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  1. Lord Sovereign

    Philosophy Why Sargon of Akkad's Liberalist Movement will Fail

    I mean...that's not wrong. The French had a very large army, along with superior tanks in greater numbers than the Germans. Like the British, they were more mechanised than the Wehrmacht, but their leaders were complete fuckwits. Then there was the matter of having the whole of Southern France...
  2. Lord Sovereign

    Philosophy Why Sargon of Akkad's Liberalist Movement will Fail

    The thing you're missing here is that, whilst these policies are hardly unpopular, the Right has been fucking incompetent in it's dealings with the left for decades on end. They let the left run rampant in the schools and brainwash multiple generations, whilst failing to put a pin in Labour's...
  3. Lord Sovereign

    Philosophy Why Sargon of Akkad's Liberalist Movement will Fail

    It's why I believe Nigel Farage's Reform UK stands to do quite well in the future. People are sick of Lib/Lab/Con and want something different (ironic, given that the "different" they're after was actually the norm before everything went wrong in the 20th century).
  4. Lord Sovereign

    Philosophy Why Sargon of Akkad's Liberalist Movement will Fail

    As it turns out, creating a healthy, competitive economy and getting taxes down are quite popular with voters. The only reason Brits vote for "socialism" (or at least things that lean that way) is because that's usually all there is on offer from Lib/Lab/Con.