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  1. L

    Culture Beauty Standards & Jealousy & Attempts-To-Change-Them

    Naw I was just critiquing the broad directly. I imagine Hollywood picked her because she's mildly funny and they figured she'd catch traction.
  2. L

    Culture Beauty Standards & Jealousy & Attempts-To-Change-Them

    Leaving out her personality id peg her at a 6 maybe 7 with booze. I'm into big broads though most aren't. Taking that into account I'd drop her to a 4 maybe 5 with booze. So I'd say below average but bangable if drunk. Id consider a 7 to be average.
  3. L

    Culture Beauty Standards & Jealousy & Attempts-To-Change-Them

    Man yet another problem caused directly by lack of father's...
  4. L

    Culture Beauty Standards & Jealousy & Attempts-To-Change-Them

    Voluptuous women have been the standard until recently. Just look at paintings from the middle ages and such. I think the wait thing is 100% women pushing an agenda. As for the 50s and 60s men were much more represented in Hollywood and culture might be the reason.
  5. L

    Culture Beauty Standards & Jealousy & Attempts-To-Change-Them

    I call them the Klan wirh a clam personally.
  6. L

    Culture Beauty Standards & Jealousy & Attempts-To-Change-Them

    No I'm saying the unrealistic beauty standards feminists complain about. Are overwhelmingly pushed by women and gay men. Feminists whining about comics and such is niche. Thier main focus is on mass media at large. Which very much pushes the ultra thin model look and have for decades.
  7. L

    Culture Beauty Standards & Jealousy & Attempts-To-Change-Them

    That's the point the "unrealistic standards" they talk about are pushed by women and gays. Men have much much looser standards and find most of them sick looking. Yet somehow it's straight men's fault those standards(established by broads and gay dudes) are the straight dudes fault.
  8. L

    Culture Beauty Standards & Jealousy & Attempts-To-Change-Them

    That always blew my mind. Feminists blame unrealistic beauty standards on men. When it's the fashion industry that does that. Which is overwhelmingly gay dudes and broads.