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  1. Rocinante

    LGBT and the US Conservative Movement

    Only if the Greeks called others racists for trying to learn more. Like, you'd have a point if it wasn't considered transphobic to even consider investigating other options.
  2. Rocinante

    LGBT and the US Conservative Movement

    The lie I used to be fed, which I can agree with, went like "we don't know enough about the brain, so changing the body is is our best solution for now." The problem being that no one is seriously looking into fixing the brain, and these days you will often get called a transphobic Nazi for...
  3. Rocinante

    LGBT and the US Conservative Movement

    See. When they realize that they aren't really a redhead, they can let the hair grow out and go back. But when they realize they aren't really a man and they've already fundamentally changed their body with hormones and has surgeries to remove body parts....too late. There's a 42% chance they...
  4. Rocinante

    LGBT and the US Conservative Movement

    If you believe you're a redhead and dye your hair red to match, more power to you if that makes you happy. You're still not actually a redhead. You have simply modified your hair to make it look red. It still doesn't grow red. Wearing a red wig doesn't make you a redhead.
  5. Rocinante

    LGBT and the US Conservative Movement

    They're still the gender that they were born as, so the dysphoria is not actually cured or anything. If you're a girl who believes you're a man, and you cut off your breasts and take hormones, you are still a woman. You still have gender dysphoria. You've just made modifications to your body...
  6. Rocinante

    LGBT and the US Conservative Movement

    I'd argue that mutilating one's body to "fix" a mental issue isn't really fixing the mental issue. But I also don't give a shit what people do with their own bodies. You can do what you want, but don't expect me to believe you're REALLY the gender you transitioned to.
  7. Rocinante

    LGBT and the US Conservative Movement

    I'm a right wing voter who doesn't give a shit what gender someone is attracted to. I think the anti gay stuff is a little ridiculous. Though I'm an ex-leftym
  8. Rocinante

    LGBT and the US Conservative Movement

    When I was a kid, I was over weight, so I had chubby man breasts. My lips got chapped a lot and would often be very red. Some kids made fun of me and called me a girl for these things. One day I went home to my parents all upset, telling them how I think I'm a girl and shit. They explained...
  9. Rocinante

    LGBT and the US Conservative Movement

    Did I claim you didn't exist, or am I perhaps talking about the social justice movement that focusses in trans issues? Hmmm, I wonder. Could I be claiming that a brand new phenomenon just popped up and before a couple years ago never existed at all, or could I possibly mean something else...
  10. Rocinante

    LGBT and the US Conservative Movement

    Trump was on the campaign trail waving a rainbow flag. I never picked up "anti gay rights" vibes off him. More like "we have more important things to worry about"
  11. Rocinante

    LGBT and the US Conservative Movement

    I saw stats earlier in this thread that showed in this recent election, the LBGs breaking off from Dems really hard.
  12. Rocinante

    LGBT and the US Conservative Movement

    Fried is assuring me that it's not just him or just a fringe but that it's a foundation of the platform, so if that was the case then my post is pretty accurate
  13. Rocinante

    LGBT and the US Conservative Movement

    What you want to do -taking their rights away- gives these people a very solid foundation and something to fight for. You'll be making the lgbt community louder and more powerful by giving them a solid and clear enemy and a casis belli
  14. Rocinante

    LGBT and the US Conservative Movement

    No, I think there is merit to the slippery slope argument. They'll move on to the next thing. They did. Look at all the trans stuff going on now. I don't think we need to cater to them every time we slip down that slope a bit. But giving the gays equal rights seems pretty harmless to me
  15. Rocinante

    LGBT and the US Conservative Movement

    No, I am quoting a joke I saw/heard years ago. It's supposed to be wrong lol I've been trying to find a moment to shoehorn that in there
  16. Rocinante

    LGBT and the US Conservative Movement

    I've been against hate crimes for quite a while. If a person cimmited a crime, there is a law for that. Hate crimes are special rights. Rosetta Stone didn't sit on the front of that bus for y'all gays to be asking for special rights
  17. Rocinante

    LGBT and the US Conservative Movement

    No one should get "special rights." Equal rights. Which they have now. Just don't take equal rights away. That's all that's being asked. No need to pander. You don't even need to talk about it. Just live and let live. Let them live their lives with equal rights. If they have special rights...
  18. Rocinante

    LGBT and the US Conservative Movement

    No one is asking the GOP to pander. Just to not roll back their rights. Just to let them be. Which seems to be the prevailing attitude amongst right wing politicians anyways. That's part of why I'm willing to vote for them. No, don't pander to them. Just let them be. Don't try to take rights...
  19. Rocinante

    LGBT and the US Conservative Movement

    I myself am what would be considered pretty right wing on immigration. Or at least illegal immigration. I support the wall and I am against amnesty and think illegal immigrants should be deported. I need to learn more about this divorce issue before I can make a claim on that
  20. Rocinante

    LGBT and the US Conservative Movement

    I agree with all of this. I see there are other quotes and will try to respond as I can I'd be willing to consider tightening of abortion laws even though I am still pro choice