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  1. Sailor.X


    Show the Aggregate Poll numbers. Either put up the data or accept that you are mistaken.
  2. Sailor.X


    I don't blame them one bit. They know this whole farce is bullshit. Most of the country knows it's bullshit. The only ones who think it is important are the Far Left and Political Hacks.
  3. Sailor.X


    I call him Little Adam Shit. :devilish: :p
  4. Sailor.X


    I blame the MSM. They have Balkinized the Political landscape. Making some people see their fellow citizens as the enemy.
  5. Sailor.X


    If I was them I would not do that. In this day and age it could trigger a few individuals with certain skills to go off the rails and take them out. I have seen some people in Military forums alluding to that. This ain't good.
  6. Sailor.X


    I watch a lot of different programs. From Tim Pool, Through Styx and Razorfist all the way to Jimmy Dore. I kind of like to consume news from all sources so I can figure out the truth for myself. :)
  7. Sailor.X


    Yep 2020 is gonna be one helluva drug.
  8. Sailor.X


    That only happened because most of the Pro Trump voters didn't show up to vote for the plain jane vanilla, Mass in Latin, Go along to get along GOP candidates. Those that followed Trumps lead did get elected. But the Traditional ones did not. This time Trump is on the ballad and they will show...
  9. Sailor.X


    This Fucker.....
  10. Sailor.X


    A dumbass that also was driving around with no car insurance on a suspended drivers license.............
  11. Sailor.X


  12. Sailor.X


    It depends on which site you work at really. At the one I current work at. You only get a maximum of 50 trucks per day. Back when I worked at Food Lion Distribution Center number 3. The amount of trucks were 200 trucks per day. which is really hard to manage. Never underestimate how stupid...
  13. Sailor.X


    I resisted the urge to post this in that thread. But oh I so wanted to do it for the troll factor alone. :devilish:
  14. Sailor.X


    I engaged my cloaking device and poked into Whitehall to see what the rabble there were saying. And they are in mastebatory glee over impeachment. I would not be surprised if they aren't stroking themselves off watching MSNBC and CNN coverage.
  15. Sailor.X


    That is correct.
  16. Sailor.X


    It is yet idiots find a way to fuck up even that job. You need only the basic level of Security training to do that job. I have level 3 and that job requires level 1.
  17. Sailor.X


    Very True Indeed Literally what Cherico said. And also just letting Trucks in without getting Driver Info for the Warehouse thus causing major Chaos in the system.
  18. Sailor.X


    Some lived in states where Weed was made legal. Others............ Well let's just hope the cops don't pull them over one day. A few of them have their parents getting on their case about getting a job. Any job and getting off their asses. But some have parents who are just as messed up as them...
  19. Sailor.X


    Some will and others will just hang out in their parents basements smoking pot. I have had conversations with the latter.
  20. Sailor.X


    Agreed. But they should have at least tried to work hard. They didn't even do that.