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  1. MelancholicMechanicus

    Britain Muslim Terror suspect claims "Tommy Robinson understands Jihad"; Had signed copy of his book

    No no, he tried to get there, ran over some cones that were protecting the entrance and stopped a little inside. Cops got around to help (assuming he was a drunk driver) and then he tried to pull the sword. At which point the cops moved to stop him and hold him down as he desperately tried to...
  2. MelancholicMechanicus

    Britain Muslim Terror suspect claims "Tommy Robinson understands Jihad"; Had signed copy of his book

    In what I can only describe as a Monty Python sketch come to life, a jihadi was arrested in Britain after trying to kill the queen with a shitty LOTR sword by driving ro Buckinham palace and getting in (somehow) and while in court said that Tommy Robinson was right about islam. To further...