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  1. Lord Sovereign

    Science Debate On Evolution Not Being Up For Debate... Debate.

    From the perspective of someone who is actually on the spectrum and had to go to a special needs school as a result, this is some weapons grade autism right here.
  2. Lord Sovereign

    Science Debate On Evolution Not Being Up For Debate... Debate.

    His “complaints” are basically (as much as it pains me to say as LordisFire is usually quite a reasonable chap) the bad faith debating tactics of a religious zealot who (for one reason or another) perceives the idea of evolution as an existential threat to his faith, whether he realises it or...
  3. Lord Sovereign

    Science Debate On Evolution Not Being Up For Debate... Debate.

    Ah, Christians and completely misguided attempts to defend their faith. Name a more iconic duo. And I say that as a Christian! Look, I’ve been to London’s Natural History Museum, and I’ve seen fossils in their thousands. Evolution is something of an unavoidable fact right now, and these...