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  1. Husky_Khan

    Adeptus Custodes replaces the Jedi Order.

    Oh lemme add a quote. It's hard to do on a mobile phone... well it's not actually if I used my brain... so it is for me. And yeah lol... I switched the numbers. Clearly my little brain couldn't comprehend the stupefyingly huge amount of 40Ker Sweeping Advance potential with over 400,000...
  2. Husky_Khan

    Adeptus Custodes replaces the Jedi Order.

    Having 140,000 Adeptus Custodes seems a bit much. Keep in mind there were only like 25,000 Jedi or whatever. I know scifi, especially Star Wars, has bad cases of scale so logically it might actually make more sense but still. Thematically speaking... :sneaky: