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  1. LordsFire

    The Consoomer Menace

    You can bet that some redditors will respond to this by starting to mass-upvote 'policy-breaking content.' I wonder how long it will take 4Chan to start brigading over to bury Reddit's new 'automated system' in reports. After all, if you raise the noise to signal level high enough, it's damn...
  2. LordsFire

    The Consoomer Menace

    I have made a post responding to this. It's here on the new thread that was made for this topic.
  3. LordsFire

    The Consoomer Menace

    When your 'argument' is based on making statements that are not just factually false, but that others here have personal experience with being factually false, and then trying to construct a logic chain based on that... Yeah, people aren't going to give your arguments any credence. Because they...
  4. LordsFire

    The Consoomer Menace

    ...What country do you live in? Because American conservatism, IE 'conserving the principles on which the nation was founded,' absolutely is not statist. Have you ever actually been involved in much creative production? The most basic form of copyright is automatic. As in, all it takes is...
  5. LordsFire

    The Consoomer Menace

    Conservatism and Libertarianism have extremely common roots, and one of the political left's greatest accomplishments of the 20th century was getting Libertarians to align with them. The burden is still on you to justify why legal adults should be disbarred use of smartphones, and why that is a...
  6. LordsFire

    The Consoomer Menace

    The principles of small government conservatism, hold that it is only the government's business to get involved, when your sins directly harm another. If you want to be an alcoholic, the government doesn't stop that. If you start beating your spouse or kids while drunk, then the government...
  7. LordsFire

    The Consoomer Menace

    ...If you're advocating the government banning smart-phone use for anyone other than criminals who've lost some of their rights due to their crimes, you have no business calling yourself a small-government conservative. That's incredibly statist and controlling. I say this as someone who...
  8. LordsFire

    The Consoomer Menace

    So, you're going to make us all to shut up by force of arms then? Because you're criticizing almost everybody else on this thread. For people with any kind of well-rounded understanding of psychology or philosophy, criticism does not necessitate escalation towards violence.
  9. LordsFire

    The Consoomer Menace

    The problem is simple, people have abandoned pursuit of God, or put another way, pursuit of Truth. Pursuing Truth is hard. You find all kinds of unpleasant things when you chase after it, many of them truths about yourself. And in this insanely prosperous modern era, there are so many cheap...
  10. LordsFire

    The Consoomer Menace

    The difference with principled conservatives, is that we will criticize behavior we consider immoral, but not try to legislate it. One of the biggest mistakes conservatives made in the mid-20th century, was getting on board the 'ban drugs' train; they should have continued to hold what is now...
  11. LordsFire

    The Consoomer Menace

    Classic case of taking a good point, and then extending it out to a destructive extreme. Also, misunderstanding a big part of why people have become so consumerist. There has been a strong cultural current in the US since the 60's, that your purpose in life, is to pursue your own pleasure...