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  1. Laskar

    Webcomics, Discussion And Recommendations

    I called it. Knowing the Foglios, I can only hope this devolves into naked Dyne-water wrestling.
  2. Laskar

    Webcomics, Discussion And Recommendations

    All I can say to today's Girl Genius comic is...
  3. Laskar

    Webcomics, Discussion And Recommendations

    Nah. I was pointing out how OotS has completely run out of steam. Almost all* of the good jokes and character interactions were had by the end of Blood runs In The Family, and the webcomic's update pace has slowed to a crawl. *Durkoff's face when the Chaotic Giraffes barged into the throne room...
  4. Laskar

    Webcomics, Discussion And Recommendations

    *stares at Order of the Stick.*
  5. Laskar

    Webcomics, Discussion And Recommendations

    Very much so. And to be honest, the early art for Girl Genius... takes a little getting used to. I think what sells Girl Genius isn't just the characters' ability to emote, but the vibrant backgrounds and the little jokes. Rich Burlew's stick art is very developed, but still pretty limited. It...
  6. Laskar

    Webcomics, Discussion And Recommendations

    Kill 6 Billion Demons is well worth a read. In my opinion, it was one of the greatest webcomics on the internet. Just look at that art. Look at it. The premise is that Allison, the girl shown above, was about to go all the way with her boyfriend Zaid when a dying knight appeared in her bedroom...
  7. Laskar

    Webcomics, Discussion And Recommendations

    Well, Misfile wrapped up a few months ago. There's a sequel currently being written, but I can't be arsed to read it.