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  1. LordsFire


    Well, first they would have claimed he should step down on some fabricated ethical grounds, then when he refused to do so, they would have fabricated charges against him like they did against Trump. At which point we might have actually had a civil war, as a looooot of people refused to accept...
  2. LordsFire


    This is literally what the Democrats tried to do. That they tried at all showed how damaged things have become, and has damaged things further. If they don't pay a heavy price for it, that'll damage things even further.
  3. LordsFire


    That does actually look reasonably sourced; you do appear to have done your research. We'll see if the only poll that actually counts backs this up in November.
  4. LordsFire


    Whose poll, with what methodology? Given that the impeachment hearings are being watched less than the Kavanaugh confirmation hearings, and steadily less and less are bothering, I suspect it's a tailored poll.
  5. LordsFire


    There were still quite a number of them there. Hillary, for example. It wasn't as bad as it is now though, not even close.
  6. LordsFire


    I've listened to a few hours of the hearings, the basic theme was like this: Democrat posing question: "So what was happening seemed irregular, maybe suspicious?" Witness: "It was certainly outside of normal state department protocol. I couldn't comment on 'suspicious.' Republican posing...
  7. LordsFire


    Rush Limbaugh calls him 'Pencilneck,' though I can't recall why just now.
  8. LordsFire


    I'm still waiting for your response, to my response here.
  9. LordsFire


    Trump's offenses thus far: 1. Being a jerk. Legitimate criticism, he can be a jerk. 2. Violating political correctness. This is a positive, not a negative. 3. Spending too much money. Serious problem, I'd like him to tone that down. Trump's offenses according to the media: 1. Being a Russian...
  10. LordsFire


    Because 'orange man bad,' as best as I can tell. I have some respect for people who criticize Trump's shady business practices, the fact that he cheated on his wife in the past, etc. I don't have much respect for when people try to act like all this nothing is some huge deal.
  11. LordsFire


    Unless he deliberately decides not to, Pence will be Trump's appointed successor in the 2024 Republican Primaries. That's part of how being someone's VP works. I also expect that Pence would be blunt like Trump, though more careful in his wording, and have a much stronger appeal to the...