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  1. Rocinante

    Business & Finance The GameStop Short Stock Sensation

    Looks like silver was a lie. Wsb on reddit has been calling it out All day. The media lied about it to try to get people to sell gamestop and buy silver.
  2. Rocinante

    Business & Finance The GameStop Short Stock Sensation

    I don't own a lot. I just play around with a few hundred or so like I'm gambling or playing around in a high stakes video game. I'm looking at AG and SLV now. I heard some shit about silver last week so I bought up some.
  3. Rocinante

    Business & Finance The GameStop Short Stock Sensation

    I own some silver stock, let's see how this plays out lol
  4. Rocinante

    Business & Finance The GameStop Short Stock Sensation

    This whole thing has taught me one thing: I'm really fucking dumb. Lol. Seriously. As this was going on I was reading statements from robinhood on the changes they were making and I didn't even know what that crap means. So now I'm making it a goal to learn this crap
  5. Rocinante

    Business & Finance The GameStop Short Stock Sensation

    Here's a chance to aim for the "unity" that they preach about
  6. Rocinante

    Business & Finance The GameStop Short Stock Sensation

    Gme, NOK, amc, bb, all taken off robinhood. I smell a big fucking lawsuit coming
  7. Rocinante

    Business & Finance The GameStop Short Stock Sensation

    Damn I missed gamestop and now I can't buy AMC either. I have a friend who made out huge on gamestop.