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  1. IndyFront

    United States The Left Can't Meme

    Why can't people just write characters they'd maybe like to hang out with or be friends with, sure it can be based off of a real person or people, but I don't get the idea that every main character has to be a self-insert. Yeah it's fine to put a character in the story that's based off you...
  2. IndyFront

    United States The Left Can't Meme

    Liberals are unhinged. What the quote-tweeted as in response to:
  3. IndyFront

    United States The Left Can't Meme

    Lol agreed, but I have kinda a love/hate relationship with religion in general anyway, technically a Pagan here but I lean agnostic
  4. IndyFront

    United States The Left Can't Meme

    I think a lot of that has to do with growing up and being brainwashed by totalitarian, repressive theocracies than Islam itself, most religious people I meet regardless of what faith they are are some of the most chill, loving, humble people I've ever met in my life (except Pagans, Pagans have...