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  1. Husky_Khan

    Andrew Yang's Mayoral Ambitions

    Looks like Andrew Yang is going to found a THIRD PARTY. Ah well, it was a fun time while he was sorta relevant on the political scene and injecting some new ideas. I doubt this'll get much traction either... but wish him...
  2. Husky_Khan

    Andrew Yang's Mayoral Ambitions

    Sadly for Andrew Yang, social media followers and media buzz just weren't enough to propel Andrew Yang to the top of the NYC Mayoral Primaries.
  3. Husky_Khan

    Andrew Yang's Mayoral Ambitions

    Apparently Andrew Yang was planning a campaign event at the Park Slope, which is a location where current Socialist Mayor, Bill DeBlasio, tends to have his workouts. However his campaign event was cut short by TEN protestors... Apparently the Protestors were sent there by rival Mayoral...
  4. Husky_Khan

    Andrew Yang's Mayoral Ambitions

    Be interesting to see how this election develops...
  5. Husky_Khan

    Andrew Yang's Mayoral Ambitions

    ANDREW YANG IS BACK BABY! At least he's back in the Mayoral Race. After eight years of quasi-Communist rule under Bill DiBlasio, there are TEN major declared Democratic Candidates running for the...
  6. Husky_Khan

    Andrew Yang's Mayoral Ambitions

    We did have a thread on it actually... No rules against Necromancy I think if it wants to be restarted.
  7. Husky_Khan

    Andrew Yang's Mayoral Ambitions

    Andrew Yang is back baby... and he's revealing his uhhhh Trump card?
  8. Husky_Khan

    Andrew Yang's Mayoral Ambitions

    You were supposed to be the CHOSEN ONE!!! Turn down his microphone!!! :mad: :sneaky:
  9. Husky_Khan

    Andrew Yang's Mayoral Ambitions

    Yang was always likable, forward thinking and optimistic. Didn't know he manifested even more TDS though...
  10. Husky_Khan

    Andrew Yang's Mayoral Ambitions

    There are many things we can discuss in regards to Andrew Yang's somewhat surprising performance in the 2020 elections. One of the first if not thee first Asian-American who was a 'serious' primary contender. His use of social media and the internet to propel his campaign. How his campaign...