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  1. L


    I agree it's a weaksauce insult I was just explaining why the commies hate it so much.
  2. L


    No they didn't care about the actual insult. They're pissed because 1. Deep down below the programming they know it's true 2. It pisses them off that we are better at memeing then they are and finally 3. It stuck and went viral and they couldn't and cant shout it down. Which takes them back to...
  3. L


    So what's the plan when the senate doesn't convict? The Dems can't seriously believe any of thier canidates stand a chance. Hell Trump already destroyed Warren Months ago with the pochahantas thing. Bidens a senile pervert, Bernie couldn't even stop thise women from taking his mike in 16.
  4. L


    They'd point out exactly what I just said. While the entire MSM screamed about attempted coups.
  5. L


    The whole Ukraine thing seems like a farce. POTUS is tge number 1 law enforcement officer in the nation. Cooperating with a foreign government to take down high level corruption. Involving both nation's(Ukrainian company,VP/senator strongarming his kid into the job). Seems like it should not...
  6. L


    They need a 2/3 majority to that's going to be an issue.
  7. L


    They all do running the planet is stressfull. Even if your doing a bad job.
  8. L


    See I go the other way on this. The pollsters not those who distrust them. Need to prove thier legit and not purposely tainting the results. Because trusting the MSM just isn't a thing I'm going to do.
  9. L


    People are unaware of stuff like this. They're also unaware that Indians started shit all the time. Between them and us and everyone else. Hell the Iroquois Confederacy was massive and they even influenced the Constitution. Native History is pretty fascinating.
  10. L


    Orange man bad
  11. L


    I mean basically everything about Trump is destroying norms. He's been far more effective than other conservatives. What benefit does maintaing these norms give us if we lose our country?
  12. L


    I wouldn't say it's nothing. Itll end up pushing more moderates to the right.
  13. L


    I was reading earlier that we have a treaty with Ukraine to "cross prosecute". I don't know how much that matters but it's a thing apparently.
  14. L


    Hell of a thing when Bill freaking Marr is the voice of reason. Bill Maher man
  15. L


    Longer than the GOP as well. Hell Andy Jackson was a democract.
  16. L


    That's fair your just being a realist.
  17. L


    Basically "this is how it is it sucks but I can't currently change it"?
  18. L


    Precedent can be changed it's hard but then most things worth doing are
  19. L


    The entire point of the Constitution is to both acknowledge humans naturally form heirarchys. Combined with the fact that said heirarchies naturally become corrupt. So the founders wisely made a system that created government yet restrained it. We've spent 242 years slowly eroding that. The cure...