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  1. Laskar

    Cool Sci-Fi Pics

    A concept made for Halo 5 that was never used. Pity. Usually Sparth's concepts are a misshapen smear of bevels and arches and vaguely human forms, but this one is pretty good. I could easily see that as a UNSC hospital. Rho 'Barutamee, fleetmaster and commander of the Long Night of Solace. He...
  2. Laskar

    Cool Sci-Fi Pics

    I prefer "Warning: Not only will this kill you, but it'll hurt the whole time you're dying."
  3. Laskar

    Cool Sci-Fi Pics

    Oh, yeah, that's going to end well. There is no way whatsoever that this abominable project can horribly backfire and kill everyone. No way at all, sir.