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  1. Laskar

    Mass Effect Mass Effect general thread

    The problem with a lot of the indoctrination theories is that any sufficiently insidious form of mind control is indistinguishable from an ad hoc plot device. So excusing bad writing with "it was the Reapers all along!" just circles us back around to bad writing.
  2. Laskar

    Mass Effect Mass Effect general thread

    On the other hand, Halo Wars and Spartan Assault were well received for what they were. There was some backlash, but not nearly as loud as the fanrage over core features like dual wielding and sprint. I think there are two things to consider in a spinoff: -Is the gameplay shifting from a niche...
  3. Laskar

    Mass Effect Mass Effect general thread

    It was.
  4. Laskar

    Mass Effect Mass Effect general thread

    As tiresome as the argument over Miranda's ass is, at least it's not the dead horses of Geth vs Quarians or genophage morality.
  5. Laskar

    Mass Effect Mass Effect general thread

    That's a function of the fact that ME2 had more squadmates and more freedom to work with. In the original game, the characters' backstories were interesting until the game tried to explain why they were on the Normandy, at which point it degenerated into an excuse plot. I think the only...
  6. Laskar

    Mass Effect Mass Effect general thread

    No great loss. You suffered through the first Mass Effect for the story, and Pinnacle Station has no story.
  7. Laskar

    Mass Effect Mass Effect general thread

    Is the Shadow Broker even a Shadow Broker anymore with the network of informants utterly wrecked?
  8. Laskar

    Mass Effect Mass Effect general thread

    Mass Effect is like that one ex who you keep swearing off, but every time she changes her relationship status to "Single" on FB, you can't help but hope... I'm... mildly disgusted that Liara seems to be returning yet again. Yes, she's going to live to the ripe old age of a thousand years if...
  9. Laskar

    Mass Effect Mass Effect general thread

    Yeah. The original Mass Effect was a steaming turd as far as gameplay mechanics go. It wasn't a traditional PC RPG. It was a PC RPG with RPG mechanics clumsily grafted on to a third person shooter. I can't think of a single thing that game did well, except for most of the powers.
  10. Laskar

    Mass Effect Mass Effect general thread

    Pretty much. Mass Effect gameplay is a chore that only the promise of advancing the plot can get you through. Pinnacle Station has no plot, so there's no point in playing it.
  11. Laskar

    Mass Effect Mass Effect general thread

    Meh. A Mass Effect MMO still has the problem that it would be competing against SW:TOR in the same story-driven-MMO niche, and competing against established MMOs has never been a smart strategy. I dunno. I haven't touched a Mass Effect game in nearly eight years, but I don't think it would be a...