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  1. M

    The Americas Mexican trouble
  2. M

    The Americas Mexican trouble

    Hacker shit. Botnets, ransomware, DDoS on demand and so on. They can do it from Mexico and few other countries they have a lot of pull in, and they already have established a "relationship" with the government where even far worse things get ignored...
  3. M

    The Americas Mexican trouble

    I'm absolutely sure the big pharma can make drugs in more pure, safe, and guaranteed to not be mixed up with random crap form, and produce them in industrial quantities. What i'd worry about is that cartels can still make them cheaper and available even to people who won't be allowed (or can't...
  4. M

    The Americas Mexican trouble The crime spilling over from land aswell it turns out.
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    The Americas Mexican trouble

    Speaking of which:
  6. M

    The Americas Mexican trouble

    And here comes another news story fitting to this topic:
  7. M

    The Americas Mexican trouble

    Why would they? These things being illegal just means they can take a premium on providing them, and state gratiously will curb their minor competition for them. Common story with failed states. The government controls the capital, it's nearby areas, and perhaps few important tourist/resource...
  8. M

    The Americas Mexican trouble

    With all the news increasingly chaotic events there, why not make a thread about it all. Starting with the most recent, there is the controversy about the battle that the Mexican military just had in Culiacan against the Sinaloa cartel - which the military has either lost or withdrawn from...