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  1. Lord Sovereign

    Kyle Rittenhouse Trial Thread

    That's some excellent news. Who is this buyer, might I ask? If they're as unfriendly to the communists as you say, that's a third big win for the Right this year. CNN sliding to anywhere near the vicinity of JFK (perhaps the greatest Democrat, so I'm told) is quite a kick to the bollocks for the...
  2. Lord Sovereign

    Kyle Rittenhouse Trial Thread

    As someone who has a history degree, it has been somewhat fascinating to see history being made here. Kyle Rittenhouse is going to have pretty hefty tomes dedicated to him and the circumstances surrounding his trial. And this is just from the historical point of view, he'll practically be both...
  3. Lord Sovereign

    Kyle Rittenhouse Trial Thread

    I saw a clip of the not guilty verdict on GBNews. Harrowing stuff (and vaguely blood boiling. Even Tim Pool is calling the left evil these days). Here's the video in question. In fairness to Spacebattles, there are some pretty based takes (a few actively calling out left wing media) on there...
  4. Lord Sovereign

    Kyle Rittenhouse Trial Thread

    This might skirt the rules a bit (feel free to give me a cuff round the ears if so, mods), but I have to let you all know, Spacebattles and Sufficient Velocity are freaking out over this. They're already raging about "right wing death squads having carte blanche to gun people down" essentially...
  5. Lord Sovereign

    Kyle Rittenhouse Trial Thread

    Between this and the Democrats losing Virginia, you chaps have had some serious wins this year. That aside, I'm genuinely happy. Kyle should never have been in that court in the first place. He's just a bloody kid, and to get put through all this because the left wants to score political...
  6. Lord Sovereign

    Kyle Rittenhouse Trial Thread

    Regardless of what happens, this trial has been a glorious fount of memes.
  7. Lord Sovereign

    Kyle Rittenhouse Trial Thread

    For the meme, how would an encounter between a purple haired, nose ringed Antifa, and a Brownshirt of the 1930s, go down?
  8. Lord Sovereign

    Kyle Rittenhouse Trial Thread

    God only knows how they'd stand up to genuine Black Shirts and Brown Shirts. The "fash" would probably kill them in broad daylight and think it's funny.
  9. Lord Sovereign

    Kyle Rittenhouse Trial Thread

    I hope you're bloody right, because this asleep at the wheel shit could end up landing Kyle in prison.
  10. Lord Sovereign

    Kyle Rittenhouse Trial Thread

    For what has been a few days in a row, Kyle's defense has been asleep. What. Are. They. Doing?
  11. Lord Sovereign

    Kyle Rittenhouse Trial Thread

    Judge has gone in balls deep multiple times with this lot. The Prosecution just isn't getting the message.
  12. Lord Sovereign

    Kyle Rittenhouse Trial Thread

    It's a big risk. Kyle might slip up with his words and get himself into trouble.
  13. Lord Sovereign

    Kyle Rittenhouse Trial Thread

    So, the prosecutor seems intent on bullying Kyle into tears. Is Defense asleep, or is this all part of some strategy beyond our understanding?