive international pedophile ring mostly made up of the rich, famous, and well connected. The pimp in that case was named Epstein. The full clients list is just never going to get published, because the corrupt judiciary...
  6. StormEagle

    United States Biden administration policies and actions - megathread

    Yes, because China will be able to conquer and hold all of SEA and Russia has the manpower to fight down and hold all of Europe. Do you even listen to yourself when you make these prophetic statements of DOOM? If Russia was threatening Poland or the Western Europeans, my opinion might be...
  7. StormEagle

    United States Biden administration policies and actions - megathread

    Oh no! He’ll join the thirty other people you have blocked! Whatever shall he do?! Or maybe, we’re not all warmongers like you and don’t get hard at the thought of dying for a worthless cause of no benefit to the American citizenry in some cold shithole halfway across the world. Ukraine is of...
  8. StormEagle

    United States Biden administration policies and actions - megathread

    It’s hard to feel bad for the euros, when they basically did this to themselves. They crippled their own energy infrastructure and decided it was a fantastic idea to import energy from a country that they are at odds with. How could this have possibly gone wrong?! Honestly, if Poland wasn’t...
  9. StormEagle

    United States Biden administration policies and actions - megathread

    Him and half the members that come to the politics section at this point.
  10. StormEagle

    United States Biden administration policies and actions - megathread

    Why is the security of Europe our responsibility again? Most of them have made their absolute contempt for America and Americans abundantly clear over the years. So why should America bleed for them? Let the euros stand or fall on their own, this has nothing to do with us.
  11. StormEagle

    United States Biden administration policies and actions - megathread

    The work environment doesn’t buy food or pay rent dude. Don’t get me wrong, I think what’s happening is bullshit and is largely the fault of the government sticking their oar into the economy. But if the mom and pop shop is paying $11/ hour and Walmart has jacked their pay up to $20/hour...
  12. StormEagle

    United States Biden administration policies and actions - megathread

    Anyone that questions anything any part of the federal bureaucracy is doing are terrorists now. Don’t like your taxes and want to complain about them? You’re probably a terrorist. Want the border under control and complained about federal inaction? You’re definitely a racist terrorist. Don’t...
  13. StormEagle

    United States Biden administration policies and actions - megathread

    I mean…I’d think that blowing up ten innocent civilians for no discernible purpose or gain probably made a few more terrorists than helping out some rival village or clan. What’s the civilian death toll of the drone war at this point? And how many brothers, sons, uncles, cousins, etc… have...
  14. StormEagle

    United States Biden administration policies and actions - megathread

    Honestly, if social security was going to be a thing, there should have been a constitutional amendment making it illegal for the government to use money from it to fund other projects. Anyone with a brain and a tiny bit of common sense could have told people that some politician was going to...
  15. StormEagle

    United States Biden administration policies and actions - megathread

    It’s basically been open knowledge that Social Security was going down the shitter since my parents generation. The boomer generation is probably the last one that will see any payouts from social, and even that is questionable at this point. Any generation after that is going to get a good...
  16. StormEagle

    United States Biden administration policies and actions - megathread

    This just shows that liberals are complete morons, with no fucking clue of how much work and effort goes into land management and actually managing to get a successful crop to market. I’m a fucking grocery store worker, and I understand more about the processes of farming and ranching than...
  17. StormEagle

    United States Biden administration policies and actions - megathread

    This is a pretty dumb take, all things considered. Is Imperial Germany socialist now? How bout Franco’s Spain, or Pinochet’s regime? Tsarist Russia? How about most of the Middle East? All Socialist regimes are authoritarian, but not all authoritarian regimes are socialist. I also find the...
  18. StormEagle

    United States Biden administration policies and actions - megathread

    Antifa, and their attached NGOs and DAs, still has a use as the Democrats attack dogs. As long as they continue predominantly attacking conservatives and police, a few indiscretions can be overlooked. Once their usefulness comes to an end, we will start seeing them rounded up by the glowies.