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  1. Rhyse

    The Potterverse vs. the MiB

    Which points did I miss? I'll go down the shorthand list of the ones you'd made and I'd be thrilled if you could say which I didn't address, or point me to some I missed. - Wizards are idiots: No, you didn't read the books. - Wizards ignore logic: I asked for examples as to how they do that...
  2. Rhyse

    The Potterverse vs. the MiB

    "Finally". You didn't do me the basic courtesy of apparently reading past the first sentence, because you have the ego of a mardy ten year old. There's no finally about this, you giant fucking baby. Because you're on a debate forum, in the debate section, having a debate and I wrote a post for...
  3. Rhyse

    The Potterverse vs. the MiB

    Well now you're just being a jerk! Not at all, I want to debate to have fun, it's fun to chat about my favourite franchises, and spitball ideas, and discuss things. What I take umbrage at is someone not having the common decency to actually 'engage' in a debate. Let's actually rewind for a...
  4. Rhyse

    The Potterverse vs. the MiB

    No? This is where you stopped reading. Calm down. I called you ignorant, because you posted a bunch of ignorant twaddle, if you don't want to play anymore then just stop playing. Don't post a 'waaah, waah! Meanie!' comment to try and get the last word in.
  5. Rhyse

    The Potterverse vs. the MiB

    Necroscope is a cool series that's sort of like that. It rapidly shoots off into more fantasy though. Libriomancer is good as well if you want something easy to read.
  6. Rhyse

    The Potterverse vs. the MiB

    Arthurs job at the start of the series is a beat cop enforcer that exclusively deals with cursed magical artifacts that have been given to muggles. He has absolutely zero influence in the Ministry. It's only after the fifth book where he gets nepotistically (Wizarding government be corrupt.)...
  7. Rhyse

    The Potterverse vs. the MiB

    Except that's complete and total bollocks. They do, they have the DMLE, and the Department of Mysteries that study the mind, time, space, love and death as the 'final frontiers' of magic. Why are you assuming that they somehow don't? Why is the assumption 'They are retarded because they didn't...
  8. Rhyse

    The Potterverse vs. the MiB

    You clearly haven't read the books, so no. Such as? How? You literally cannot know that they 'underutilize it' because you have no idea of the limitations of it. McGonagoll was supervising it's use, that's what Hermione went off to see her about at the start of PoA. The time travel they gave...
  9. Rhyse

    The Potterverse vs. the MiB

    They probably just end up working together after a series of extremely brutal ambushes/counter ambushes. Neither side can really destroy the other, nor would either side particularly want to destroy the other. Aliens are functionally the same as random magical creatures, and random magical...