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  1. ShieldWife

    Is Le Pen the best choice for France?

    So just make France suck as much as any country in Africa or the Middle East so that the immigrants don’t gain anything by leaving their homes? You have to use violence to expel them and keep them out, killing them if necessary. Just like any nation that has ever existed in history has done...
  2. ShieldWife

    Is Le Pen the best choice for France?

    Yikes, get rid of the minimum wage and benefits for all French workers so that they can compete with people from destitute war zones? So the idea is that the French should have to work 70 hour weeks for a dollar an hour so that they can compete with immigrants? Minimum wages probably protect...
  3. ShieldWife

    Is Le Pen the best choice for France?

    You make a good point and I agree. I’m not for eliminating individuality in favor of community standards. I’m glad that Western society values individuality, but individuality isn’t the end all be all of a society’s health, it has its benefits and it’s drawbacks.
  4. ShieldWife

    Is Le Pen the best choice for France?

    Individualism is a bit of an illusion. We have a whole nation of individuals: watching the same movies, watching the same TV shows, adoring the same degenerates celebrities, reading the same books in the same kinds of schools. Everyone is an individual, just like all of their friends. We need...
  5. ShieldWife

    Is Le Pen the best choice for France?

    There are some advantages and some disadvantages to government programs, safety nets, regulations, and other things sometimes called socialism in the USA. If France became less socialist, there would be some economic benefits, but some downsides as well. In either case, it might be something...
  6. ShieldWife

    Is Le Pen the best choice for France?

    Many empires and civilizations have been doomed over the millennia and the American empire and Western civilization will soon number among them. Optics are obviously important, so much so that the people who control popular perception may be unbeatable. But in any case, conservatives need to...
  7. ShieldWife

    Is Le Pen the best choice for France?

    If bad perception sinks a candidate, then Western civilization has no hope. Any nationalist candidate who isn’t glowing is going to be called a Nazi by 90% of the media.
  8. ShieldWife

    Is Le Pen the best choice for France?

    Well the fact that he’s getting help from Jonathan Nadler and that his polices are so similar to Le Pen’e suggest to me that his candidacy exists to split the nationalist vote.
  9. ShieldWife

    Is Le Pen the best choice for France?

    Why have both Zemmour and Le Pen run at the same time? What is the benefit of that to conservatives of France who support their policies. In terms of the agenda they support, how are Le Pen and Zemmour different?
  10. ShieldWife

    Is Le Pen the best choice for France?

    Some European nations lick the boots of Muslim immigrants. France merely kisses their boots, at least for now. They aren’t going to assimilate though, and the more that come the less they will even have to make a presence of assimilating until it’s the French who are forced to assimilate for the...
  11. ShieldWife

    Is Le Pen the best choice for France?

    Le Pen certainly has flaws, but if immigration into France isn’t dramatically reduced then there will functionally be no France at all, and none of the other policies matter. Le Pen is better in that regard than any realistic alternatives and so she is the best candidate for France.