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  1. S'task

    Media/Journalism Cringe Megathread - Hot off the Presses

    As soon as there is any significant shift in Black voting patterns the Democrat's mask will come right off... it could come as early as THIS YEAR if Trump wins via the Black vote shifting to him.
  2. S'task

    Media/Journalism Cringe Megathread - Hot off the Presses

    . . . No, the Boomers were the ones that actually built the foundation of the modern Conservative movement. When they came of age the institutions were already completely compromised, and had been for decades. They never had the opportunity to "resist" the slow creeping power of the Left in...
  3. S'task

    Media/Journalism Cringe Megathread - Hot off the Presses

    Firstly, this is why the term "Big Tech" is so useless for this kind of thing. AFAIK major Software and Hardware vendors are not accused of any of the censorship or collusion with the Federal Government like the Social Media companies are. We call them all "Big Tech" but Microsoft and Facebook...
  4. S'task

    Media/Journalism Cringe Megathread - Hot off the Presses

    Maybe, before you make a fool of yourself, go look at my original post: Note: my opposition is not to auditing the money, I'm all for that, it's to the hamfisted "no spending any money with Big Tech for a year" bit because it sounds so open ended as to have unintended consequences like...
  5. S'task

    Media/Journalism Cringe Megathread - Hot off the Presses

    This won't cause the sky to fall or justice to be done. This will also not prevent the Federal government from having your data. All this type of thing does is make it more likely that Black Hat hackers will steal your data. In other words, it's not an OR scenario, it's an AND scenario...
  6. S'task

    Media/Journalism Cringe Megathread - Hot off the Presses

    You guys really don't get it. It's not "without these licenses the Federal government ceases working", it's "without these licenses and ongoing support the Federal government's IT infrastructure becomes more outdated and vulnerable to attack than it already is and your personal information will...
  7. S'task

    Media/Journalism Cringe Megathread - Hot off the Presses

    Err... the practice of what? Sending Federal money to big tech companies? Or something else? I don't mean to be a nay-sayer because I like the audit bit, but the Federal government has contracts for major infrastructure that they use that's provided by Big Tech companies and that only those...
  8. S'task

    Media/Journalism Cringe Megathread - Hot off the Presses

    I've explained what happened with the New Atheists before:
  9. S'task

    Media/Journalism Cringe Megathread - Hot off the Presses

    Actually, while it obviously feels obscene, its probably a cheaper and more effective solution to the problem than anything custom made for the job. As a reminder, most survival guides suggest having a pack of unlubricated condoms in any survival kit, as they're actually super useful to have in...
  10. S'task

    Media/Journalism Cringe Megathread - Hot off the Presses

    Then you remember the late 90s wrong. There was never any real government surplus, it was all projected surplus based on the current income and rate of economic growth; however, that growth was not due to good fundamentals of the economy, but rather the late 90s Dot Com Bubble, which began to...
  11. S'task

    Media/Journalism Cringe Megathread - Hot off the Presses

    The things with the Dixie Chicks and Freedom Fries are actually somewhat different. Dixie Chicks pissed off their core demographic, and were cancelled by that demographic. It was very much in the vein of "play stupid games, win stupid prizes". Further, if you recall the media lionized the...
  12. S'task

    Media/Journalism Cringe Megathread - Hot off the Presses

    Uhh? That's pretty normal in married life once you have children? I call my wife "Mom" all the time in front of our kids, someone who's more formal and tends to not use the diminutives "Mom" or "Mommy" wouldn't surprise me to see them call their wife "mother"... My parents did the same thing...
  13. S'task

    Media/Journalism Cringe Megathread - Hot off the Presses

    I feel like I've deconstructed this idea before...
  14. S'task

    Media/Journalism Cringe Megathread - Hot off the Presses

    OK, so, I rare if ever will do this, but there is some (and by some, I mean miniscule amount) of truth in the idea that the Jan 6th Riot and the attack on 9/11 were similar. Not in effect or in lives lost, but a lot of people forget that the 9/11 attacks were chosen for their symbolism, not for...
  15. S'task

    Media/Journalism Cringe Megathread - Hot off the Presses

    Strictly speaking there are a bunch of other things that broadly correlate with skin tone based race. Suceptibility to malaria and sickle cell anemia (these are related, as the genetic difference that makes one more resistant to malaria also can trigger sickle cell, and is a common genetic...
  16. S'task

    Media/Journalism Cringe Megathread - Hot off the Presses

    Motown was definitionally "black" music, as in the genre got it's name from the black owned record label that focused on hiring and cross promoting black music groups to mainstream white appeal. And we can go back further. When Jazz was the top form of popular music in America, do you know who...
  17. S'task

    Media/Journalism Cringe Megathread - Hot off the Presses

    *snort* Even those two demonstrate just how young you are. ;) Let me introduce to you the 1970s and 80s and 90s and until her death pop LEGEND, Whitney Houston: Seriously...
  18. S'task

    Media/Journalism Cringe Megathread - Hot off the Presses

    Same reason Fox News took such a huge market slice and dominated everyone else, or why conservative talk radio got huge back in the 80s and 90s. Underserved market that's nearly half the population of the country. The media elites are so entrapped in their left wing bubbles, and have been for...
  19. S'task

    Media/Journalism Cringe Megathread - Hot off the Presses

    Also, dumplings and noodles are hardly exclusive to China. Dumplings are literally just "boiled dough" when you get down to it, and that's hardly a complicated thing to figure out; I mean, look at the list of dumpling variations around the world. Noodles are in a similar situation, appearing...
  20. S'task

    Media/Journalism Cringe Megathread - Hot off the Presses

    Except, they weren't just as bad? There were plenty of newspapers in the 1860s that were Abolitionist, or pushed to allow for Blacks to vote and wouldn't have described allowing Blacks to vote as a "mistake" in the early 20th century. Granted most of them probably wouldn't have been called...