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  1. Morphic Tide

    2nd Civil War Theorycrafting Thread, Peaches Free

    No, you're the one making wrong assumptions of such, in that the military forces will somehow plan this out properly when they've never had an outright win against an insurgency with far less restricted rules of engagement than they'll be facing when it's their own infrastructure and families on...
  2. Morphic Tide

    2nd Civil War Theorycrafting Thread, Peaches Free

    You cannot starve out the people growing YOUR food, wipe out the people running YOUR energy infrastructure. There are too many people to drone strike them all, too many of them are the family members of the boots on the ground, too much of the foundational resource extraction is on their side...
  3. Morphic Tide

    2nd Civil War Theorycrafting Thread, Peaches Free

    There is no world where they are occupying rural America, period. The actual US military plus every National Guard, with no deserters, is still fucked in this situation, because unlike every other deployment since the Civil War they don't have a safe home-front to trivialize logistics. Once you...
  4. Morphic Tide

    2nd Civil War Theorycrafting Thread, Peaches Free

    Well, if you'd actually stacked a decent fraction of a Black Block protest in body bags then the Left would be in a very awkward position because a hell of a lot of the bullshit is incredibly limp-wristed. Oh sure, they'd try to get martial law declared and crack down like crazy, but that's not...
  5. Morphic Tide

    2nd Civil War Theorycrafting Thread, Peaches Free

    One electrician on the inside finding locations able to cascade like 2003 and four buddies with not-remotely-noteworthy amounts of hardware to cause the damage. You cannot patrol the vulnerable area with National Guard well enough to keep all of five guys from hitting where it'll hurt, even if...
  6. Morphic Tide

    2nd Civil War Theorycrafting Thread, Peaches Free

    We don't see constant or severe blackouts because the system is stable. It very much remains fragile, as the electric grid has extremely large-scale interdependency. The 2003 blackout spiraled out of control from one downed power line. One disgruntled electrician with the map of the grid can...
  7. Morphic Tide

    2nd Civil War Theorycrafting Thread, Peaches Free

    Not really, as has been previously mentioned a lot of the larger-scale equipment has effectively zero backups, so blowing out two substations can trivially turn into well over a week with terribly limited power from how long it takes to make the replacements.
  8. Morphic Tide

    2nd Civil War Theorycrafting Thread, Peaches Free

    We haven't see pushback to nearly this extent in decades, and quite significant portions of the people who argued for gay rights marched along to gay marriage but have now turned back around with the trans shit. It is not the same "progressivism driving the speed limit" behavior, people from the...
  9. Morphic Tide

    2nd Civil War Theorycrafting Thread, Peaches Free

    You can't ignore your child being sexually abused or set up for such like you can miss your child being aborted. The child can talk, grooming is vastly harder to hide and far more commonly and extremely at odds with morality. People legitimately show more severe antipathy towards pedophiles than...
  10. Morphic Tide

    2nd Civil War Theorycrafting Thread, Peaches Free

    This misses that the entire basis of the debate on abortion is literally disagreeing about when it starts counting as "a baby" and the "out of sight, out of mind" effect that its concentration among "enemies" brings and the numerous bystander effects that always get in the way of spontaneous...