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  1. Lord Sovereign

    LGBT and the US Conservative Movement

    I think there is a happy middle ground here, that doesn't involve legislating against either side. I'd say raging about "sodomy" is an error when we could be going after promiscuity. This is something we can all agree (seriously, promiscuity being a problem is a Sargon of Akkad viewpoint no...
  2. Lord Sovereign

    LGBT and the US Conservative Movement

    Yes, poor lifestyle decisions indicating a lack of self control. I don't see the evil in this. Just something society can frown on at the very most. And I find your naked zealotry deeply off putting, if not unsettling. Good day.
  3. Lord Sovereign

    LGBT and the US Conservative Movement

    And what truth is this, pray tell? That people who can't keep it in their trousers are "evil"? Having known supposed "sodomites" and "adulterers", they struck me as people who made poor life decisions at times but were far away from monstrous. Dehumanising them achieves nothing, is terribly...
  4. Lord Sovereign

    LGBT and the US Conservative Movement good man, calm down. This sort of rhetoric will have your position dismissed outright. I personally don't think being gay or promiscuous deserves death as a punishment for lifestyle choices. Chastise it if you must, but don't declare them to be an "abomination."
  5. Lord Sovereign

    LGBT and the US Conservative Movement

    People suffering from sexual dysphoria (yes, I won't use "gender", as I'm not entirely sure the lefty understanding of it even exists) are really rather unwell and ought to be treated with some kindness instead of their fantasies being indulged and their illness being glorified. I'm on the...
  6. Lord Sovereign

    LGBT and the US Conservative Movement

    Or it was an overreaction to overzealous Christians electrocuting them. In fact, a lot of the original stuff is about "please leave me alone" and not much else because they were criminally persecuted for something they didn't have much control over. it's their fault for dying from HIV...
  7. Lord Sovereign

    LGBT and the US Conservative Movement

    Having met gay people, they do seem to be in full possession of their mental faculties. They just like men.
  8. Lord Sovereign

    LGBT and the US Conservative Movement

    I don't know, you can shrug your shoulders over gay marriage and still oppose mass immigration. Doesn't seem like an entirely zero sum game.
  9. Lord Sovereign

    LGBT and the US Conservative Movement

    Morality policing is all well and good until it is turned against you. It just isn't a good way to run a society.
  10. Lord Sovereign

    LGBT and the US Conservative Movement

    From what I'm seeing in this thread, fundies have a very much "all or nothing" attitude, which could be mistaken for a nasty totalitarian streak by wider society. If they ever want to be a real political force, they'll have to square with that one day. Right now though, they are a great deal...
  11. Lord Sovereign

    LGBT and the US Conservative Movement I'm no history professor, but I think that's more down to gunpowder, increased populations, and the development of states into where they could actually afford and equip large professional armies like the Romans did. And Rome did that over a thousand years before the...
  12. Lord Sovereign

    LGBT and the US Conservative Movement

    So, baby out with the bathwater because the radicals went too far? This is the exact same logic that was used to destroy organised religion in the west. Horseshoe theory is not a meme.
  13. Lord Sovereign

    LGBT and the US Conservative Movement

    Agree to disagree, but if the other guy is willing you'll work together, essentially? That's fair.
  14. Lord Sovereign

    LGBT and the US Conservative Movement

    I'd say the LGBT "group" is somewhat irrelevant. If people from that group, who have become disillusioned with leftism gone mad, find themselves swinging the way of the American Right, I see no reason to drive them out in the name of moral purity. "Strange bedfellows" and whatnot.
  15. Lord Sovereign

    LGBT and the US Conservative Movement

    Accepting gay marriage won't make it go away, that's true enough. Slapping down the radicals for trying to privilege a specific group (most of whom have not asked to be privileged) should do the trick with the more rotten elements of it. Please understand that I'm not exactly what many on the...
  16. Lord Sovereign

    LGBT and the US Conservative Movement

    And those men are long gone, along with the 18th century. Here, now, I'm dealing with Neo-reactionary muppets who think the LGBT movement will go away if they just get rid of gay marriage. It's exactly the same sort of "baby out with the bathwater" nonsense the left does. As you previously...
  17. Lord Sovereign

    LGBT and the US Conservative Movement

    Fuck. Off. Tyrant.
  18. Lord Sovereign

    LGBT and the US Conservative Movement

    Or, how about we just go with moral puritanism being unacceptable no matter where it comes from? It's not alright for you to do it just because others are. That's the logic of a child. If you think that's unproductive, then just wait and see where this gets you...
  19. Lord Sovereign

    LGBT and the US Conservative Movement

    So you might actually start winning elections. And who are these others doing it? Lefties? Muslims? I can assure you, those measures bring them success in the short term, but long term it's disastrous.
  20. Lord Sovereign

    LGBT and the US Conservative Movement

    It's somewhat sad in that the social conservatives would have a platform with broad appeal if they could just ease off on the religious stuff because it gives way to puritanism no one wants. Prime example of that is the Constitution Party, who seem to continuously shoot themselves in the foot...